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Unusual Bicycle: BeTriton Boatcamper
  • I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a DD bike to test it out for myself though.

    I wouldn't but that would be entirely for the gizmo-factor

    Hey if you are going by that digital drive bikes video, the video maker himself said he might have estimated the losses incorrectly due to regen braking and downhill grades which would recharge the battery a bit.

    I'm not and it matters little - you're not beating 95% drivetrain efficiency except in the rare case where these things would be used nigh-exlusively like one of those coal elevators that run by themselves where you only have heavy people riding them downhill and lighter people riding them uphill.

    However, the video maker also lists that battery plus digital drive brings the efficiency back up to be on par with chain/belt and gear systems.

    You can slap a battery on a chain- or belt-driven bike and get even further

    The uses for digital drive bikes he lists would likely be city commuter bikes,

    Okay, you could pedal while standing still to charge it up - at least on a cargo bike (and there is one that does this, albeit the name escapes me atm) but then you're still just using effort to convert into energy with more losses. The physics just don't work out.

    bike rental fleets,

    Honestly if you're going for like rugged ass shit (and fuck the riding experience because it's only for short trips anyhow, i.e. rentals), I say RETVRN to prop shaft bicycles. Now those would be intensily hard to break. But I don't even think this is much of an actual problem, most bicycle rental companies have figured this out via a closed chain guard box and some farings and that's really not the part that usually gets dinged up or willfully destroyed

    and especially cargo bikes

    This comes closest to real world application imo, but that's more on the ground of loopholing regulations so you can still claim it's a bicycle instead of like an EV that would require licensing, taxes, registration or any such thing - which I'm not against- but then you still have decades of chain-driven recumbents and such to look at to figure out how to include one of those. It's not like "slightly longer bicycle chain and some pulleys" is really a hard engineering problem to solve

  • Unusual Bicycle: BeTriton Boatcamper
  • It's kind of cool as a what if or engineering challenges but for any real world applications I'm sorry to say, it's just dumb. A belt- or chain driven bicycle sits at like 95% efficiency or so as per drivetrain, you're getting way less than that here. And it's not going to be lighter or actually more rugged, it's just all the parts are internal and you've replaced "maintaining chain and sprocket" with "toss out an electric motor eventually"

  • "I've never seen that": Legal scholars say Trump has opening to turn to Supreme Court for help
  • Some may get radicalized though.

    Yeah around how republican (supreme court judges) don't adhere to fair play or whatever maybe, which they also do now. If there was ever a time to become radicalized about the US Supreme Court that was a few years ago

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • One of the worst things you can do to the environment folks. Don't bear children. Don't invite another being into this madness and suffering.

    As is continuing to live so why don't you follow through on that line of thought here

  • Unusual Bicycle: BeTriton Boatcamper
  • Ah yeah, real old rich white guy hobby at heart, on account of how much the things cost (especially given how this isn't like that much better than just booking a hotel room or bringing a tent)

    But then again I'd argue anyone of them getting into this beats them buying a truck-RV or actual boat or whatever. Old white rich cycle guys are often surprisingly leftist and radical for their age in my experience.

  • Unusual Bicycle: BeTriton Boatcamper

    It's a bicycle, also it's a boat, also it's a camper.

    One off concept vehicle for now, but you can pre-order one for 18.000€, which I can't tell if it's expensive for a bike, or like reasonable for an amphibious vehicle, or pretty good for a camper.

    Here's a look at it by some youtuber

    I cross the border on this and immediatly 3 different police jurisdictions get into a shootout over what kind of licenses I need to operate this thing. I am taunting them the whole way by riding in shallow water, further complicating the situation.

    Man I want one.

    "Meat spill" forces 4-hour closure of I-880 northbound lanes in Oakland
  • Even in just this specific scenario there's the fact to grapple with that losing one container of meat is akin to losing like 10 containers of grain because that's what got fed to all the animals that are now the meat on some oakland highway

  • US Abrams tanks failing in Ukraine as Russia mocks them as ‘empty tin cans’
  • As tanks go: it is far better than Russia's T-90.

    I can't speak towards whether the T90 is any good at whatever but this really feels like the Tiger tank argument all over where on a stat card it beats the shit out of any other tank except of course in the real world where it boiled to our wondrous wunderwaffe tank vs. 15 T-32s

  • US Abrams tanks failing in Ukraine as Russia mocks them as ‘empty tin cans’
  • base your entire military doctrine around air superiority

    fight the other former superpower that also knows this and therefore has world leading air defence

    all my tanks broke

    There's gotta be like 100 US STRATCOM guys shitting, pissing, screaming about this exact scenario to no avail as they keep sending more equipment that gets owned by a by some late 70s soviet stockpile shit with an accountable value of "Wait, why do we still have this?"

  • Is a cargo bike with a mounted MG a technical?

    Scholars have discussed this issue for eons, if I bolt a DshKA to a cargo bike, is it a technical? We need to find an answer

    It's kind of odd China is seemingly the only country that has figured out MREs are good convenience food

    How the fuck is all western MREs 30€-a-meal tacticool m4 extrem trail hike: school schooter edition when, going by sold out online listings, I could get a chinese self heating hot pot for like 5 eurodollars?

    These things would be insanely convenient to just toss in my bike bag and have a warm vegan meal on a cold days bike ride

    K.I.Z. - Applaus [with translations, I tried]

    When the spotlights to out I'm invisible, I'm a superstar, baby, you can google that, My guest bathroom, full of my trophies, neon coloured outfit so nobody misses me, broken voice, because I'm talking way to loud, I've gotta be an individual, otherwise they'll change me out I'll stand on a table or start to throw fists Why again is the conversation not about me?

    I wave with both arms like a shipbroken man, if everybody isn't looking I'm not really there, I have 3 siblings but I am only child, The only thing, that shuts me up is:

    Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, is Applause, Applause, Applause,

    Applause is a drug, the first hit comes free Straight from the delivery room my first word was "me" "Mama, watch jump this" she says "Super, dear" "There is no boy on the world that does it as well as you" Crayon-paintings nicer than the garbage at the louvre Gold medals for my first attemps maneouvering, I stare at my watch as soon as other people talk, and because I can't be seen I'm afraid of the dark

    I wave with both arms like a shipbroken man, if everybody isn't looking I'm not really there, I have 3 siblings but I am only child, he only thing, that shuts me up is:

    Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, is Applause, Applause, Applause,

    My Therapist looks at me and says "mh-mh, aha" I look forward to my funeral because I'll be the superstar, Name your children after me and also some streets in berlin, For this behaviour, they prescribed ritalin, today

    Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, Applause, is Applause, Applause, Applause,

    The Simple Genius of the Buffalo Bicycle [rugged aid relief bicycle]

    I've posted about the buffallo before, which is like a relief aid bicycle for poor nations, but here's Seth of Berm Peaks reviewing it, with details I didn't know hitherto. I posted about it before and it is fascinating to me so here you go.

    To give context on seth here, he's quite obviously not a comrade, but he's also not a shit. Ad sponsors, yes, but I'd argue he always does point out you don't need all the expensive shit, it's just nice.

    I think this might come as close to the nigh-perfect general purpose post-apocalypse vehicle as you can get. Seems thought-through. But read the other threads for possible critcisms on it.

    Jokes that would be better if Mitch Hedberg said them

    There's twelve subsequent parts annoyingly made without a playlist but dude's killing it with these

    March of The Jobless Corps - Daniel Kahn and The Painted Bird

    Apparently an adaption of an old yiddish song, arbetslose marsh. You can hear the similarities.

    You ever argue with somebody outside of this and then be hit with about 5 "gooday, good sir"'s?

    You'd think we're all terrible online debatelords but I don't think any of us could beat 5 consecutive comments of "I see you have no more arguments left, good sir, and shall now disengage" while they're too raving mad to actually pull through

    Cool Bike Shit: Dynamo Powered USB-Charger

    You plug this into your bicycle dynamo and out comes electricity to charge your shit with if you're going at least 12kph ~7,5mph.

    Very cool for people who do multi day bike tours and having tested one personally: Yeah, rules!

    You might have to do some finnicking with a powerbank that doesn't require you to replug it after it stops charging - I mean you're gonna go below 12kph eventually - but hey, you get some volts out of it to keep your phone or whatever other tech going if you're on a multi day ride with sparse outlets


    Here's some data if you're into that sort of thing

    Being called a cyclist

    I am the downtrodden working poor elitist rich urbanite

    Guy Idea: Cyclist war on cars guy who got into it via fascistic cult of fitness

    Rides his bicycle to all the carbrained right wing events and gets nearly flattened by the Angstpanzer Future Modern 4.0L, yelling hopelessly into the void how the jewish conspiracy of the car has made people soy

    We're pretty lucky guinea pigs are vegans

    A guinea pig is a 2 pound furry potatoe with no offensive or defensive mechanisms and it still has the courage to yell at a hairless monkey 200 times their size if they feel their offering of veggies isn't up to par, they know no fear. 3 of them will reduce a bell pepper to nothing but white innards in about 2 minutes, tops.

    Imagine if they hungered for flesh. You're just out about and 3 guinea pigs just nibble off your entire shit below the ankles in like two minutes. You try to kick them to death but they're too nimble and keep coming back as their hunger is insatiable

    Unusual Bicycles: World's tallest tall bike

    Made by Adam Zdanowicz!

    Now you might think this is a bad idea, but then I ask you; how else is Santa Claus going to get up to all those chimneys to deliver children their presents?

    Maybe lurk moar wasn't the worst of concepts

    There's too much online discussion where the topic at hand is reinvented from first principles again, and again, and again, in what can at best be described as a strenous relationship to actual reality as every debateperson is loaded with the assumption that they are imbued with the sum total of human knowledge and therefore must never read any material on anything other than other peoples posts that are also reinvented from first principles

    These people should all be shamed away from participating in any discussion until they better themselves, which is what lurk moar did.

    I'm playing Half Life 2: VR and it's insane

    The mod's just very well done but it's amazing how well the base game translates to VR. Talk about standing the test of time when your 2004 video game can be modded into VR pretty much seamlessly and then blow Triple and Double-A games that are specifically made for VR out of the water

    EDIT: Thinking about it, Half Life 2 and it's consequences have been insanely culturally influential in the greater sphere. I mean from Gmod Youtube-Poops over to SFM all the assets are still relevant now due to skibidi toilet, and they're nearing 20 years old now.

    You can learn things from games if they're passion projects but absolutely not if they're educational games

    I learned how to navigate by compass and map from Arma on the account of you kind of need to, to play certain game modes.

    I have never learned shit from "educational" games because they all fail at being games. They're tests with some graphics added, that shit is boring and nobody cares, there's no incentive.

    Under FALGSOC, every game would teach you at least one skill

    EDIT: I learned Sneaking from Gothic because to sneak in that game you have some guy explaining it to you and that came in very handy as a teenager

    Unusual Bicycles: The Buffalo from World Bicycle Relief

    Custom built bicycle by World Bicycle Relief NGO which provides Bicycles to underdeveloped, mostly rural, areas

    More to be found at

    I'm too cynical to advocate for or against the NGO itself on account of not having researched it enough, It's founded by the SRAM owners (that being a bicycle parts corporation) and they have a for-profit subsidiary which just sells you that bike, but they claim some of it goes towards the actual charity. Seems an ok model.

    But the idea seems, genuinely, pretty good. You give someone a rugged-ass bicycle that can be fixed via local parts instead of some dependance on anything else, they now have a pretty good bicycle and boy does that beat walking. Forgive me the obvious bias here but it feels, at least theoretically, pretty Sankara-esque, it's just instead of a tractor, it's a bicycle. Different use-case, same philosophy.

    Especially that 100kg carry capacity rear rack, I mean goddamn. Most "adventure" bikes you can customer purchase in the west end at around 40 - 50kg on that front. Kind of want one now.

    According to their own numbers they've given out 752.000 bicycles at about 150€ a pop.

    EDIT: It also comes very close to the Apocalypse Bicycle that I posted about as the Humanitarian Bicycle idea about 2 years ago and that was from some guy just designing it for fun

    What do we think?

    How do we feel about "easy on the eyes" as a descriptor of someone

    I don't know why but i've had this stuck in my head for a few days. Is it weird creep shit or is it like endearing because old timey

    But if the union gets what they want, then we'll get [thing currently happening a lot]

    The german train engineers are posed to go on strike over, among other things, a shorter work week and now the country is gripped in fear over "what if they can't run the trains anymore" as if I don't spend at least 30% of my rides standing around a train station that had all the benches removed because a homeless person was spotted 2 towns over once as the train I'm supposed to take just gets cancelled because "the train engineer is sick and we couldn't manage a replacement"

    Same with every other public sector going on strike actually. The horror scenario everybody keeps describing if the union gets their way is just a description of things as it is. Imagine if the public servants had to work two hours less, we'd take 15 years to build an airport.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    7bicycles [he/him]
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