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Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For ‘Withholding’ Weapons From Israel In Harshest Criticism Yet: ‘Inconceivable’
  • Surrounded by powerful armies like Iran

    Take a good look at a map, buddy.

  • The climate crisis is solvable, but human rights must trump profits
  • "World peace is a reachable goal if humans stop slaughtering themselves"

  • The full video from the famous "Tank Man" photo
  • I would like to see the video is you provide a link, later.

  • How to become the king
  • "Its just me, my pointy wood stick and the rest of your mf"

  • How to become the king
  • I would absolutely love to read this

  • Trump loudly booed at Libertarian convention when he asks attendees to ‘nominate me or at least vote for me’
  • He isn’t wrong As a libertarian conservative I vote Republican because I don’t want to waste my vote on candidates who have no chance…and hell will freeze over before I’ll support the totalitarian minded socialist party that the Democrats have warped into!

    Ding ding ding.

  • David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, including minors
  • His career is dead, which is basically the same for celebrities.