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Brits: Salt is a spice
  • Boomers made that bland war time food linger. They were children during and just after WW2 so it was part of their childhood nostalgia and they fed it to their own kids. Also we've had Indian/ Chinese restaurants in the UK for a while but they were mostly just in major cities at first so the average person still had little exposure to foreign or exotic food until the late 1970s/ early 1980s.

  • Your journey with Lemmy: When and why did you join? When did you leave and come back? Are you finally settled?
  • Came here when the Reddit 3rd party app threat started looming, loved it and never went back.

    Sure, Lemmy doesn't have the same variety and amount of content that's on Reddit but that's because it's a smaller and newer platform along with the fact that not all instances federate with each other (which is great).

    I still get my scrolling urge fulfilled and presented with random memes and news that I'm interested in without the data harvesting factor which is perfect for me.

  • Filters

    Does anybody have a guide to using filters? I've tried to set them up for specific words and instances but none of them have worked.

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