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Study in mice links heat-damaged DNA in food to possible genetic risks Study in mice links heat-damaged DNA in food to possible genetic risks

Researchers have newly discovered a surprising and potentially significant reason why eating foods frequently cooked at high temperatures, such as red meat and deep-fried fare, elevates cancer risk. The alleged culprit: DNA within the food that's been damaged by the cooking process.

Study in mice links heat-damaged DNA in food to possible genetic risks
Optimum Internal Temperature for Pork Butts

Is there any community input on pork butts cooked via smoking or oven. I usually finish mine in the oven until center hits 205 ºF to render fat and reduce connective tissue. For me that means removing from the smoker after ~6 hours and finishing in the oven with an embedded temperature probe.

It comes out great but I'd love to hear some other preparations.

Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids - Advanced ChemTech

The 9 essential amino acids our bodies need but cannot produce on their own can come from a variety of dietary sources coming from both plants and animals.

Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids - Advanced ChemTech
Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids - Advanced ChemTech

The 9 essential amino acids our bodies need but cannot produce on their own can come from a variety of dietary sources coming from both plants and animals.

Which Foods Have All 9 Essential Amino Acids - Advanced ChemTech
Science of Cooking - Mander

New to Mander, a Lemmy instance focused on the natural sciences.

The Science of Cooking

We’re focused on cooking and the science behind how it changes our food. Some chemistry, a little biology, whatever it takes to explore a critical aspect of everyday life.

The Maillard Reaction Turns 100

Scientists celebrate the centennial of a reaction that makes cooked food tasty, but also produces worrisome molecules in our meals and bodies

by Sarah Everts

Leaf Stomatas with Nail Polish and Cheap Classroom Microscopes

The school year just ended but I wanted to show off what my class was able to accomplish with some cheap high school microscopes. The images below are under-leaf impressions of diocot and monocot plants which show the stomata used to control water evaporation. To avoid the preparation of slicing leaves themselves we painted a thin layer of nail polish on the underside. Peeling this dry layer off results in a mold of the leaf itself which can then be attached to a blank slide with cellophane tape.

Dicot @400x !

Monocot @400x !

Does anyone else do Gluten-Free brewing?

cross-posted from:

> My wife and I both have problems with gluten so we've been brewing our own GF beer for the last ~7 years. It was difficult to get started but the output is well worth the effort! > > Most of them are darker brews (stouts, tripels, etc). This is one of our lighter holiday ales that came in ~8% ABV. > > !

Does anyone else do Gluten-Free brewing?

My wife and I both have problems with gluten so we've been brewing our own GF beer for the last ~7 years. It was difficult to get started but the output is well worth the effort!

Most of them are darker brews (stouts, tripels, etc). This is one of our lighter holiday ales that came in ~8% ABV.


Hi, I'm AlchemicalAgent

Hi everyone! Excited to join Mander, and Lemmy as an extension. It feels like the golden days of internet forums but with modern twists.

I'm a chemical engineer with research focus in bioprocessing for fuels and specialty chemicals. The last year or so I've also been teaching introductory biology courses.

My interests mainly fall under natural sciences and I'm looking forward to helping grow the community. Hobby-wise there's nothing better than a nice day fishing while enjoying a home-brew beverage, then a big family meal.

See y'all around!

Teens can have excellent executive function — just not all the time
  • In any laboratory, including ours, we always find the same result: Adolescents just are not as good as adults at cognitive control — except in studies where we say, if you do this trial correctly, we’re going to give you extra points for more money. And, miraculously, adolescents can then do it like adults.

    As a teacher I've found this is key to motivation in the classroom. It's an amazing transformation for the 10-15 minute window.

  • AlchemicalAgent AlchemicalAgent

    R&D Chemical Engineer, Professor, Teacher, Fisherman, and Conservationist

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