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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • That sounds like it fucking sucks, thank the stars I had more common sense than to concider being anywhere near those fucking boats lmao. I already knew it fucking sucked for enlisted but being a paint scraper really sells it

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Well think of it like this. A near-miss or superficial hit means you're in range. You do not want to be in range.

    Think of it from the infantry perspective. An artillery shell lands near enough to you that you both see it and feel it. You're getting zeroed in on and you need to fuck right off real quick or you're gonna have the worst day of your life.

  • smoothest brain
  • Make sure you brush between the bumps so you stay clean while you're getting brainwashed!

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Why the hell would you stick puddle pirate desk jockeys into boarding teams, don't tell me they volunteered so they can actually have something to try and actually be "proud" of instead of stealing Valor like all the other assholes

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • I know it was well out of the way for me to go to, but I'm regretting not taking the opportunity to dig up her corpse and throwing it in the ocean when I was in New York.

  • In Frostpunk 2's post-post-apocalypse 'it's not nature that's your worst enemy, it's human nature,' and nothing proves that like my doomed attempt at turbo-communism
  • Inexplicably, none of them were keen on building the Fifth International. The laws I wanted to pass would ensure that everyone in my city got access to basic necessities regardless of whether they worked or not, and that everyone who did work would earn the same pay, from the garbagemen to doctors.

    Ergo me poking fun at them for their silly idealisms

  • smoothest brain
  • Wouldn't the inverse be true as well with regards to compliments?

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • What the heck did the Irish and the welsh do to get the English treatment, like I get the scots, but what did the lovable drunks and sheepshaggers do

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • They sound like peak remfs that'll go to bars and talk hot shit like they were the ones doing fasteropes into the deep blue alongside meal team 6

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • headpat that's okay, go take a short rest and heal up from that encounter.

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • There's a lot more continental European and scots/irish descendants than English descendants here nowadays, and that's not even touching the question of hairsplitting over skull-calipering science of what % of Anglo would make you qualified.

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • ... I'm almost interested after hearing like 4 years of shit takes from him what kind of wild take he'd have.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Honestly it sounds like these dorks think they won't even need AWACS and will rely purely on F-35s playing hide and seek across the entire fucking ocean to stop Chinese planes from owning them

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • If you were pointing at literally any of the western nations I would agree, especially with regards to their naked hypocrisy in the fact that they've been further expanding their emmitive energy sources these past few years. But pointing out that China, while having large emissions due to both its large population and due to international Capital moving massive amounts of manufacturing to China over the past few decades, has not only been making its internationally promised goals towards decoupling from emmitive energy sources and switching to a green energy network but has been rapidly surpassing them to the point its leaving the entirety of the G7 nations in the dust.

    The fact is that currently it is very difficult for China to lower its emissions as doing so effects not only its own country's economic productivity but the productivity of nations around the world. We saw an economic slump during covid due to China's anti-covid measures disrupting the production of commodities across all industries. Performing premature theatrical gestures would objectively harm more people than it would help, therefor holding such a criteria is ultimately idealistic and ethereally utopian in its logical process

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • I would hardly call creating measured plans then executing the key steps towards making a stable jump to green energy propaganda, unless you're of the mind that risking severe damage an entire country's energy grid and in turn threatening possibly the lives of millions in premature actions is much more preferable. But I'm sure you're smarter than advocating for that

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Canadian soldiers are crossing the border and invading 4 American states. Namely both the Dakotas, Montana, and Minnesota.

    Where Canada's 'super pigs' are most likely to invade the US — and potentially cause millions of dollars in damage


  • In Frostpunk 2's post-post-apocalypse 'it's not nature that's your worst enemy, it's human nature,' and nothing proves that like my doomed attempt at turbo-communism

    Alternative title: Trotskyite gets put in charge, tries to push communism button, finds out the material conditions of a fucking ice age may not be conducive to declaring a final victory of the 5th internationale over Stalinism in a videogame.

    My favorite quote in the article

    > Everyone was incredibly happy with me and all my kept promises right up until the coal ran out, which I'd kind of stopped paying attention to as I got ensnared in a thicket of political manoeuvring and ideology. I wasn't overwhelmed—the game does a good job of not bombarding you with too much information and mechanical complexity, and Stokalski says it's a conscious effort by the devs to make sure you're never "doing notes, doing maths on the side just to not die"—I'd just gotten wrapped up in ideas without paying much heed to material reality.

    [Opinion piece Discussion] Soapbox: Fire Emblem’s Future May Not Be In Turn-Based Combat

    The article does ask a good question on the sort of conundrum that could become an identity crisis thst fire emblem has rode itself into with the steady inclusion of social aspects in their games ever since Awakening.

    Personally I would be in favor of keeping the model they developed in 3 houses while refining it further with the game mechanics they developed in engage. I'd also like to keep the whole marriage and matchmaker aspect that we saw in awakening and fates out unless they figure out how to tastefully weave it into the storyline.

    And while it would take too much gamedev time to implement it, it would be interesting to whether or not its possible to blend and synergize the fire emblem strategy game aspect with some of the musou aspects they've been lately dabbling in. I'm thinking akin to how the Total War series handles army battles but making the choices of how to play each battle as being either classic turn-based tactical mode or going full musou hack'n'slash nonsense as options for gameplay.

    Whoever taught the liberals the word "tankie" should be stoned

    If you feel like subjecting yourself to 20d20 psychic damage, click the link below.

    I rolls 20d20 and got 245 points of damage with two of the die being nat-20s dealing critical damage.

    All-American Hero: Master Sergeant John C. Woods.

    Rumors say he also designed the trap doors so they'd be too small for the perpetrator to fall through so most of them also hit their face on the edge as they fell

    The (not so) new class war: A wealth gap between millennials

    Swaws: CNBC

    Key points

    > The wealth gap between rich millennials and the rest of their age group is the largest of any generation, creating a new wave of class tension and resentment, according to a study. > >While the average millennial has less wealth at the age of 35 than previous generations, the top 10% of millennials have 20% more wealth than the top baby boomers at the same age. > >The surge in wealth among millennial heirs is also creating a lucrative new market for wealth-management firms, luxury companies, travel firms and real estate brokers.

    Capitalism again is illustrating it is not a meritocracy, but a continually degrading nepotistic system in decay.

    >The wealth gap between rich millennials and the rest of their age group is the largest of any generation, creating a new wave of class tension and resentment, according to a recent study.

    The generation that's witnessed greatest creation of wealth due to the overthrow of the Soviet Union since the division of the world by the imperialist powers of the 19th century are now seeing the rotten fruits of the system they live in once more.

    >Even as the vast majority of millennials struggle with student debt, low-wage service-jobs, unaffordable housing and low savings, the millennial elite are surpassing previous generations. According to the study, the average millennial has 30% less wealth at the age of 35 than baby boomers did at the same age. Yet the top 10% of millennials have 20% more wealth than the top baby boomers at the same age.

    You know how we used to joke about our 2020s being a repeat of the 1920s?

    >“Millennials are so different from one another that it is not particularly meaningful to talk about the ‘average’ Millennial experience,” wrote the study’s authors, Rob Gruijters, Zachary Van Winkle and Anette Eva Fasang. “There are some Millennials who are doing extremely well—think Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman—while others are struggling.”

    That's a bullshit line. There are the many workers and then there is the few capitalists. It's the same struggle that's been happening for centuries now.

    >The study finds that millennials — typically defined as those between the age of 28 and 43 today — have faced repeated financial headwinds. Coming of age during the financial crisis, they have lower levels of homeownership, larger debts outweighing assets, low-wage and unstable jobs, and lower rates of dual-income family formation. > >At the same time, the authors say the top 10% of millennials have benefited from greater rewards for skilled jobs. As they put it, “The returns to high-status work trajectories have increased, while the returns to low-status trajectories have stagnated or declined.” > >The millennials who “went to college, found graduate level jobs, and started families relatively late,” ended up with “higher levels of wealth than Baby Boomers with similar life trajectories,” according to the report.

    Remember they're still talking primarily of the working class here.

    > # The great wealth transfer > > There may be another factor creating so much wealth among millennials: inheritances. In what’s known as “the great wealth transfer,” baby boomers are expected to pass down between $70 trillion and $90 trillion in wealth over the next 20 years. Much of that is expected to go to their millennial children. High-net-worth individuals worth $5 million or more will account for nearly half of that total, according to Cerulli Associates. > >Wealth management firms say some of that wealth has already starting trickling down to the next generation.

    There your class struggle, your capitalist "meritocracy".

    > “The great wealth transfer, which we’ve all been talking about for the last 10 years, is underway,” said John Mathews, head of UBS’ Private Wealth Management division. “The average age of the world’s billionaires is almost 69 right now. So this whole transition or wealth handover will start to accelerate.”

    Lol funny number

    >Tensions between millennial classes are likely to escalate as more wealth is transferred in the coming years. Wealth displays on social media by millennial “nepo babies” could add to the intra-generational class war and drive nonwealthy millennials to overspend or create the appearance of lavish lifestyles to keep up.

    The only thing that should be driving proletarian millenials is cutting the wealth gap with a blade.

    > A survey by Wells Fargo found that 29% of affluent millennials (defined as having assets of $250,000 to over $1 million of investible assets) admit they “sometimes buy items they cannot afford to impress others.” According to the survey, 41% of affluent millennials admit to funding their lifestyles with credit cards or loans, versus 28% of Gen Xers and 6% of baby boomers.

    New wealth dipshits, petite bourgeoisie, and small business tyrants. Who gives a shit they're just a tiny slice of the capitalist pie

    >The battle between rich millennials and the rest could also shape their attitudes toward wealth. For over four decades, the vast majority of millionaires and billionaires created in America have been self-made, mostly entrepreneurs. A study by Fidelity Investments found that 88% of American millionaires are self-made

    Clever wordplay here. Millionares are the sardines to the billionare sharks.

    We care more about the fucking big fish that maintain ownership of the means of production.

    > Yet inherited wealth could become more common. A study by UBS found that among newly minted billionaires last year, heirs who inherited their fortunes racked up more wealth than self-made billionaires for the first time in at least nine years. And, all the billionaires under the age of 30 on the latest Forbes billionaires list inherited their wealth, for the first time in 15 years.

    By more common they mean comrade Death is coming for what's due.

    > # ‘Extreme’ wealth > > The surge in wealth among millennial heirs is also creating a lucrative new market for wealth-management firms, luxury companies, travel firms and real estate brokers.


    > Clayton Orrigo, one of the top luxury real estate brokers in Manhattan, has built a thriving business on moneyed millennials. The founder of the Hudson Advisory Team at Compass has sold over $4 billion in real estate and regularly brokers deals over $10 million. He says the “vast majority” of his business lately is from buyers in their 20s and 30s with inherited wealth.

    Expropriation or the guillotine. Neither discriminate based on age.

    > “I just sold a $16 million apartment to someone in their mid-20s, and the buyer accessed the family trust,” he said. “The wealth that is behind these kids is extreme.”

    Isn't "mid-20s" zoomer territory?

    > Inherited wealth has become Orrigo’s specialty. He says he works on forging close relationships with family offices, trusts and young money elite mingling at New York membership clubs like Casa Cipriani.

    Parasitic yesmen

    > The pattern is familiar: A wealthy family calls wanting a rental for their son or daughter; a few years later, they want a $5 million or $10 million two-bedroom condo to buy in a new, high-security building downtown.

    In fucking Manhattan, mind you. Capital E fucking Expensive

    >“My gig is working very quietly and very discreetly with the wealthiest families in the world,” Orrigo said.

    Parasites tend to not advertise their presence but they'll also be removed all the same.

    Lmao Nintendo strikes again!

    > Nintendo issues takedowns against 20 years of Garry's Mod content, devs ask for your help "by deleting your Nintendo-related uploads and never uploading them again"

    Goddamn lmao nobody's safe from those litigious fuckers

    Defining lasagna

    Pasta is made from dough consisting mainly of flour and water. So essentially pasta is a other form of bread.

    Lasagna is most commonly made from alternating layers of pasta, tomato sauce, veggies, cheese, and meat.

    With all of that in mind, does this mean a big Mac is a lasagna? Does this also mean deep dish pizzas are lasagna?

    Wanna see an actual anarcho-bidenist?


    How the fuck can you put in "Free Palestine" in your pfp bio then immediately jeer at the heroes that are helping to free palestine? What's in the drinking water down in Australia yo.

    Alaskaball Alaskaball [comrade/them]

    Why are you profile stalking like a creep?

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