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Buck 65 recently wrote that a vinyl plant refused to press his record unless he named every sample he used and provided clearances. They used AI to detect if his music was sample-based.
  • This affects indie and hobby artists more than mainstream artists. But tbh I never really cared for vinyl. CDs and cassettes are where it's at for hobbyists.

  • Buck 65 recently wrote that a vinyl plant refused to press his record unless he named every sample he used and provided clearances. They used AI to detect if his music was sample-based.

    Buck 65 is a rapper from Canada. If you aren't familiar with him here's one of my favourite songs from him:

    He recently wrote this on his substack: "Not long after sending the master off, we received a message from the pressing plant (one of the bigger, more popular plants). They said there was an issue and refused to go forward with the pressing until the issue was resolved. We came to find out that they used AI to analyze the album and determined that the music was sample-based. They said they would only press the album if full details on sample clearances was provided. I went through all of this with Warner back when I signed my deal back in 2002 or whenever it was. That paperwork may or may not be collecting dust in a drawer somewhere in the world. Finding it now would be impossible and going though the whole process again - with lawyers and contracts and blah, blah, blah - would be just as difficult. I don’t even have a lawyer anymore. So we bailed and then had to scramble to find a different plant that was willing to do the job as pre-orders were already in and all copies sold out in advance."

    Has anyone heard anything similar? If more widespread this could kill vinyls across the board, not just hip hop but anything sample based from plunderphonics to vaporwave.

    The full article is here but only the first paragraph talks about this issue:

    This isn't good.

    Germany hammers Trump over debate barbs about Berlin’s energy transition
  • From the article:

    “And we are shutting down — not building — coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”

    This isn't even true. In fact they're taking taking down wind farms to get more coal. This is just someone trying to get a dunk on Trump, like there aren't a million other actually true things they could say. Not to mention them resurrecting other coal plants when they're supposed to be phasing it out.

  • Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"
  • She would have to make her own server. She would overwhelm and destroy those sites.

  • Germany hammers Trump over debate barbs about Berlin’s energy transition
  • Pftt. Germany shout stfu about being green when they're closing nuclear plants, still taking Russian oil and bringing back retired coal plants.

  • Can I make a paid app on playstore free on fdroid ?
  • Some just do it to make some extra money and save for convenience. Krita is free to download and install yourself. It's 10 bucks if you want to get it on Steam. It's perfectly within their right. Especially in KDE's instance.

  • Israeli soldiers fatally shot an American woman at a West Bank protest, witnesses say
  • He's been sabre-rattling with Israel for months now.

  • Israeli soldiers fatally shot an American woman at a West Bank protest, witnesses say
  • A Turkish-American woman. This is gonna piss off Erdogan.

  • Advertisers plan to withdraw from Twitter in record numbers | CNN Business
  • Again? I thought they already left and then there was a lawsuit cause of it.

  • Malaysia says it won't bow to China's demands to halt oil exploration in the South China Sea
  • It's such a bogus claim too. I could see them claiming around Hainan but the South China Sea is so far south I can't see how they could even claim it.

  • Oof, I forgot that Concord has an episode in upcoming TV series Secret Level
  • If it's anything like the game I don't expect it'll standout much. Unless the devs have some sort of hail-mary-plan that the episode will be so good that it revives interest in the game.

  • Envy
  • This is like that other comic about 'girls only like guys who treat them right' (i dunno the name) but actually good.

  • Confirmed, am opossum
  • Ah, I see. Then I've never seen a proper possum then. Everything out here is just opossums. Nice. Thanks.

  • Seal: a fully featured YouTube downloader for Android based on yt-dlp
  • Great app. I can speak to it. Far easier than setting up Termux with yt-dlp too.

  • Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)?
  • Well Truth Social is running off Mastodon so they are kind of here. Just invisible (I don't tihnk truth social is federated with anything). When I was on Kbin I at least saw quite a few conseravatives. Can't really speak to this instance since on my end it all just appears as the same.

  • Confirmed, am opossum
  • One of these days I really gotta figure out the difference between these guys and 'regular' possums.

    Always happy to see these ones in my neighbourhood.

  • As the Borderlands movie slides into oblivion and Risk of Rain 2's new DLC burns, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford compares himself to The Beatles, who he says only "had a 25% hit rate"
  • I don't think theres anyone I despise as much as Pitchford. Whenever he comes on my feed it seems as if he does something to make me dislike him more.

    Also the Beatles were garbage so his comparison is apt.

  • Do bugs "clean" themself?
  • Idk. They've never really bothered me and its wasp season in my city.

  • Single player RPG
  • C. Kane. Its a comedic ROG heavily inspired by the movie Citizen Kane. (also set in a posts apocalyptic USA)