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Building GNU APL for Linux

GNU APL is easy to build on your own Linux machine, though the steps aren't detailed on the website.

Benefits of building yourself locally:

  • One can customize how many cores GNU APL has access to
  • Customizing optional extensions like PNG image, SQLite, GTK support etc.
  • Having the latest bugfixes

  1. Obtain the latest source

  2. Configure using autotools

    • cd trunk
    • make clean
    • ./configure CORE_COUNT_WANTED=3 RATIONAL_NUMBERS_WANTED=yes --with-ctrld_del

    Use ./configure --help to see other options, adjust to taste

  3. Build and install

    • make -j && sudo make install
  4. Set up your default workspace

    • cd ~
    • mkdir -p GNUAPL/workspaces