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doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • Multiple AI companies bypassing web standard to scrape publisher sites, licensing firm says
  • Sounds like we're all going to need to start putting the equivalent of Trap Streets in all our web content, source code, etc.

    I heard someone has already had success placing nonsense in a white-on-white box of their site, later querying commercial AI to prove it was ingested w/o permission.

  • McGill squirrel of the day
  • Is there an rss or atom feed for the squirrel of the day?

  • Paper jam in printing press tray 3
  • Thine instruction be murky, alas my Jerry sticketh inside the mechanism

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • No, I know that -- I honestly want them both to die :p

    Both have been a blight on software development for decades.

  • Mistress of the Apes (1979)
  • No movie link? :( :)

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Can Oracle kill javascript as well, please? Please?

  • DFV GME YOLO June 2, 2024

    Normally I avoid linking to the old sh$thole here ('cuz you know, f*ck u/Spez), but this is an exception.


    DFV posted DIRECTLY to 'stonk:

    Discussion over on the 'stonk sub:

    Twitter post tonight:

    Star Wars' Phantom Menace Lightsaber Fight Was Decided By A Five-Year-Old - SlashFilm
  • I'm sorry, there were other movies besides ANH, TESB and ROTJ? Man, if they were any good I'd have thought I would remember them. :p

  • Robert De Niro has award withdrawn after calling Donald Trump 'monster' outside trial
  • I'm sure he'll wear this as a badge of honour, so that's a backfire for sure.

  • Building GNU APL for Linux

    GNU APL is easy to build on your own Linux machine, though the steps aren't detailed on the website.

    --- Benefits of building yourself locally:

    • One can customize how many cores GNU APL has access to
    • Customizing optional extensions like PNG image, SQLite, GTK support etc.
    • Having the latest bugfixes ---
    1. Obtain the latest source

      • mkdir apl-build
      • svn checkout
    2. Configure using autotools

      • cd trunk
      • make clean
      • ./configure CORE_COUNT_WANTED=3 RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED=yes --with-ctrld_del

      Use ./configure --help to see other options, adjust to taste

    3. Build and install

      • make -j && sudo make install
    4. Set up your default workspace

      • cd ~
      • mkdir -p GNUAPL/workspaces ---
    Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • As it should be! I hope in the long-term, that is proven to be true.

  • Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • I would like to say, for the record, that I wrote that late at night, and my phrasing probably came across incorrectly.

    It wasn't my intention to call you personally 'a peon'. I was trying more to adopt the voice, for argument's sake, of what an imagined President, using this supposed absolute immunity, might say to their critics -- 'who are you (out there, the people) to question my power?'

    My apologies for it coming out the way it did.

  • Cool Little Indie Game Teaches You Python
  • Recommend "Human Resource Machine" as well :)

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • What? Oh no, I had not written down the recipe for using gasoline to cook my spaghetti! Whatever shall I do?

  • Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Exactly. The Democratic party needs to push the issue and make the GOP see that the Leopards can eat their face too.

  • Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • Exactly. Maybe I didn't propose the "right" action -- the entire point is that if the SCOTUS won't rule a president does not have absolute immunity, and is subject to the law of the land, then really ANYTHING is possible isn't it?

  • Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • But Trump is currently asserting in court that he does have that power! Absolute immunity remember? Who are you to say, peon, that the POTUS cannot dissolve the SCOTUS? He has absolute immunity, remember? That means he has absolute power to do anything!

    What I was trying to say is that Biden should call the bluff, and force the SCOTUS to decide right now. Why not? If the POTUS really does have absolute immunity, why not? Do you see the insanity this road leads down?

  • Roberts rejects Senate Democrats' request to discuss Supreme Court ethics and Alito flag controversy
  • I'll say it again: since the SCOTUS intends to slow-walk a decision on presidential 'absolute immunity', Biden needs to announce RIGHT NOW that he's dissolving the SCOTUS effective 2 weeks from the time of the announcement, at midnight, intending to appoint an all-new roster of his choosing, as well as replacing all state-level judges, also of his administration's choosing.

    If the SCOTUS, on the other hand, suddenly finds they do have the time to make a decision on presidential immunity before that deadline, well maybe Biden won't do it, after all.

  • Roberts declines meeting with Senate Democrats about Alito controversy
  • Isn't the Senate supposed to have a Marshall who has authority to haul people in who ignore subpoenas and the like?

    The USA seems to have an awful lot of 'regulations' and 'laws' that have no real enforcement, it would seem.

    Enough of 'courtesy' and 'expectations' for all governmental things such as this. Anything that isn't mandatory apparently will be ignored. Close the loopholes. Amend every law and regulation with the full expectation that every person it might be brought to bear to is a slimy grifter wannabe-fascist that will only listen to the very real threat of incarceration and jailtime from this point forward.

    Oh, and give the President 2, maybe 3 pardons max and none exercisable in the last year of office. Or something. Geez, anything.

  • Here's a way to support linux mobile development even if you're forced to use android or ios
  • If it's not new-in-box, yeah, pretty much. I'm happy with my OnePlus-5T.

  • GME climbs over 22.5% in German Market 2024-05-13

    --- 🟩 70 minutes in: $21.40 / 19,86 € (volume: 168513)

    🟩 65 minutes in: $21.18 / 19,65 € (volume: 160236)

    🟩 60 minutes in: $21.07 / 19,55 € (volume: 157020)

    🟩 55 minutes in: $21.02 / 19,51 € (volume: 149683)

    🟩 50 minutes in: $20.98 / 19,46 € (volume: 140442)

    🟩 45 minutes in: $20.95 / 19,43 € (volume: 133779)

    🟥 40 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 127291)

    🟩 35 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 123795)

    🟥 30 minutes in: $20.77 / 19,27 € (volume: 116641)

    🟥 25 minutes in: $20.78 / 19,28 € (volume: 108008)

    🟩 20 minutes in: $20.80 / 19,30 € (volume: 101356)

    🟩 15 minutes in: $20.49 / 19,01 € (volume: 90143)

    🟩 10 minutes in: $20.43 / 18,95 € (volume: 75814)

    🟩 5 minutes in: $20.31 / 18,85 € (volume: 57289)

    🟩 0 minutes in: $19.56 / 18,15 € (volume: 43187)

    🟥 US close price: $17.46 / 16,20 € ($17.39 / 16,13 € after-hours)

    US market volume: 36.83 million shares ---

    The Musician's Guide to MIDI

    Best book for learning the ins and outs of MIDI I've ever encountered. Relatively obscure, but an invaluable reference book for anyone wanting to dig into the details of how MIDI works.

    Forth Programming Arghblarg
    Starting FORTH, 1st Edition Starting FORTH

    Starting FORTH has been the classic Forth tutorial and textbook since its first release. Many experienced programmers have commented on its concise

    Starting FORTH
    OSC Appoves *permanent* "Exemption from Disclosure of a Specified Financial Measure" for federal financial institutions OSC adopts permanent exemptions for federal financial institutions

    TORONTO – The OSC announced today the adoption of OSC Rule 52-503 Exemption from Disclosure of a Specified Financial Measure.

    What does this mean? New levels of ass-covering for bank malfeasance, or just the regular sort of opacity?

    Also see the original 'interim' declaration:


    Thanks to re⊃⊃it user JackTheTranscoder for links.

    Crosspost: Excellent Quick Summary of the Last Couple of Years Excellent quick summary of the last couple of years - DRSGME/WhyDRS Lemmy

    Richard Newton produces good GME-related content and this is one of his better videos!

    Excellent quick summary of the last couple of years - DRSGME/WhyDRS Lemmy

    Good video by Richard Newton updating the whole GME story from the start up to today.

    The 'old site' censorship gets even worse. Can't even mention lemmy in a comment.

    This occurred today when I tried updating/deleting old comments via the Redact tool, on the old super-stonk sub.

    Guess they're afraid of losing their captive Apes!

    Help back up the Great 78 Collections before the Record Companies force The Internet Archive to take them down!

    See linked posting. I've commented there with a link to a CLI tool in Python that allows downloading of IA collections. I've submitted a patch to enable specifying start and end points so that it's easier to resume downloading a huge collection, or to allow multiple people to split up the work.

    F*ck the RIAA and absurdly long copyright.

    --- EDIT: There is more than one collection of 78s on IA, so I updated the title.

    --- The issue with these collections are that they're absolutely HUGE. And yes, IA offers torrents for them, but as a separate torrent for every. single. album. And the torrents have all data in them -- FLAC, fixed-rate MP3, VBR MP3, PDF liner notes, etc. etc... there may be some extremely hardcore data-hoarders out there who want everything, but IMHO as these are scratchy old 78 records, FLAC is overkill to just save the audio in a listenable format. The George Blood collection, just the VBR MP3s, is looking to be about 6TB. With ALL data it might be over 40TB! I can't afford that many hard drives :)

    --- So, my approach at the moment is to save just the VBR MP3s (they seem to be done at up to 320kbps VBR) and the JPEG album cover. If I have a chance and any storage left afterwards, I can make a separate pass to get the album liner PDFs...

    --- Tool used:

    --- Patch to allow setting start and end item indices for downloads:

    --- Example usage to grab just the VBR MP3 and record label JPG for each (note the --start-idx and --end-idx arguments):

    #ia download --start-idx=4001 --end-idx=8000 -a -i --format="VBR MP3" --format="JPEG" --search collection:georgeblood

    I'm going to concentrate on the George Blood collection for now.. I'm starting at item 1. It would be great if others started at index 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, ... and others started at the end and worked backwards in similarly-sized chunks, so that it's assured someone gets each of them.

    Forth Programming Arghblarg
    OK, I'll start: what FORTHs do people like to use nowadays?

    Found this community, saw no posts. Why not start off by letting us know what FORTH you use in the modern day?

    I know there's GNU FORTH, and variants like 8th, which I downloaded ages ago but haven't really used. I like the idea of FORTH but haven't had the itch to write anything in it (I need to get over my current fascination with APL first, I guess, so I can try out FORTH again someday 😀 )

    Luxury Homes Hitting the Canadian Market

    (Credit to rexxit user u/JackTheTranscoder)

    Could this be the start of a big foreign ownership dump?

    Louis Rossmann: Right to Repair isn't just about your Macbook

    Marked NSFW just in case :)

    Our cat found a dead rat. ... 'things' emerged from it. Should we be concerned?

    Our girl cat brought a rat she'd either killed or found already dead to our patio (she hasn't done this for a few years).

    As the wife and I discussed how best to dispose of it, we saw to our horror 3 large, purplish-black (2cm x 1.5cm?) fat larval things emerge from the rat's abdomen. A quick web search ('Vancouver Island rat botfly') shows matching images. Eyyyyyych.

    I bagged the carcass and captured the larvae in a jar for the moment... there's a burn ban at the moment, so I can't do that, but I don't just want to throw them in the trash either so

    • Is burying them sufficient?
    • Are our two cats in any danger of infection? (I phoned our vet, no answer from them yet)
    • Should we notify the town pest control dept.?

    There are lots of cats in the area besides our own, so we thought rats weren't a big problem on our street. Now I'm not so sure.

    EDIT: We didn't want to wait any longer to deal with it, so I dug the deepest hole I could under some back bushes and squashed every larva I could find, in and out of the carcass, then buried everything. I hope that's the end of that. Yuuuuuuuck.

    Confused by a post, event or comment? Ask here if you're *outoftheloop* !? Out of the loop.. ? -

    If you are confused by a post, comment or meme in the lemmyverse… post here to ask for an explanation. Hopefully someone will explain :) Rules: - Good-faith questions and answers only. No Spam, Trolling, Sea-lioning or Agitprop. - No shaming or abuse of questioners. We’re ALL ‘out of the loop’ on lo...

    !? Out of the loop.. ? -


    Access Virus B and C ROMs - flashable images Access Virus B & C ROMs : Access : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    These are the ROM files for the Access Virus B and C synths. You can make these work with the DSP56300 emulator.

    Access Virus B & C ROMs : Access : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    Why would you need these?

    • to directly re-flash an instrument replacement part
    • to emulate the Virus B/C via
    Overwriting and Deleting all my r/Superstonk comments. Feels good man.

    This is a great tool to overwrite your posts with random words and a link to get others to consider doing so as well.

    Once my comments are all gone, I'm gonna delete the posts too.

    EDIT: ...and I'm perma-banned :) They didn't like me mentioning in my farewell blurbs.

    Arghblarg Arghblarg


    -credit to nedroid for strange art

    Posts 52
    Comments 304