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Ask my Gazan Friend Anything
  • كيهودي ، قل له بأننا جميعا لسنا أشخاص سيئين أو حتى صهاينة . نحن مع فلسطين ومع الشعب الفلسطيني .

    الحب من يهودي .

    فلسطين عربية ، لست صهيونية !!!

    بالروح بالدم نفديك يا اقصى !!!

    الموت الإحتلال الإسرائيلي !!!

    ( لا تقلق ، أنا أعرف اللغة العربية وأفهمها )

  • Death Toll from "Israeli" Airstrikes Across Lebanon Rises to 492 as People in South Flee for Safety | CCTV Video News Agency

    >“"Israel's" large-scale airstrikes across Lebanon on Monday resulted in 492 deaths and 1,645 injuries, as thousands of people in the south of the country fled for safety.”

    The REAL History of How Hamas Was Created | Part I

    >Was Hamas really created by "Isr*el"?

    >That's the argument which is often made in good faith by re-visiting the "Isr*eli" dealings with the precursor to Hamas, known as the Mujamma al-Islammiyah, yet is an oversimplification of history .

    >However, this assumption is rooted in some key misunderstandings about the Hamas origin story and is also why this argument is not often accepted by Palestinians who carry a greater understanding of the history.

    >While some elements of the corporate media have attempted to paint "Isreli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as being the "bad apple" in "Isrel", the narrative that Hamas was created by "Isrel" and sustained by the "Isreli" PM helps fuel this notion.

    >MintPress staff writer Robert Inlakesh debunks the myth that Hamas was a creation of "Isr*el"

    >While sweeping statements regarding the origins of Hamas miss nuance, a greater understanding of the national liberation movement of the Palestinians fills in the gaps.

    【8 month video】'They call us terrorists': Inside the Palestinian resistance forces of Jenin, West Bank

    cross-posted from:

    > >“Isrel“ continues to unleash hell upon the 22-by-5-mile concentrated area of Gaza, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, with relentless airstrikes and indiscriminate bombings of hospitals, residential buildings, schools, and other civilian sites. As besieged Palestinians shelter and flee and die within the walls of their cage in Gaza, Resistance forces are mobilizing to rise up against an Occupation that has presided over lives for 75 years. > > >Where there is occupation, there is resistance, and numerous Palestinian resistance groups exist across the Occupied Territories. These groups consist of occupied subjects turned freedom fighters—those who have been directly targeted by “Isrel“, who have witnessed their friends and families die at the hands of occupying forces, and who have been labeled "terrorists" for resisting their slow extermination. In Jenin, a 1km square ghetto-like refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, and the target of numerous “Isreli“ incursions, there are many who have chosen the path of armed resistance, and many who felt they had no other choice. > > >For those who suffer under the direct oppression and daily practices of apartheid—including the suspension of human and civil rights, military-imposed blockades and checkpoints restricting people's movements, the demolition of homes and killing of family members—there comes a breaking point. Generations of Palestinians, born into Occupation and violence, do not live a life of dignity. As they describe, under these conditions, they have nothing to live for and nothing to lose, and they have everything to fight for. > > >In July of this year, before the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks and “Isrel“'s genocidal retaliatory offensive in Gaza, The Real News Network spoke to members of the community in Jenin refugee camp about their lives under Occupation, the role of the Resistance there, and the fight for freedom.

    Dr Oday - Live From Southern Gaza

    cross-posted from:

    >>"Today I speak to a friend serving as a doctor serving in the European Gaza Hospital as IDF bombing nears closer and closer to his hospital and find out what it's been like to be a doctor on the ground during this war."

    [ 5 months ago ] Al-Qassam Brigades and Quds Brigades hand over a number of Isr*eli female detainees to the Red Cross | العربي - أخبار

    >"The moment the Qassam Brigades and Al-Quds Brigades handed over the fifth batch of Isr*eli female detainees"

    Booing of Isr*eli Singer Covered up by Eurovision Booing of Israeli Singer Covered up by Eurovision

    Support the show on Patreon: Donate on PayPal: on GoFundMe:

    Booing of Israeli Singer Covered up by Eurovision
    Any leading lights?
  • كس أمك يا ابن حمار! 🖕🏽

  • 'You're A Bunch of Genocide Apologists': Rania Khalek On Piers Morgan 'You're A Bunch of Genocide Apologists': Rania Khalek On Piers Morgan

    BT's Rania Khalek appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored to debate Israel's destruction of Gaza and invasion of Rafah. It was one against three but she held her...

    'You're A Bunch of Genocide Apologists': Rania Khalek On Piers Morgan
    Myanmar Continues Fight Against Washington's Other Proxy War

    >Update on US-backed fighting in Southeast Asia's Myanmar...

    >- Myanmar's military ousted a US-installed government in 2021, the US has backed armed militancy and terrorism across Myanmar ever since;

    >- Fighting has see-sawed, but has done so for decades as the US and British have backed armed ethnic groups since Myanmar gained independence following World War 2;

    >- The US has built parallel institutions both inside and beyond Myanmar's borders to politically capture and compromise the nation;

    >- US-backed militants have relied on public relations stunts including symbolic drone and rocket strikes on the capital and the temporary capture of frontier towns where government forces are spread thinnest;

    >- The conflict is ultimately part of a wider agenda of encircling and containing China;

    >- China's Belt and Road Initiative runs through Myanmar and has been repeatedly attacked by US-backed militant groups;

    >- The conflict is just one part of a wider global conflict the US is waging in order to reassert its unipolar "international order;"

    USA & Isr*el defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member | Geopolitical Economy Report USA & Israel defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member

    143 countries, representing the vast majority of the world, voted at the UN General Assembly to support giving Palestine full membership. They were opposed b...

    USA & Israel defy world in vote to make Palestine full UN member

    >"143 countries, representing the vast majority of the world, voted at the UN General Assembly to support giving Palestine full membership. They were opposed by the US, "Israel", and seven other small states, representing just 5% of the global population. Ben Norton analyzes the geopolitics."

    Xi Jinping blasts US/NATO for bombing China's embassy in Serbia | Geopolitical Economy Report

    >"While visiting Serbia, China's President Xi Jinping condemned the US and NATO for bombing Beijing's embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1999. Ben Norton discusses why Washington launched the attack, and lied about it. Then Ben analyzes China-Serbia relations and the Belt and Road Initiative."

    US politicians threaten to invade Int'l Criminal Court if “Israel” faces war crimes charges | Geopolitical Economy Report US politicians threaten to invade Int'l Criminal Court if Israel faces war crimes charges

    US Senators sent a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor, threatening to impose sanctions and even invade the Hague if it issues arrest...

    US politicians threaten to invade Int'l Criminal Court if Israel faces war crimes charges

    >"US Senators sent a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor, threatening to impose sanctions and even invade the Hague if it issues arrest warrants for “Israel's” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Biden administration is also pressuring the ICC not to charge Israeli officials over their war crimes in Gaza. Ben Norton discusses Washington's deep hypocrisy."

    De-dollarization: China drops US Treasury bonds, instead buys gold, oil, metals | Geopolitical Economy Report

    >“China is reducing its holdings of US Treasury securities. Instead, the People's Bank of China is buying gold, and Beijing prioritizes imports of important commodities like oil and metals. Ben Norton discusses the geopolitical impact of de-dollarization in the world's largest economy.”

    Where do you live? (Wrong answers only)
  • Tishreen Palace , Damascus , Syria .

  • NSFW
    He fucked around and found out CW: settler down
  • שם רשעים ירקב ، יהי זכרו ארור !

    Rest in Pieces Bozo !

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • Oh my , I thought it was turkiye for a second because how it looks . 🤣

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Varadero , Cárdenas , Matanzas province , Cuba .

  • AYJANIBRAHIMOV אייג'אן איברהימוב🇵🇸☭

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