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Republican Rep. Says China Hacked His Emails Thanks to Microsoft Bug
  • His tweet says it was his campaign and personal email, both of which are separate accounts from his email. But he probably uses his personal email for work

  • At which level within the hierarchy of the US office do individuals aspiring to be part of it tend to be perceived as driven by a strong desire for power?
  • In one of my 300 level poli sci classes, literally one of the first things the professor said is that in politics, everyone running for office is a power-hungry narcissist. It’s only a slight exaggeration.

    That type of person is at every level of politics. I’d wager that if you could get data on the real motivations of every person who has ever run for office, you’d probably see the same amount of those people at every level, from school board to president.

  • More Than $10 Billion Deposited in Apple Card Savings Accounts
  • Apple’s fate is to be the American Sony

  • murder is murder
  • B

  • unsafe angles
  • And it’s not an open palm gesture, you point only your index finger up. Otherwise it looks like you’re just waving at someone

  • Despite having two bullets in her, one eye and a slightly wonky rear leg, she will steal your pizza without a hitch
  • I love Wen and I hope she has all the pizza she could ever want

  • News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders
  • The Disney thing is what did him in. It was such a stupid fight to pick. Even if he had, in any form, won that fight, he still would’ve lost, because he would’ve harmed his state’s largest employer, and therefore Florida’s economy (and a major donor to his campaign).

    It was a stupid, completely bad political move. It undercuts his “Trump, but competent” image. Donald Trump, or more importantly, a competent version of Donald Trump, would’ve moved the goalposts to somehow declare victory and give up on that fight.

    He only built the “competent” image because his party controls the state legislature. It’s easy to pass stuff when you control the whole government. It’s not an impressive political accomplishment.

  • The Fall of Stack Overflow
  • You can have it generate shitty code and then compare it against examples it finds online to iterate that code. Also, it was trained on the whole internet, including those good solutions, and can often reproduce them on its own. but you have to tell it, explicitly, to do all this to make better code, rather than just asking for the code.

  • House Republican Says the Quiet Part Out Loud Ahead of Looming Government Shutdown: ‘Most Of What We Do Up Here is Bad Anyway’
  • The story is too on-the-nose even for an onion article. “REPRESENTATIVE GOOD SAYS REPRESENTATIVES BAD”

  • I hate horns, so I made this
  • Car horns should come with a time limit: you can only use it so much per day. Then people might actually use them correctly. It’s not a rage button. It’s a safety device.

  • Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • I don't agree that ChatGPT has gotten dumber, but I do think I’ve noticed small differences in how it’s engineered.

    I’ve experimented with writing apps that use the OpenAI api to use the GPT model, and this is the biggest non-obvious problem you have to deal with that can cause it to seem significantly smarter or dumber.

    The version of GPT 3.5 and 4 used in ChatGPT can only “remember” 4096 tokens at once. That’s a total of its output, the user’s input, and “system messages,” which are messages the software sends to give GPT the necessary context to understand. The standard one is “You are ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. Knowledge Cutoff: 2021-09. Current date: YYYY-MM-DD.” It receives an even longer one on the iOS app. If you enable the new Custom Instructions feature, those also take up the token limit.

    It needs token space to remember your conversation, or else it gets a goldfish memory problem. But if you program it to waste too much token space remembering stuff you told it before, then it has fewer tokens to dedicate to generating each new response, so they have to be shorter, less detailed, and it can’t spend as much energy making sure they’re logically correct.

    The model itself is definitely getting smarter as time goes on, but I think we’ve seen them experiment with different ways of engineering around the token limits when employing GPT in ChatGPT. That’s the difference people are noticing.

  • Part 1 - Training Video for Bell Labs' Holmdel Computing Center - AT&T Archives
  • I live near the former Holmdel Bell Labs complex. It’s an amazing building. It was sadly left in disrepair for decades until a developer bought it a few years back and turned it into a corporate office space with a mall at the ground floor. I got my Covid shots there.

  • Deleted
    Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
  • This is one of the problems with using country TLDs. They look cute, but when you buy it, you may not realize who controls it. is similarly in a precarious position.

    I really wish we could all agree to stop using country TLDs for this

  • A teachers union says it’s fed up with social media’s impact on students
  • Someone close to me is a HS teacher. During covid, the schools changed their policy from “no phones in class ever” to “you can have your phone in class but you’d better only use it to help with classwork or in an emergency.”

    They’ve been trying to reverse the policy back to how it was, but it’s hard to get all the kids to believe that they can’t do this anymore. They don’t take the threat of punishment seriously because everyone is doing it now.

    Even if you manage to deal with the phone issue, the school gives kids chromebooks now to do their work on. The student wifi network seemingly has no restrictions, since the teachers sometimes need to have them watch something on YouTube or Netflix.

    So kids, during class, watch Netflix on their Chromebook instead of paying attention.

  • "ActivityPub not suitable for implementation as the base federation layer in diaspora"
  • In about a year we’ll probably have that anyway. Practices like that will emerge as people get more experience running fediverse servers, and then they’ll get adopted by people trying to do what’s known to work

  • Alexandrite is a Beautiful Web Frontend for Lemmy
  • Wefwef/voyager works well as a mobile interface. It only has an iOS style interface now, but it’s really good, and they’re working on an Android skin if that’s a dealbreaker

  • NJ TRANSIT Keeping the Commute Exciting
  • What station is this? What happened?

  • What are some useful skills or hobbies that anyone can learn for free?
  • I’ve been practicing this. In 30 years when computer input is primarily voice and touchscreens, we’ll be the only ones left. It’ll be like knowing how to use Morse code with a wireless telegraph.

  • me me (also me)
  • One word: footnotes

  • Aidan Aidan
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