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Estonia | The Digital State
  • You don't have to "mine blocks" to have a blockchain. It's just a continual list of transactions that can't be modified after the fact. So a hacker couldn't wipe out your existence from the chain without controlling the majority of the participants (in a consensus algorithm). Not saying it's an ideal use-case but highlighting that feature. There are many ways to avoid "data wipe" attacks.

  • Estonia | The Digital State
  • This is one place where blockchain is actually useful. No one entity is responsible for the integrity of the "ledger". Of course it wouldn't be publicly writable so not exactly like the blockchains you normally think of.

  • Framework boosts its 13-inch laptop with new CPUs, lower prices, and better screens
  • Everyone is different. My favorite computer is my 11" netbook because despite being slow it fits in any bag, fits in my side table, so light I can easily carry with one hand and not put undue pressure on my wrists, I can use most books as a lap desk, and I don't have to clear off as much space on the table (I have two kids so it's never clear).

  • Rolling my own immutable distro

    I've looked at a lot of other immutable distros and I might just end up using one of those, but I feel like taking on a bit of a challenge and there's a few things I'm not very keen on with existing solutions (last paragraph is my idea if you want to skip the context).

    Most immutable systems I've seen require a reboot in order to apply system changes. What is this, Windows? Yeah, reboots are quick but restoring my windows and getting back into my groove is not quick. Also, every immutable OS I've seen wants you to opt-in to a rollback. Rarely do I see the full effects of installing a package or altering a config immediately. By the time I notice an issue maybe it's too late to rollback to before the change or maybe I've done a few other things since and I don't want to rollback everything. I would much prefer to make "rolling forward" or persisting changes to be a very conscious process.

    I started messing with BTRFS and I think I've come up with a process that will get me what I want, no matter the distro. Please poke holes in my idea. So I think I can use BTRFS to hold data for the rootfs in three different subvolumes (at minimum): root-A, root-B, root-Z. root-Z is my golden image and it represents what I want root to look like after reboot. root-A and root-B are the active and passive instances of rootfs, but which one is active will flip-flop after every reboot. So if I boot with A, B gets replaced with the contents of Z. In the meantime I can do whatever I want with A. Not sure how I'll update Z (chroot or "promote" the active subvol to be Z) but without an update every reboot is an automatic rollback.


    Image composition node/library/checkpoint

    This stuff moves so fast I really can't keep up and a lot of the research posted here goes a bit over my head. I'm looking for something that doesn't seem too out of the question given things like CLIPSeg. Is there some tool or library out there that will accept an image and a prompt and then generate a mask within the image that generally corresponds to the prompt?

    For example, if I had a picture of an empty park and gave the prompt "little girl flying a kite" I should get back a mask vaguely in the shape of a child with a sort of blob mask in the sky for the kite. Of course from there I could use the mask to inpaint those things. I would really like to be able to layer an image kind of like Photoshop so it's not all-or-nothing and focus on one element at a time. I could do the masking manually but of course we all want fewer steps in our workflows.

    What's something you wish would "come back" but you feel like you're the only one that cares?

    Couple of things for me.

    One is tiny croutons. I don't see them anywhere anymore. They taste the same but it's kind of a pain sometimes to keep the big ones on your fork. The small ones were a little more satisfying to snack on too.

    Second is Blue Nehi. Never met anyone else that's tried or heard of it. Damn it was good though. Big Blue is kinda similar but those always taste under carbonated.

    Am I using devDependencies wrong or is everyone bad at explaining it?

    Official docs say it's for > Packages that are only needed for local development and testing.

    Umm, okay. Not 100% clear there. Some articles mention things like ESLint or Jest (k, I'm onboard there) but others mention Babel or WebPack. I get that you don't need WebPack libraries to be loaded in the browser but how the hell do you bundle up your code without it? When you use npm ci or npm install you'll get all dependencies but isn't it good practice (in a CICD environment) to use --omit=dev or --only=prod?

    [Help] I favorited some comments -- how the heck do I find them?

    Do I have to do some special search query? My favorites tab shows posts only.

    Did air travel get (gasp) easier?

    I just went through airport security and was quite surprised how easy it was (relatively speaking). Didn't have to go through a body scanner, didn't have to separate liquids, didn't have to take out my laptop, and my boarding pass wasn't even scanned. Did some rules change? Is their thoroughness related to terrorist threat levels?

    Is n-to-n sharing a bad idea?

    What I mean by n-to-n sharing is that I have all of my devices sharing the same folder with every other device. This has definitely been a bit of a pain to set up and manage (moreso because a few machines use Docker so they're basically double-NAT'd). My biggest concern is having conflicts out the wazoo and losing data. The most important thing to me is my KeePass vault.

    GitHub Gist: SD model downloader

    Amidst all the SDXL stuff I'm sure this will get overlooked but I've been trying to share more of my gens and my code instead of keeping it all to myself.

    I made a downloader for models. Now that I'm posting it I do kinda of wonder how useful it is but at one point I thought it was a great idea. I suppose I didn't like the idea of not being able to wipe the installation and start fresh with minimal effort (or if I one day have a new main for SD stuff).

    Anyway, here it is as a Gist:

    Spoiler tag not working?

    Just tried using it for the first time. I wrote some text, highlighted it, then hit the spoiler button. What I saw was this:

    Don't show this

    pretty_women BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    Rosabell Laurenti Sellers
    5yo waking us up in the middle of the night

    When he was still in diapers but old enough to sleep in a normal bed we had a child lock on his door to keep him out of trouble. We took off the safety knob soon after he started using the potty (that was over a year ago). It didn't happen immediately but slowly and moreso over the last few weeks he's coming into our room at 10p, 12a, or even 3a. It's usually stuff like a "monster in the closet", "I'm out of water", "I can't find my stuffed animal", or "my music box turned off". Telling him things like "turn on your light and see what's there", "monsters don't exist", or "the bathroom is open and you can refill your cup" he'll eventually have the same problem and wake us up again.

    Is this just a phase he'll grow out of or is there a better way to help him solve more of these problems on his own?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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