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On this episode of the China Bad Diaries The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat

China has invested heavily in an armada of far-flung fishing vessels, in part to extend its global influence. This maritime expansion has come at grave human cost.

The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat
"How Millennials Killed the Guest Room"
  • People like these are so threatened by those around them that they'll shame poor people for being poor as it doesn't conform to their worldview.

  • "How Millennials Killed the Guest Room" How Millennials Killed the Guest Room

    As the national housing crisis continues, more and more people are leaving behind the idea of reserving an extra room for guests.

    How Millennials Killed the Guest Room
    The Indignity of Grocery Shopping The Indignity of Grocery Shopping

    In her latest work to be translated into English, Annie Ernaux dissects the particular malaise of grocery shopping.

    The Indignity of Grocery Shopping

    Newspeak rant

    Anyone who's studied the George Orwell novel 1984 want to explain to me what the fucking point of "newspeak" is and why it's not a strawman "we're gonna make the commies seem like supervillains and do random stupid shit for no reason" type trope? Because when has any prominent figure in socialism or communism ever suggested dumbing down language? Give me an example of a commie language reinvention please, 1984 is supposed to be the definitive manual on what happened under communism isn't it?

    Also detecting a hint of racism in that plotpoint because there really are real languages that evolved naturally where the positive and negative expressions are indeed structured as good, not good, very good, very not good, etc. Is it trying to say that people speaking those languages are bad at expressing their thoughts because it's not how English does it?

    Actually, Chinese is kind of like this with its use of pre/suffixes. Chinese is also one of the best languages for poetry and literature. Source: Native Mandarin speaker.

    Crossposted from my Mastodon

    South Korean government proposes increase in work week to 69 hours from the previous 52 BusinessLIVE

    South Africa’s best source of news, opinion, and analysis from the business sector and political economy. Includes Business Day, Financial Mail, and Business Times. Markets. Indicators. JSE.


    And this is rolled back from their initial proposal of 80 hours.

    What’s a good tablet and touch screen oriented Linux distro or desktop environment? Can any of them compete with something like Android?

    I'm looking to get a straight tablet (not a 360-hinge laptop with a keyboard) that will mostly be used for mobile centric applications like when I'm out and about or when I want to binge shows in bed. Ideally it will be a device that I can exclusive use the touchscreen with for when I'm either too lazy or can't practically prop it up and use it as a proper laptop.

    I want to keep at least the software as open source as possible, so my options are either an Android tablet that I can sideload an AOSP de-googled ROM like Lineage OS, or a Windows tablet with an x86 CPU that I'll install a Linux distro on (inb4 "Android is technically Linux").

    I currently use KDE Plasma which is my favourite environment when I'm on my desktop, and I quickly found through testing on my touchscreen laptop that it's practically unusable without a mouse and keyboard. Here are some things that I found KDE lacking that I need:

    • Integrated onscreen keyboard that automatically pops up when you're in a text field, and/or can easily be brought in and out of frame when needed.

    • Smooth swipe-based scrolling. I find that swiping up on many KDE apps just selects text or drags an element, or does nothing, and you have to drag the tiny scroll bar to scroll.

    • Pinch to zoom

    • A terminal that works well with touch screen, namely one that makes it easy to use special characters and control keys with an onscreen keyboard. Termux on Android is what I consider one of the best implementations of this.

    • Active stylus support with palm rejection is a plus, like the Surface when running Windows or the iPad Pro.

    I consider myself very knowledgeable with Linux, and I do tinker with my computers a lot, but for this one, I do simply want something that "just works", because I'll either be using it at school/work and can't afford to start diving into conf files and searching up cryptic error messages because something broke, or I'll be in bed just wanting to relax before going to sleep.

    Finally, is this futile? If we're considering stock Android as a benchmark for a decent user experience on a tablet, can anything on the non-Android Linux side even compare?

    This article is about how a little girl's yt channel is propaganda 😐
  • Personally, I think she shouldn't be on YouTube for a completely different reason. The internet is actually unsafe for children that young and there are a lot of disgusting pervs on YouTube. You're not supposed to be on social media till you're 13, and I think even that is too young, a safer age is probably 15 or 16.

    And as we've seen here, if you're from a country the west hates, you're a target. Even if you're a child. Not against people in the DPRK posting to YouTube, obviously, but for their safety it should be limited to full adults only.

  • This article is about how a little girl's yt channel is propaganda 😐
  • Wait, I thought those were banned! The west would never lie about countries they hate!

  • White Settlers Wiped Miles of Cherokee Trails Off the Map. This Man Is Reclaiming Them. White Settlers Wiped Miles of Cherokee Trails Off the Map. This Man Is Reclaiming Them.

    These routes once snaked through the towering woods of Appalachia, before they were lost to history. Lamar Marshall has spent a decade painstakingly mapping them, and their rich history.

    White Settlers Wiped Miles of Cherokee Trails Off the Map. This Man Is Reclaiming Them.
    Chinese HX-D3D 1893 electric locomotive with a Mao Zedong plaque

    The locomotive number is Mao's birth year, which is why it has this plaque!









































    "On the job safety begins here"

    It's already a red flag when a factory/workshop has one of these days without injury things, it's a deep, blood stained scarlet flag when this isn't on a whiteboard, not on a piece of paper, hell not even on a simple plaque with changeable number inserts, but a fully printed and laminated metal sign with an electronic counter.


    the most oppressed minority AgreeableLandscape☭
    Mikiwam: Solarpunk Herbalism by Studio Ekosi, Indigenous-made post-decolonization game. Mikiwam: Solarpunk Herbalism by Studio Ekosi

    Cozy tea-making in a post-colonial fantasy world

    Mikiwam: Solarpunk Herbalism by Studio Ekosi

    It's easier for Chinese people to watch "banned" US media than it is for Americans to watch Chinese media from within freedom land.

    First of all, consider that most major media content from official sources like TV shows and movies are geolocked to approved countries. This has way more to do with copyright and licensing than censorship, but it's what it is.

    Second, consider the fact that every VPN around the world advertise that "if you're in China, you can use us to get past censorship" in their marketing. Now, how many VPNs that Westerns use have an actual endpoint inside Mainland China? Totally legal to do btw, but how many prividers actually do it? Which, fun fact, the simple act of jumping the great firewall isn't illegal. It's only illegal of you commit a crime while bypassing the firewall, like if you were posting on a Western porn site or something, in which case it could be used to increase sentencing in court. Technically you can only use VPNs by Chinese companies (many of which still let you jump the firewall BTW), but as far as I know they don't enforce it that much considering how prevalent Western VPNs are over there, and the fact they if they really cared they would have blocked all the major foreign VPN endpoints. Watching even explicitly state censored stuff isn't illegal, it's only illegal if you make, advertise, duplicate, or distribute it. Actually, additional fun fact, access and possession of porn is generally legal in China, they only criminalize, again, making, distributing, duplicating, or advertising it, that's just their general philosophy when it comes to banned media.

    Third, consider piracy. How often do you see Chinese media on western torrent sites or illegal streaming sites? I dunno about you, but pretty much never for me. Meanwhile, plenty of Chinese illegal streaming sites have all the Western shows you could want, and Chinese people torrent stuff all the time. Piracy is technically illegal in China, especially since torrenting counts as distribution, but I've personally never heard it enforced for regular Western movies and TV shows, only for porn and stuff like that. (Source: Am Chinese, lived in China) And there are tons of Chinese streaming sites, hosted in China, which you'd think would be pretty easy for them to shut down if they actually cared about it.

    All in all, Chinese people aren't starving for Western "freedom" media. The West is starving for Chinese media.

    Major Covid report suggests virus could have leaked from a US lab
  • Hey, can I get a preprint of that counter-paper you're submitting to the Lancet?

  • Major Covid report suggests virus could have leaked from a US lab Major Covid report suggests virus could have leaked from a US lab

    The Lancet’s paper said it is ‘feasible’ that Sars-Cov-2 emerged from a natural spillover or a lab incident, but elements provoke backlash

    Major Covid report suggests virus could have leaked from a US lab
    Major Covid report suggests virus could have leaked from a US lab
  • Interesting how the libs are way more doubtful of this than the China leak one, despite this one coming from a major western biomed journal.

  • Nature approves.

  • Lemmygrad mod team statement on "patriotic socialism"
  • Unless you're a Patsoc as in Socialism with Patrick Star characteristics. Then you're a valued member of this forum.

  • noted friend of the LGBT community, a group of literal nazis
  • Yeah, the part of the queer community that's not dead from Nazis.

  • I cant stand western "leftists"
  • I've realized that unless they specifically say Marxist or ML, chances are they're just confused liberals.

  • Libs be like "all movies and shows in China, North Korea, Cuba, and Russia are propaganda, while our shows are actually artistic and expressive!"
  • What's also ironic is that they always say how violent Squirrel and Hedgehog is, and how it uses the trope of objective good vs objective evil, and the good guys always pull through. While conveniently not mentioning that Japanese anime from the same era has a similar level of violence (you know, the country right next to the DPRK and has quite a bit of cultural overlap?), or the fact that literally every kid show ever has the exact same simplified good vs evil message? The cartoon doesn't even mention any real countries! It's in a 100% fictional, fantasy setting!

    Also, if you're going into college level literary analysis to draw comparisons between a cartoon for children and real life politics (like, young children, not high schoolers or some age where you'd actually expect them to understand real politics), aren't you basically saying that children in the DPRK are way smarter than Western children?

  • Libs be like "all movies and shows in China, North Korea, Cuba, and Russia are propaganda, while our shows are actually artistic and expressive!"
  • And Captain America isn't just a superhero. He's literally, canonically a god, and the unquestioned defender of the entire universe!

    When libs analyze a show like Squirrel and Hedgehog (a DPRK cartoon) down the individual pixels in order to prove just how propaganda it is, but apparently what Marvel has is 100% not propaganda?

  • Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
  • Redditor is a state of mind. You don't necessarily have to use the site to be one.

  • Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
  • "Everyone who disagrees me is a piece of shit and is siding with tyrants, no I'm not going to actually read their arguments beyond the title."

  • Anti-homeless architecture

  • Lib's attempt at an Australian Communist flag
  • IMO, any country on the business end of colonialism needs to bring the symbols of the indigenous peoples to the forefront if we're going to start redesigning flags.

  • South Korean filmmakers every couple of years dropping absolute bangers
  • Yeah, Western media can be really good at showing the horrors of capitalism, but they almost always just go "well it's what it is" instead of solving it. Not even fantasy pretend solving it.

  • South Korean filmmakers every couple of years dropping absolute bangers
  • There's a theory that season 2 is about to reveal that it's set in the DPRK and is meant to showcase that North Korea is the worst: (warning, lib video)

    Which, if true, makes it libtrash. It's just a theory though and we'll have to wait and see.

    In general, it's a pretty good commentary on capitalism and what it forces people to do, but certainly not the best in that category.

  • I serve the Soviet Union o7
  • responses will not be received by Reddit admins

    This is more telling than they realize.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape☭

    He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

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