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For those of you wondering, this is why JT needs more money to keep running his channel
  • The bourgeois backstabbing their own class, kinda like Marx's sugar daddy Engles.

  • For those of you wondering, this is why JT needs more money to keep running his channel
  • In a nutshell, JT is a petite-bourgeoisie, huh, so this is what bourgeois class traitors look like, neato.

  • Dictatorship of the proletariat vs dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
  • Is a dictatorship bad?

    It depends on who's ruling it comrade.

    Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, yes.

    Dictatorship of the proletariat, no.

  • You don't owe anyone a debate, especially a fascist.
  • "Nice argument, unfortunately-" whips out a gun and shoots the fascist in the face

    Still, trying to debate a fascist tends to be a fruitless endeavor (they want their ideas at least somewhat legitimized).

  • Does anyone else never dream?
  • I'm probably in the same boat as you, as in most of my dreams, if you can even call them that, happen in a pitch-black void with nothing to do. There are a few cases where I actually dream, where I remember one case to have been me consuming spaghetti and a few hours of feeling funny later a giant worm with sharp teeth popping out my stomach, but that dream and a few others I don't remember are just exceptions, not the norm.

  • Just gonna ask something involving anti-communist propaganda.

    Is there like, a good amount of cases where an anti-communist talking point gets exaggerated or flanderized over time? The only one I can think of rn is the one with the Uyghurs thing in China where it went from a "cultural genocide" to an "actual genocide" according to these fuckers. Just curious if there are more cases of this shit.

    Pour one out for my chonky girl, Sanza
  • My condolences to your pet dog comrade, it's expected to lose someone you love eventually, mortalitly and all, but it hurts all the same. Hope your girl goes in a good afterlife somewhere.

  • Me when I see Giant Squid
  • "I've seen comprehensible horrors far more terrifying than your confusing existence will ever impact me."

    • You probably

    Edit: In all seriousness, fair, capitalism's crimes are basically just, crimes against humanity, the show, to the point that any horror you can think of seem like a joke compared to what capitalism and their cronies are willing to commit in order to survive and generate a profit.

  • Me when I see Giant Squid

    Me: ...

    Lovecraftian horror: WHY AREN'T YOU QUIVERING IN YOUR BOOTS?!

    Me: Man what the fuck am I even looking at?

  • Yes
  • It's either that or whatever piece of shit bourgeoisie and monarchs they kill during a revolution.

  • Juche Necromancy Gang
  • The whole propaganda of North Koreans being the only people able to access necromancy and propagandists not elaborating why, is hella hilarious.

  • Why
  • Idl why but I'm ready to hear people here call Bakunin "Warx".

  • It gets better
  • "Go ahead, call the Führer, what's he gonna do? Unbomb the mines?"

    • A Yugoslavian partisan probably.
  • China's economy is not 'collapsing'. It's transitioning.
  • West is in shambles that China is not collapsing immediately.

  • D&D Campaign set in the “Soviet Union”
  • So basically you're playing with someone who doesn't understand socialism/communism/Marxism at all, or at least thinks it's the propagandized evil version of the ideology. Considering they think the USSR is some repressive empire with all the negative stereotypes that come with it (muh Orwelllian thought crimes and seeseepee social credit system).

    My advice, make your own campaign where the USSR stand-in is less bastardized, or at least, it's an Evil vs. Evil situation, where your guys are relatively sympathetic communist bastards against the Nazi BBEG and a group of unsympathetic fascist assholes, and try to find people who are interested in playing I guess?

  • But I don't want to eat the vegetables first
  • This is a decent allegory to show why despite MLs and ancoms having similar goals (to get that sweet red dessert named communism sundae), they have fundamentally different ways of getting there (MLs eating their veggies first and ancoms deciding to skip out on their greens).

  • In my opinion we (Lemmygrad) should have a community for mocking anti-communists, but I can’t think of a name for it. Any suggestions?
  • We already have two, ! and !, the former for right-wing anticommies (liberals, conservatives, fascists and the like) and the latter for left-wing anticommies (the more cringe anarchists and Maoists for example)

  • Currently looking up toward the night sky waiting for those chinese cars for myself...
  • Without the text in the bottom, the image of cars just going down into Earth from space like a fucking meteor shower is weirdly funny to me.

  • Mandatory reading for all Lemmygrad users
  • Congrats on living another year on your birthday comrade!

  • No Health Care Only Genocide
  • If this is what the lesser of two evils looks like, then I think I'm probably gonna vote for the socialist party next time.

  • What US has to offer for a “lesser of two evils”
  • Fucking libturd: "Bro vote for the lesser of two evils, they're not gonna be as bad as Trump!"

    The lesser of two evils in question:

  • Has anyone here experienced younger siblings using discriminatory language just to annoy their older siblings, or is it just me?

    I'm just going to share an experience by saying that I have a younger brother (not namedropping anything) and I have regarded him in most of my life in a neutral-leaning-negative light, he's annoying sure, but he's not like really shit, or at least, I had until he started calling me a "black person", "blackie", and "monkey" (which I'm pretty sure is often compared with to black people in a really dehumanizing light) just to get a rise out of me, which first of all, is not accurate at all (I'm Asian), and second, it sounds like he was being genuinely racist against Africans just to piss me the hell off, "at the very least he isn't saying slurs" I thought to myself, months later, he recently started calling me the fucking N-word, really, really casually, just to piss me the fuck off, I don't know if he's being genuinely racist or just wanting to get a reaction out of me (I'm 75% sure it's the latter), but even then, using slurs just to get a reaction out of someone is tasteless at best, and outright derogatory at worst.

    I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing as me.

    Describing class traitors in Marxist analysis:

    Proletarian Class Traitors

    • Probably propagandized to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie
    • Due to the proletariat being the majority class, expect these class traitors to show up at least once.
    • They think they're gonna end up like the masters on the top, at best, they're gonna end up as petit-bourgeoisie (a class that ain't gonna last long in capitalist society)
    • Wholeheartedly believes in all the capitalist nonsense (like say, the pull up by your bootstraps, the bourgeoisie are benevolent saviors, and free market brings freedom to a country kinda shit)
    • Cringe af (and probs a reactionary).

    Bourgeois Class Traitors

    • Is aware they're born in privilege, goes to fight for the interests of the proletariat anyway.
    • Due to the bourgeoisie being the minority class, don't expect them to show up more than a few times.
    • They know that their class is gonna stay on top no matter what under capitalist society, fights for the people's revolution anyways due to not being a greedy piece of shit like a good chunk of the owner class are.
    • Wholeheartedly believes in the ideals, principles, and beliefs of scientific socialism (y'know, dialectical materialism, the worker's dictatorship over the owner's dictatorship and whatever tf anarchism's doing, and needing a state to fight reactionary and capitalist aggression post-revolution)
    • Based af (and probably the opposite of a reactionary)
    BenEarlDaMarxist BenEarlDaMarxist

    Just a learning boy who stumbled upon Marxist-Leninist ideology. I am now a learning ML trying to grow.

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