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The recent uptick in "lolcow" Content.
  • Finally, I don't get it

  • She literally admitted to not knowing the word pogrom before oct 7.
  • What's this Israel vs Palestine thing even about I don't get it why can't we just vibe

  • Uh oh. DPRK is a slave state according to liberal NGO 😱
  • The U.S. prison population was 1,230,100 at yearend 2022, a 2% increase from yearend 2021 (1,205,100).


  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • doubt these articles are always like "after 401k and Roth IRA contributions and college savings plans for their kids, there's nothing left at the end of the month"

  • What laptop should I buy?
  • You can get them on eBay pretty cheap too I got an i5 t470 for like 60 bucks shipped. Threw in 32GB of RAM and a 1TB ssd and it's impossible to beat that spec for 250 bucks all in

  • Memetic Evolution

  • we are going to see more boomers being scammed than ever thought possible
  • Feeling vindicated for my extremely paranoid brained decision to stay completely off social media for the past 15 years. Still have LinkedIn unfortunately bc you kinda need it.

    Still we're all just one google breach away from mayhem. I think I'll set up a code word with my family that only we know to give each other in case we need help.

  • Anxiety grows inside the White House ahead of Netanyahu’s address to Congress
  • Mr president sir have you seen the West Wing

    biden-rember you bet fat, I was here when we built it!

  • Anxiety grows inside the White House ahead of Netanyahu’s address to Congress
  • JFC he's addressing Congress?

    Like read the room, dummies. What the fuck does he need to address Congress for?

  • How does your own medecine tastes
  • They blew up the cum patrol angery

  • The balkanisation map guy is becoming a tradcath 😭
  • If Putin is the enemy of an all powerful god, why is he winning decisively? thonk

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • Sure but unless you're a soulless freak like buttigieg you still see it, and when people fight against it, you provide support or at the very least shut up and get out of the way. You're not gonna be out there voting for Biden or whatever.

    Also you can provide material support to folks which imo is one of the best forms of praxis there is.

  • Hexbear isn't funny.
  • This is good satire

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • Your personal conditions won't affect the superstructure of capitalism. Once you break free of the propaganda machine and see the demon for what it is, there's no going back.

  • Fucking mice got into my rice and beans
  • I feel you man I live in the country and all my shit is in plastic bins because of mice. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.

    And yes you have to kill them or you will get infested. Use A LOT of snap traps. I have 10 in my attic and one in every cabinet. Poison baits hurt raptors and should be illegal tbh.

    Get these

  • More death will fix this


    A dark day for America


    Cybertruck fails 24 hours after getting serviced for the exact same error

    Lol, lmao even. Also this is my first post contributing to the cybertruck discourse 🥳

    Is 4300 fair for this scope of carpentry work?
    • remove siding
    • jack up house
    • remove rotted material (rim joist and sill plate) and replace with pressure treated wood
    • replace siding
    • install subfloor (10 sq ft or so with some cutting)

    High but not ultra high COL area

    The corner of my house is gone

    Fuck me. I went under the bathroom to twin a joist and the corner sill plate is totally gone. I can see straight through the siding to the outside.

    It's bad folks.

    ByteDance would rather shut down tiktok than sell it

    A very unbiased headline


    What’s going on in Haiti?

    Does anyone have good news sources? I am pretty wary of swallowing the state department line that this is all due to “gang violence”… particularly given how racially coded that language is, and when I read into the stories it says they’re mostly attacking government and police buildings. I see embassy personnel are being airlifted. Mainly trying to figure out who are the factions/what is going on

    This is sure to end well

    What’s the right way to do e-readers in this year of our lord 2024

    I like reading on e-ink, my kindle just keeled over but want to get out from under the Amazon bs. Anything that won’t have me fucking with a laptop is a bonus.

    Electronics nerds get in here I have a question about speakers

    My in laws gifted my kid this pretty cool RC car but it makes this awful music that’s REALLY loud. Can I wire a resistor in series on one of the speaker legs to turn the volume down, say 50%?


    Jane Fonda Shining


    Thankful for our lack of train brake regulations and poor working conditions for rail workers on this blessed day 🦃 🙏 ❤️

    Bonus: b-b-but what about our treats?


    I want an emote of the bumbling male protagonist from the Kelly cartoons

    Anyone else here not celebrate thanksgiving? What do you do instead?

    We stopped last year, feels good ngl. We have a big dinner on Saturday to celebrate the start of the Christmas season.
