Urethra Franklin @ AnonWyo @startrek.website Posts 48Comments 102Joined 1 yr. ago
Why the hell ya sticking your dick in a tuna can?
Dude. You can't shame me into feeling bad. That's my mother's job, and she's FANTASTIC at it.
Dude, I'm from Wyoming. We have the second highest per capita gun ownership in the nation. I'm just unwilling to blind myself to very real, very tangible, very quantifiable situations in the United States.
Also, last I checked, this is shitposting. But Red Hatters gon' Red Hat.
Bert and Ernie?
Oscar and Gil?
Just, ya know, if we need FUTURE family planning advice.
"Notice how I posted a meme a long time ago! Notice how I internet in superior fashion! Validate me! NOTICE ME! NOOOOOOTIIIIIIICE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
Only the plan to turn the United States government into a broad amalgamation of totalitarianism and fascism.
I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid. Seeing the '17 eclipse was a dream come true. Thankfully, I live in Wyoming, right along the path of totality.
I won't be traveling for this one, unfortunately. Adulting sucks.
huffs and puffs in MAGA rage
I found it clunky and cumbersome. Hate on me for not discovering Linux sooner, but on XP, Windows Media Player did the same job more efficiently for me.
I will say, though, I moved away from optical media as soon as I could.
You said "wood."
Hey baby...
Naw. I'm plenty real. I just have a sick sense of humor.
It's a major award!
License and registration...CHICKEN FUCKER!
Well. Now we know what kind of porn Uncle Sam is into.
Nor cunning use of flags.
I don't know why you guys make jokes about this. Captchas LITERALLY keep SKYNET from forming.
I'd be more impressed if He could accurately recreate Mogen David 20/20 or Boone's Farm. In my experience, those were demonic, leading to a religious experience as I begged God for mercy between wretches.
MAGA. We put the Fun in "fundamental."
Holy Ghost?
What the hell is this? An episode of Scooby-Doo?
"And I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you God and Jesus kids!"