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Cop Rule
  • Honestly one of my favorite photos

  • Leverless Controller Recommendations
  • The ones from Haute42 are nice and budget friendly! I got the Haute Mini because i like WASD style leverless and its great.

    Though the tradeoff being for ps4 / ps5 it does require a passthrough device for authentication to the console, either a controller or one of those adapters.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • YNAB is a life changer. If you buy into the way they orient budgeting, its amazing. I think their envelope style budgeting is the easiest way ive budgeted before, but i know its not for everyone.

  • Transgender activists flood Utah tip line with hoax reports to block bathroom law enforcement
  • I would say that spending the time and energy to resist a law to specifically discriminate against trans people does make you a trans activist, in the literal sense of doing activism foe trans people, whether you would call yourself that or not lol

  • Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session
  • There are extensions for this sort of thing... i have probably 40 or 50 tabs stored in groups, but i use a tab group extension to allow me to store tabs based on context, and switch between them easily. Ive got my normal tabs, my shopping tabs, tabs for learning stuff for blender, programming tabs, all grouped off so i normally only ever have 10ish tabs open at a time.

  • Its a hard fate : (
  • Ive had this problem extensively, but my new Dell XPS' works out of the box!

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Can confirm, grew beard during lockdown, never went back!

  • Siphonophorae are natures little horrors.
  • I found someones old internet shrine about them a few weeks ago, they really are crazy interesting. And definitely of the cosmic horror variety lol

  • Damnit Leo
  • Ahhhh you mad lol

  • Damnit Leo
  • Yeesh you must be a real joy to be around.

  • The United States of America, but for Trans People
  • Yea this may be the case for some mormons, maybe, but they as a whole are not very tolerant at all. We had a mormon in our school who was very vocal about his dislike about a couple where one was trans. He pretended to be a nice guy, but his views were gross when they came bubbling to the surface.

    I dont buy that mormons are a tolerant group for a second.

  • Indeed
  • Agreed, i had more issues on Manjaro than i ever did on raw Arch. The Manjaro team, at least during the time i used it, didnt seem very good at keeping things working. So many issues with bad packages, keys expiring, stuff like that.

    Arch was a blessing.

    However, NixOS has ascended me to heaven lol.

  • Malaria
  • I would like to kill a billionaire. Just once, as a treat.

  • Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'
  • I dont know what everyone is so upset about, the shotgun feels fine, the recoil doesnt feel bad, and the mag size isnt a huge problem for me.

    Plus the flamethrower buff and laser cannon buff are super nice. Im usually in favor of the whole "buff everything else, no debuff" but this honestly feels fine.

  • Don't use Appimages (a writeup about all the reasons they are a pain for users)
  • Yea im pretty sure flatpak suports bundles that you can install directly, just like an appimage

  • Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for artists to use
  • Lmao what? Please, explain to me how thinking neither new companies or existing companies should be allowed to be doing what their doing, is hypocritical.

  • Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for artists to use
  • No lol, no one should. Me saying AI tech startups shouldnt be allowed to use stolen data means i endorse existing companies who have already stolen it.

    But just because companies have already done it also doesnt mean we should be allowing new companies to also do the same thing.

  • Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for artists to use
  • Whoda thunk one word isnt enough to describe my feelings lol.

    Good as in startups shoukd be allowed to be founded around stolen data.

  • Perfect Fit - The Ring Goes Sabotage

    This is not my original idea. This was a video someone else made forever ago that I couldn't find anymore, so I decided to make it myself because it's just too good. Figured yall would enjoy it.

    Working on my first real python project - an API wrapper for a Go server I play on - Looking for advice / tips! Dakota Marshall / OGS-Python · GitLab

    Python OGS Wrapper for the Online Go Server

    Dakota Marshall / OGS-Python · GitLab

    I have done plenty of basic scripting for work, but this is my first "real" project, and wanted to see what real python experts think of it and see if there is anything I might be doing horribly wrong lol.

    Im deploying documentation automatically here:

    And the PyPI package is here:

    I am very much a beginner, and its still very much a work in progress. Let me know if there is anything that could be drastically improved!

    Attack of The Weregiraffes!

    Im migrating my content over from my r*ddit accout, so here was the story about my first fort!


    After about 15hrs in my first fort, it finally happened. It imploded on itself.

    I had just finished outlasting a siege from a nearby necromancer. Everything was going smooth, I was working on a couple mine cart rails, and getting an underground source of water when I notice that one of the adventurers in my Tavern had turned into a Weregiraffe, and killed one of my Dwarves. Well, I figured I had to stop it, so I send my squad of Dwarves in to dispatch of it, and they make fairly short work of it. No big deal, I think, problem solved. Right?

    Well, shortly after, another one of the tavern goers turns into a were giraffe as well. I send my squad to get rid of it. Problem is, I start attacking this one, and about 5 other people turn into weregiraffes and absolutely shred my dwarves, gone in an instant. A giant bloodbath ensues as the remaining tavern members, my remaining dwarves, and the weregiraffes are all fighting inside the tavern. Blood, guts, and body parts everywhere.

    I sit there in awe as I watch my dwarves slowly dying, just hoping a few can make it out alive to continue running the fort if at all possible. After about 5 minutes of fighting, I notice that my game is starting to slow down, frame rate dropping harshly. I see that there are no more weregiraffes, only my dwarves, a few tavern members, and ... a bunch of ghouls. I check the logs and see that there are a bunch of dwarven ghouls dying, and immediately being re-animated, then dying again, then being re-animated. It appears that there were a few necromancers among my tavern members as well...

    These necromancers appear to be locked in an eternal battle of attacking dwarves, re-animating them, in a never ending fashion. The FPS is unplayable and, looking at legends, the dwarves have been re-animated almost a hundred times each.

    So there they shall remain, eternally locked in their battle of black magic. I will be starting anew elsewhere.

    Losing really is fun!

    BoneALisa BoneALisa

    Tech Dude // Linux Infrastructure Admin // Automation Nut // Privacy Advocate



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