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Andrej Karpathy endorses Apple Intelligence
  • Yikes. Just hit em with the ol' "<3" for privacy. Does not inspire confidence.

  • My RuneScape-inspired fitness RPG, WalkScape, has a new Closed Beta wave starting one June 1st!
  • Tried it the last time I saw it it posted. Be warned, this takes a huge amount of battery life to run in the back ground. So much so I had to stop playing.

  • Against The Storm looks like ass
  • Should edit your post with the solution so others can see!

  • Help needed for home screen
  • Could it be the file structure of the show?

  • My RuneScape inspired indie fitness MMORPG WalkScape is looking for more beta testers
  • Saw this and tried the game. It is fine but what is not fine is the battery drain. 25-30% per charge is way too high to justify playing this game, sadly.

  • CD Projekt Red rules out microtransactions for single player games
  • They also said that Cyberpunk would come out when it was ready soooooo...

  • How the coming flood of AI-generated content might actually free the soul of Internet
  • I did not. Thought the headline was funny.

  • BookWyrm
  • I did ride hard for it but I switched to something similar but without the social aspect(openreads) as it was getting too much for me to manage another social platform.

  • Helldivers 2 gets its first rebalance patch
  • The breaker, shield pack, and railgun were all items I needed to take to do any mission higher than lvl 7 if I didn't want to be a backpack to my team.

    And these were the things they nerfed. Seems to make sense to me what the numbers were saying. I felt I NEEDED to take these items to succeed which felt lame and "gamey" so I am glad to see the changes.

  • Helldivers Subreddit bans leaks
  • Kind of agree. I think part of the magic with this game is not knowing what is going to happen or what comes next.

  • Someone made a live map of the galaxy Helldivers: Galactic War Status

    Helldivers: Galactic War Status - Live Map companion app showing current Liberation Campaigns and Defense Campaigns and their associated progression and percent complete.

    Helldivers: Galactic War Status

    Using some backend api magic someone has made what seems to be a live galaxy map tracker:

    Patch Notes 1.000.11 - 2024-02-22
    • 🛠️ PATCH 1.000.11 ⚙️

    🔧 Fixes

    Fixed multiple crashes triggered when joining other players’ ships.

    Fixed crash triggered when exiting ADS.

    Fixed crash triggered when players leave a session while bombardments are active.

    Fixed issue where online missions in Galactic War Map were unselectable.

    Fixed issue with GameGuard and Steam’s “verify integrity” step.

    Fixed issue with GameGuard and the Windows firewall.

    Fixed issue preventing access to Ship Management panel.

    Fixed issue causing players to get stuck in the defrosting or in the ship intro cinematic

    Fixed crash triggered when the process of buying Super Credits fails.

    Fixed crash triggered after consecutive quickplay attempts.

    Implemented a functionality that will kick players who remain idle for 15 minutes back to the title screen.

    Continuous improvement on client > backend communications.

    🧠 Known Issues

    These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.

    No text is present for the Requisitions and Social Menu on the Player HUD

    Crash may occur when trying to Match Make on Galactic War Map

    PS5 players may encounter error code 10003001 on the login screen.

    Login rate limiting when many are logging in at the same time.

    Players can become disconnected during play. Rewards and other progress may be delayed or not attributed.

    Various UI issues may appear when the game interacts with servers.

    Pick-up of certain objects in-game may cause characters to freeze in place for an extended period of time.

    Other unknown behaviors may occur.

    Japanese VO is missing from intro cutscene and Ship TV.

    Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended.

    Baseline highrises near Experimental Farm approved by Ottawa city council
  • Oh dang I didn't even think of that when I heard about this yesterday... Big yikes.

  • The Universim is the ultimate world building god game
  • I mean I get it - research takes time, but at least dress up a little with like "science points" or something rather than just a straight up time limit.

  • The Universim is the ultimate world building god game
  • Yeah your "nuggets" do research which is how you progress basically. Research though is just straight up time gated with no way to increase the rate. Most research items take 5-13 minutes. At most you can cut that down by half by increasing game speed by 2x. I have played the whole game up until this point on this speed and it still feels like I need a 3x or even a 4x.

  • The Universim is the ultimate world building god game
  • Glad it has released. Gave it a shot and realized why I put it down in the first place. It's a slog to play. 90% of the time I am just waiting around for research to complete.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Might Actually Have Multiplayer
  • Rather the single player be feature complete and bug free. I feel like we have enough multiplayer games going around.

  • Flight sim people are on another level
  • Not to mention the Ikea table.

  • RaspberryPi becoming unresponsive at random intervals
  • Yeah seems like a weird choice to have a default storage type that is known in the community to be unreliable.

  • RaspberryPi becoming unresponsive at random intervals
  • Yeah it seems a lot of people are saying the SD card is the issue which wouldn't surprise me. I do have some spare space on my proxmox server but it would just be a huge pain in the dick to move everything... But it's looking like I may need to sadly.

  • RaspberryPi becoming unresponsive at random intervals

    Issue Description: I have been having this issue with my raspberry pi running dietPi where it seems to lock up and I cannot SSH / access any of the services on it. The interesting part is that the interface seems to be up and I can still ping it on the local network but shows no video output. usually I get about 3-6 days before the issue appears again.

    I am not really sure where to start to diagnose this issue. Any help would be appreciated!

    Things Tried:

    Reduced operating temp by getting a fan. I want to say this improved the length in between this issue appearing but don't really have any hard evidence.

    uninstalled unused services

    Limited active torrents in QbitTorrent

    EDIT: Small thing to mention is that the CPU load is usually really high - like not uncommon for the load to be between 8-10 but I have seen it as high as 24.

    Temporary fix:

    Power cycle - everything comes up again in less than a minute.

    Raspberry Pi 3B v2

    OS: DietPi







    Mullvad VPN - WireGaurd


    Moving Proxmox server from one SSD to another.

    I have spent the last couple of weeks getting my small used PC into my Proxmox server and it's going great! ...Until I quickly ran into the 256GB SSD size limit of the included drive. So I have ordered a much larger (2tb) one so I can expand much more.

    Ideally, I would like to make an exact clone of what I have now just on my bigger SSD to avoid having to rebuild my VMs

    One issue is that the computer has room for one drive only. I was hoping to get an exact clone to a USB drive then clone to the new drive once replaced with the new one.

    Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated, thank you.

    EDIT: Took another look in the guts of my system managed to get another 2tb SSD in there.

    Disconnected cd drive and got a power splitter and boom. Could probably get another one even with another splitter as it's got a 3rd sata port.

    [Solved] Projectile Launcher Charged Shot Has No Visual Effects Untitled video - Create and share your videos with Clipchamp

    Watch videos made with Clipchamp, the best video maker for everyone.

    Untitled video - Create and share your videos with Clipchamp

    I recently got Phantom Liberty DLC and got the charged projectile launcher perk. Since I have gotten this my charged projectile launcher shot no longer has explosion visual effects. The default shot still does have the effects.

    EDIT: Reinstalled the game seemed to fix it.

    Ghost for the spooky season

    Printed well and spray painted white to make them extra spooky. 👻

    Edit: Should have linked to the design(not my design). Find it here.

    Can I start a new character without the DLC and then get it later and use the same pre-DLC character?

    Basically the title. I don't have the DLC currently and started a new character with the 2.0 update. Just wondering if I would have to start another character to do the DLC if I do end up liking the base game.

    Nexus Mods Vortex Mod Manager

    Has anyone used the mod manager by Nexus Mods? If so, does it work well or do you prefer to install the mods yourself?

    New Tyranids Model Reveal

    Whole bunch of new Tyranids revealed by GW in a community post:

    Lord Solar Proxy For My Krieg Army

    Love the Death Korp of Kriegs look and now that I have a 3d printer I can make my army look exactly how I like!

    "Its right behind us isnt it"

    cross-posted from:

    > Latest models printed turned out well!

    Respirator for Resin Printing?

    I started resin printing and I am wondering if you guys use a full on resperator (if so is their a specific classification you'd recommend?) Or do you just use a cloth / surgical mask?

    So far I have been using the mask that came with my printer (Elegoo mars 3 pro) but and not sure if that is sufficient.

    Getting into 3d printing - printer advice

    Hello 3dpronting!

    I am looking to get a resin printer as I have been reading they are better for smaller high detail prints. I am mainly looking to print miniatures for tabletop gaming.

    I have been eyeing the Elegoo Mars 3 pro and the corresponding washing/curing station(Elegoo mercury plus 2 in 1).

    Is this a good starting point? Am I biting off too much for a beginner?

    Paste Tomatoes Coming In Nicely!

    Last year I started with BeefSteak tomatoes which were a little too unwieldy on my small balcony garden. This year I switched to a smaller Roma type tomatoes.

    Looking for an offline local radio app

    Hey everyone I am looking for a radio app that can pickup local stations(not over the internet). Does anyone have any recommendations?

    Oracle Free Tier VPS Self Hosting Ideas

    Hello SelfHosted!

    I have recently setup my own free tier oracle VPS and am looking to get my feet wet with some simple services that I can host on there to get started.

    I should mention I have successfully setup SSH with the private key so that part is good to go.

    Any ideas are welcome!

    AverageGoob AverageGoob
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