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General TBP Snark
  • Oh no I mean the ones where Jan’s flying monkeys tried to push narratives like Sarah is a child predator and a drug addict, or Shane’s a proud boy. Ya know, those false and dangerous narratives babe 😘

  • Did anyone see Janette's post?
  • Lmao from the people who spend hours daily analyzing some random woman’s body and worship at the feet of queen janette- a manipulative liar. Did you know she made fake accounts on Reddit to both threaten herself for sympathy and hype herself up and gain followers?? It’s all on my insta @Annie.body_76. 😘

  • General TBP Snark
  • Oh those are degrassi’s. Lmao I could ask her for them. But I don’t care about your crying. Why did you send the threat to yourself or have one of your flying monkeys do it? Why not set the record straight? Tell the truth for once? I can see your Charlie account because you let me in Jan. Go look for yourself. Then block me if ya want! Ive read it all anyway and I’m almost done with y'all anyway!

  • Did anyone see Janette's post?
  • I love it when you use your flying monkey fan girlies to speak for you Jan! Why do you continue to deny evidence based research? Are you a science denier Jan? Or do you only believe in things that fit your narrow world view?

  • Did anyone see Janette's post?
  • Lmao you girlies are hilarious. Jan is a science denier, arguing with peer reviewed research. Calling women drug addicts, rascists, crazy etc doesn’t make it true. It’s actually a tool the patriarchy uses to put women “in their place.” You all sound like idiot children talking to a grown up 😂😂 “not a morning person” ooh burn! Why not speak to the facts ladies?

    Jan why did you block someone then continue to talk shit about them? Is it because you’re not capable of having a well-thought out, coherent debate?

  • General TBP Snark
  • Oh btw Jan before I go. Me, crafty, and degrassi are separate people 😂😂 please don’t erase their identities! Maybe it surprises you to know there are more people who don’t like you? I thought you could recognize people’s writing styles though?

  • General TBP Snark
  • You were part of the Sarah snark and never heard of Janette? Interesting. Do you remember when someone made a “threat” to Janette in the sub, and it went private briefly? The “threat” was made by one of Jan’s many admirers. You can recover this stuff using a certain website. So my guess is, she made a fake threat to gain sympathy for herself. Oh and her and the mods were asked about it directly and pretended they didn’t know. It’s very manipulative. You’re lucky if you’ve never heard of her! Anyway, toodles! Xoxo @annie.body_76

  • General TBP Snark
  • Ohhh is that the issue?? Sorry I should explain better. Janette Ewen, lifestyle expert and cake maker, made a bunch of fake accounts on Reddit to create false narratives about Sarah Landry and others. These accounts said and did some pretty outrageous things that eventually got the sub shut down with all their nonsense. So they came here! Janette is in the Birdie sphere. So I believe it’s related. Hope that helps!

  • General TBP Snark
  • You should ask Jan these questions! And she also doesn’t make friends easily with women! In fact this whole comment could be written by me to you about Jan. So funny!

  • General TBP Snark
  • Oh hi “Tina”. Why would I care what Sarah does or where she ends up? Stealing people’s photos and putting them on porn sites is a crime btw! Especially if it’s children. Sarah should actually be looking into the people who posted her photos on those sites! You seem to have a really vested interest in it? Talk about it a lot. Maybe you have some info to share?

  • General TBP Snark
  • Lmao ive read it all darlin. And cloud tailor pasted word for word. Where’s the outrage at them? Oh right, doesn’t fit your narrative that Sarah stole from BIPOC women.

  • General TBP Snark
  • Lmao ouch that hurts! Jk jk like I would care what sad hateful ladies like you think lmao Ragey? What is ragey? I’m curious. Did Jan pay all of you off to go along with her lies? Or do you all just have such crushes on her that you’ll do whatever she says?

  • General TBP Snark
  • Lmao there’s no rage Jan. Just curiosity! Trying to paint me as the crazy, ragey women is sad Jan. I know all your manipulative tricks and they don’t phase me! This is fun! You should check out my insta too! It’s Annie M Globel. I’m sure you understand the joke!

  • General TBP Snark
  • Why would I care about that? Why won’t you answer questions about your sock puppet accounts and the fake threat you left yourself on Reddit? Maybe you’d like to talk about how you made one of your Reddit “characters” a black woman to further your narrative?

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