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'Massive' French police deployment arrives to fight liberation forces in the colony in New Caledonia
  • Gendarmes are the police branch of the military (they're mostly present in rural areas and in elite teams like GIGN), we also have Police Nationale which is your standard popo and the Police Municipale which is local police for towns and city centers.

  • 'Massive' French police deployment arrives to secure New Caledonia
  • I don't have all the details but I believe that the native population (the Kanak) managed to get an agreement a few decades ago to make sure only they could vote in their local elections. This was done and seen as an anti-colonial move.
    Recently the French government, without a care in the world or of its word, decided to revert this agreement without actually consulting the ones mostly impacted by it, i.e. the Kanak, and allow residents to vote as well (you would need a 10 years residence in New Caledonia to be able to vote) I believe there was a referendum about voting rights and independence but abstention was really high so the results are not very representative, and given that France doesn't give abstention/null voting any value, the government chose to ignore the population's actual feelings and do its own thing.
    It's a pretty interesting move given the current context and the support France has given to Israel.

  • It's worse when there's a test involved afterwards
  • Yeah that's how I try to explain ADHD to neuro typical people. It's a lot of things that everyone has in some ways (poor attention span, executive dysfunction, working memory issues, rejection sensitivity, etc.), but in a nice package, cranked up to eleven (thousand).
    It's not entirely accurate but it's good enough to make people understand what it is.

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