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If you were to write a horror movie about a(n) literal/actual spectre of communism, how would you write it down?

  • It wouldn't be horror.

  • A tragicomedy where the haunted protagonist is distraught that: people have somewhere to live, children are eating food, a poor, ill person gets treated at hospital for free, education isn't putting people into debt bondage forever, an old couple disillusioned with all their things breaking after a year or two 'remember the good old days' when a repairperson comes and fixes their fridge and washing machine for a fraction of the price of a new one. The spectre is clearly bringing joy and happiness to the world but the protagonist is horrified by the changes.

  • Instead of having the victims be the stereotypically unlikable annoying teen campers, it would be a bunch of even less likable adult (mid-age and generally older) libs and neocons, behaving much the exact same ways while "roughing it" out in their summer cottages by the lake, with all their hired help and underlings. Maybe it would be Camp David or some other hotspot of evil.

    To add onto the horror movie tropes, the specter of communism can take the form of some foreign dignitary or hired help they had killed and dismembered by the lake a few decades back, out for revenge and inciting the plebs to do so in ironic ways while improving their lives and teaching praxis in the process. There can be a "horror" scene which is actually just some ghoul getting absolutely demolished by the people they mistreated on a daily basis, at a struggle session.

  • A faceless red spirit that can posess anyone at any time as a metaphor for sudden class consciousness, it does all it can in each body but many are inevitably killed. Each time, another red spirit is born, and the neighborhoods of the people begin to resemble great red kelp forests, with ghostly vines and outgrowths stretching between the buildings, slowly repairing the cracks of decay and neglect like crimson kintsugi. Ghostly red tendrils begin to stretch too from person to person, and when one is in trouble everyone feels the pull.

    Eventually, the cops/military are called in to put down the 'strangeness', and their brutal crackdown unleashes the wrath of the kindly red spirit. Soldiers gun down unarmed protestors, only for their spectres to step out of the falling bodies and into theirs, making them turn their guns on their squadmates and themselves. The red web of connection between the people lights up as if with fire, and through the squad cars radios and comms networks there is a mounting howling, everywhere and nowhere, growing so loud and inescapable that they throw off their helmets, but it's already taken root inside their heads.

    Finally, with both a grand seismic and psychic shockwave, the full mass of the red flora that had lovingly blanketed the neighborhood tears itself up by the roots and flails blindly upward, weaving itself into the rough approximation of a giant human figure- the Big Communism Builder is born. With a triumphant cry of rage it sweeps aside tanks and APCs with all the accumulated violence of centuries of oppression, incinerating jet fighters in midair with it's merciless gaze. The people march behind and around it, feeling the warmth of the love that is it's lifeblood. Their love, their lifeblood. The dead and wounded begin to rise again, their wounds filling in with that same red kintsugi. Death no longer holds any fear for them. They arm themselves with looted guns and improvised weapons, and they and their spectre begin the long walk towards downtown. A red fog heralds them, and laughter, and achingly beautiful music.

  • A communist specter that posseses politicians and slowly rises up the ranks, with the ending being possesing the Potus on a national speech. During the speech the camera angle would show the shadow of the president and it would look like Lenin. (Or Fidel castro, i think most americans would get more spooked by castro since theu wouldnt even recognize Lenin).

  • doomsday preper or some kind of libertarion is haunted by the spirit of a marcatism victim.

    another is a red army ghost haunting and killing former soviets bourgeois, enraged by having suffered and dying in the gpw to see the socialism being betrayed

  • the specter shows up at some rich dudes house and than slowly kills all the rich people

  • I honestly thought The Blob was red scare horror, this great amorphous pink mass that absorbs everything into itself and can't be killed with tanks or bombs (but can be killed by ice cream truck)

  • With a haunted pen

  • Isn't this the plot of A CHRISTMAS CAROL?

  • Pretty sure the spectre of communism is that thing on Gorbachev's head

  • Big extravagant party where the extra rich are drinking champagne and stuff until one of them dies with their body marked with a hamsic

    (OK tumblr, do your worst!)

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