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Random Zelda Fan Project Turns 'A Link To The Past' Into Roguelike Dungeon Crawler | Time Extension
  • It's a blast to play. Took about 6 tries to finish the game. The difficulty spike at the end is kinda crazy. Definitely recommend getting it before/if Nintendo takes it down.

  • ISO: Morse Code trainer
  • I do enjoy my morserino-32. It was an educational experience to build and it has definitely helped my cw comprehension

  • Safety Razor, what do I need to think about?
  • I bought a pretty basic safety razor from maggard about 10 years ago and still love it. The biggest thing to learn and invest in is what blades and lather you like. I started off buying a blade sampler pack from them and settled on astra blades. i'll change up my lather/soap sometimes. Also a nice brush is good to have.

  • MFJ is ceasing its on-site production

    Production line stops on May 17th. This also means its other brands will be gone soon too:

    • Ameritron
    • Hy-Gain
    • Cushcraft
    • Mirage
    • Vectronics
    • MDS-HAM
    Harnessing the 2024 Eclipse for Ionospheric Discovery with HamSCI Harnessing the 2024 Eclipse for Ionospheric Discovery with HamSCI

    As the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, draws closer, a vibrant community of enthusiastic amateur radio operators, known as “hams,” is gearing up for an exciting project with the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) group. Our goal is clear and ambitious: to use the Moon’s shadow as...

    Harnessing the 2024 Eclipse for Ionospheric Discovery with HamSCI

    As the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, draws closer, a vibrant community of enthusiastic amateur radio operators, known as “hams,” is gearing up for an exciting project

    Break Free From Proprietary Digital Radio Break Free From Proprietary Digital Radio

    Digital modes are all the rage these days in amateur radio — hams are using protocols like WSPR to check propagation patterns, FT8 to get quick contacts on many bands with relatively low powe…

    Break Free From Proprietary Digital Radio
    Anyone using Flipper?
  • If you say you have no use for this, it’s because you don’t get out much.

  • Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career
  • I second what @NO5IG says, @suzyq. Take the test and go get his call sign :)

  • Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career
  • Ha I have almost the same story. Grandfather talking to people on his radio all day, missing dinner, and my grandma getting mad at him. He's one of the reasons I got into ham radio! Thanks for sharing your story!

  • Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career

    Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career Author: Connie Kelly Before there was an Internet, before there were Cellphones, before there was Zoom or WebEx or...

    Amateur Radio: From a Hobby to a Career

    Before there was an Internet, before there were Cellphones, before there was Zoom or WebEx or Skype or anyone of a number of Voice over the Internet (VOIP); there was Ham Radio. The promise of talking to people not just in our own community but all over the world made the idea of Ham Radio exciting.

    Some sort of bottle opener maybe?
  • No, this is patrick

  • Enigma Crypto Transmission from KPH - July 22

    The MRHS in cooperation with our good friends at the Cipher History Museum will send a coded message in 5-letter groups via the facilities of coast stations KPH on Saturday July 22, 2023 Pacific time. The message will be encrypted using the famous Enigma code machine and is an authentic message sent by a U-boat in the North Atlantic in 1942.

    The urge to just get one more radio
  • That urge for a new radio for me looks like comparison hypnosis or rabbit holing.

    I’ll see someone post on here/mastodon about a new radio or technology. Then I start checking out the specs. Then I start checking the specs of similar items. On to deciding if I need the newest model though because it has a few more features that I “need”. Oh wait, the other thing has a better this or that.

    4 hours later, I have my credit card out and about to check out and then it dawns on me:

    Oh wait, do I actually need this?

    …yes. Of course. SWIPE

    Also the 7300 is great. Congrats and nice find in Japan.

  • Please please please encourage new operators Please please please encourage new operators - KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog

    You’ve probably all heard this at one time or another. A newly-licensed radio amateur gets on the local repeater and then either gets ignored completely or criticized for using a Baofeng or committing some minor operating error. Can  you think of a worse experience for a new ham? I’d bet that in som...

    Please please please encourage new operators - KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog
    BenDoubleU BenDoubleU

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