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Are niche pillows and cases worth it?
  • I love my husks in a sack. I also use a foam pillow here and there, tried a hyped up shredded foam pillow but hated it, solid foam is the way for foam imo. Never tried silk pillow cases but I do enjoy cotton.

  • Are niche pillows and cases worth it?
  • Mine is ~10 years old now and still holding up fine for me. I replaced a travel size one with a queen size, the smaller one definitely degraded but I was rougher on pillows back then.

  • What's an unusual but excellent food combo you've tried?
  • I don't agree but I get called weird for putting applesauce on my macncheese

  • You are going to be trapped in a room for 12 hours with a mid 2000s office desktop with no internet connection and an external hard drive; what are you putting on the hard drive?
  • Twelve hours? Easy, civ 3. Spent 14 hours on it last Friday? Sunday? Not working for a week makes it all a blur lol

    Maybe throw in ultra Lionel train town or hype the time quest if I want variety. Good reminder to look at some stuff I haven't thought about in awhile ngl.

  • What's your go-to lazy meal when you need to eat but don't feel up to cooking?
  • My friends, and it would seem people in general, don't seem to view plain unsweetened apple sauce as a sauce the same way I do. It goes well over many things.

    I think dipping fish sticks in it crossed a line for one friend but their reaction was great.

  • What's your go-to lazy meal when you need to eat but don't feel up to cooking?
  • I like pouring baked beans over French fries. I put apple sauce on top of I have any. Slightly less lazy I'll make Mac n cheese instead of fries, but fries cook on their own.

  • What is your game to de stress ?
  • I de stress by engrossing and ignoring my problems so I tend towards whatever sucks me in. Started Osu! In 2012, other than that I like things like tarkov and am getting close to 4k hours in hunt: showdown. I get told it's not as casual as I say it is, but it's casual to me lol

  • 180mm? Bah, 200mm and a belt sander!
  • Yeah, the extra holes I drilled and one of the the sanded sides. Had a decent ridge I had to get rid of on all four sides, the front lip of the side panels kinda have to cram in beside the fan, but, it closes so I'm happy.

  • 180mm? Bah, 200mm and a belt sander!

    It really doesn't want to fit, but that doesn't mean that I didn't make it fit.

    People who own typewriters, what is your favorite use for it?
  • I get my lines character count, tab to center (or -10, -20 tab) then backspace to the right count. If I think it'll make it look cleaner I sometimes mix a double space in or ignore punctuation marks from my count, I don't mind them hanging past the rest like I would an M.

    PS I thought I remembered messing it up right after I started and sure enough if you look at line three of that picture it's pretty out there lol

  • People who own typewriters, what is your favorite use for it?
  • Thanks, you can tell it really got under my skin because I bothered to center my type, I don't like centering my type. It's a bitch to center type, lol

    But yeah very novel right now, like the other comment mentions choice of stationary, I like using cotton paper. Really leaves an impression.

  • People who own typewriters, what is your favorite use for it?
  • A recent one I made because someone left a paint brush I loaned them in a bit of paint.

  • People who own typewriters, what is your favorite use for it?
  • If I remember right I have a royal quiet deluxe, I use it for notes I don't want a digital record of like medical or other personal notes. Also every once in a while I'll make a wall decoration, people seem to love them.

  • Removed
    *Removed, please disregard*
  • Didn't switch on for me but I only launched the new UI once. After I realized it was different and animating page transitions (which I have disabled in my android settings, meaning it felt super slow), I had a little bit of a reee moment and uninstalled their client and downloaded an alt client.

  • What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • Aight I got one I think is oddly specific, and another that's just odd.

    I'd like Starport: GE but as a fantasy RPG theme, instead of ships and colonies it's classes and villages, work the reputation system into a good/evil alignment and change some gameplay.
    Not sure about this one but I would like a hub system, only thing that comes to mind for me is realm of the mad god, allowing you to go from one server to another with limited items.

    On that note I should probably try to play starport again, has been a number of years.

    Other than that, maybe a 1v1 auto battler? A mix of part of a dream into hazy dozing in and out put an idea for an auto battler where you have four incubators and six chicken eggs and each incubator changes what type of chick hatches, where they then fall into the arena to start combat. The choice of incubators and which ones your remaining two reinforcement eggs go in to I think would make an interesting head to head game.

  • The "Beamfoot" - 1981 IBM 528X-83 type Model B keyboard
  • I love a big space. 9.75 is my favorite.

  • How long have you had your current water bottle?
  • I got a 48oz nalgene in 2019 because my nonbranded one started to smell horrible.

    But I seem to get thermal mugs as gifts, I've gotten three from work since I started in 2020 and received two personally.. I haven't tried to use a thermal mug once yet, I just like a big water bottle I can throw onto my passenger seat.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • US, not hit 30 yet and prefer it since it keeps me engaged with the act of driving and my mind doesn't wander and risk spacing out.

    Also since I can't afford something with a 9 speed transmission to try out, a manual 5 gets me more milage than the auto counterparts. Manual focus go brrr

  • Briict Briict

    What do you want? Don't come here, go away.

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