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I cant stand western "leftists"

Today i had the misfortune of encountering a western "leftist" on Twitter. He stans Podemos (a spanish demsoc party, very liberal and proNATO, they are now in a coalition government with the socdems and they love Zelenski). We discussed the Ukraine War and Russia. I thought he would do the typical "ok the US and NATO are very bad, but Russia is bad too!" so i brought up the NATO invasions of Yugoslavia and Libya to show how the west is manufacturing consent now with Ukraine just like they did with Yugoslavia and Libya, which i assumed he would say were bad. Well the motherfucker goes and says "akchually those invasions were good, we stopped genocides and evil dictators". WTF. How are these people "leftists"? They are straight up NATOist warhawks. How is this "the left" now? And this is in Europe, where the left is much stronger than in the US! I cant stand this. HOW IS THIS "LEFTISM"? Im so angry right now, what a piece of shit human being, defending imperialist genocides while calling himself a "leftist". He even had the gull of saying "you arent a leftist, you defend genocidal regimes like the USSR, Putin or North Korea, youre a fascist!". Fucking unbelievable. Ok rant over.

Oh and he also defended finnish and baltic nazis of WW2 and said "bolshevism is just like nazism". Plus he said holodomor was real and when i showed him that expert historians on the subject like Mark Tauger, J Arch Getty and Stephen Wheatcroft think otherwise, he said "youre wrong, the historical consensus doesnt agree with you".

  • I've realized that unless they specifically say Marxist or ML, chances are they're just confused liberals.

    • Even if they claim to be ML its bad. Here the Communist Party of Spain claims to be ML but its 100% liberal. They are in coalition government with these Podemos idiots and the socdems. They love Zelenski, say pootin man bad all the time and support sending weapons to neonazis. While many members of the party are based the leadership are a gang of corrupt opportunists and are destroying the party. Although imo the party was killed in 1975, when they rejected revolution in favor of liberal democracy. Honestly i think the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) is the only mainstream communist party in western europe that isnt 100% social imperialist.

  • Being pro-NATO or even thinking that they're a 'defensive alliance' is the biggest tell. You have to have your head in the sand to take that position.

  • "Leftists" in my country are just a bunch of idealistic revisionists. Their so called "leftist" stance are simply reduced to issues of environmental/identity politics. They couldn't care less about the global south or supporting AES. They are too comfortable leeching off the imperial core's neocolonialism.

    • Same here in Spain. A lot of talking about "we must leave NATO and the EU" and "America bad" but then when push comes to shove, like now with the Ukraine War, they all rally behind NATO and support the NATO narrative. The Podemos motherfuckers (which includes the Communist Party, yes its that revisionist, eurocommunism killed it) literally did a standing ovation for Zelenski the piece of shit nazi. We are sending millions of euros in weapons to neonazis, but its ok because russia man bad. Oh whats that, you need welfare to not starve? Sorry, no money left for that. Fucking social fascists. Where are you from?

      • Finland my fellow comrade. I knew it was coming that Finland were applying to join NATO, but when the announcement came today, the anxiety still hit hard.

        The pro-NATO propaganda here have been relentless these past few months and there have been no counter-arguments to NATO in the media, not even from public service. At least I read a letter in one of the newspapers today from the Finnish Peace Union (umbrella org for multiple peace orgs), where the writer heavily criticized the NATO decision and that she had heavily lost trust in public service after all this propaganda.

  • PSOE and UP be like: "what is a Marx, in this house we only stan NATO 💪💪"

    • For real. Then they have the gull to sing The Internationale at their rallies. Literally the definition of social fascism.

      • Man, remember when the UK Labour Party sang the Internationale in the Commons and went "oh teehee we broke the rules, we're standing up to the man!"

        Motherfuckers, you support imperialism

  • At the risk of being banned for some sort of -phobia, I have to say that western left movement was fucked the moment euroleft minority activism (tifoil on: fucking CIA-leashed trotskyists tinfoil:off) took over, even if it wasn't hijacked by libshits. Look at the results - it fractures the working class, and it can't fight for it's rights if it's not united (and problems of minorities are either caused or severely exacerbated by the same old K anyway), after it is fractured certain groups are radicalized the wrong way and you get misandrists, "reverse" racists (just plain old racists) and shit like that and, it's most ridiculous manifestations give great material for propaganda, because all the right have to do is point and say "Them screeching weirdos over there are marxists, look some of them even say that, do you want to be like them?", shove horseshoe down people's throats, that route.

    • Uhhh no? Identity politics has nothing to do with this. The problem here is western exceptionalism, the belief that "the west", meaning the US empire, has the right to be the world police and that its political system is the role model to follow. Thats the origin of eurocommunism, which is what killed the western left. The idea that "we must have a democratic communism, because soviet, chinese and third world communism is authoritarian and undemocratic, while western democracies arent" is what killed the western left. The 3 strongest communist parties in Western Europe, the Italian, French and Spanish Communist Parties, were destroyed by eurocommunism. Thats the problem here, western chauvinism and propaganda. Identity politics, no matter what you think of it, has nothing to do with this and is totally irrelevant to my post.

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