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  • …God wouldn’t be up this late

  • Are people in the stock photos real?
  • “Personware” sounds like Elon’s brain implant plan

  • Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says
  • I’m sure then you’ve also seen the basement of Cosmic Pizza

  • Naughty Dog, Activision Veterans Form AAA Studio Emptyvessel
  • Mick Gordon is in? I’m in.

  • Andrew Tate Was Arrested After Adin Ross Blabbed About His Escape Plans
  • I guess that makes twice now that Adin Ross scissored Andrew Tate.

    Only this time it was metaphorical.

  • ChatGPT bombs test on diagnosing kids’ medical cases with 83% error rate
  • LLM are not even the right type of AI to try to do medical diagnosis with. Stop treating LLMs like they can fucking think and reason. They do not.

  • What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom?
  • Don’t buy any of those toilet tank tablets. They often will corrode and wear down the tank valve over time, and your toilet will start to run on its own (or could even break).

  • What chemicals and tools do I need to clean my bathroom?
  • White vinegar is good on any wood or porous surface because it’s small enough to get inside and kill the biological things (black mold, etc) while bleach just tends to just clean the surface and evaporate quickly.

  • You had to hold it up to a candle.
  • Candle, pfft I put em in the microwave

  • You had to hold it up to a candle.
  • I honestly wasn’t often enough when I was young lol I say let em

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • And yet you’re still here

  • Xi Jinping says Chinese business having ‘tough time’ in new year message
  • Unfortunately it’s not going to stop ill-informed Americans from sneering “yeah, how’s that communism going for CHEEYIANAH” if you mention Medicare for all

  • Locked
    Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people
  • Yeah, seems Dave’s always had a problem with misreading the room. Still does, just is bitter about it now

  • Locked
    Dave Chappelle fills Netflix special with jokes about trans and disabled people
  • And here you are baiting, strawman after strawman

  • 29 December 2023
  • This is exactly why the phase “can you spare an ?” makes sense.

    Spares aren’t just for yourself.

  • [Answered] Do "chest pillows" hurt for women to do?
  • The thunk and all the silverware and glasses rattling lol

  • Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate
  • This take is riddled with naivety.

    Not only will Meta read, train AI on, aggregate and datamine, and correlate this data with your real identity, but when Meta announces that “the easiest way to be on the fediverse is to just use Threads” then all the people who avoided Mastodon because it was “too complicated” to sign up, all the people who are basically already signed up because they scroll Insta all day, will go with Threads instead of spreading the load out.

    As smaller instances start to drop off under the load, under the lack of interest as threads grows and they shrink, merely mirroring the traffic of a centralized corporate entity, users start to flock to threads for its reliability and speed.

    Then Meta pulls the plug, since “no one really used this ActivityPub thing anyway, it was too technical”.

    Threads isn’t about beating “X” (lol X is in a death spiral, it’s only a matter of time), it’s about ensuring the Fediverse never rises up.

    See what happened with Google Talk and XMPP.

  • JSON Parse Error when commenting

    When I am trying to post a comment, often times I will get this JSON error “unexpected token <”. I wonder if the call is erroring out on the server side and you’re getting an HTML error page back?

    Odd thing is that 9 times out of 10, when this happens, the comment will still post. Until i discovered this, I was repeatedly hitting “submit” (since after the error you get sent right back to the comment edit dialog) and repeatedly posting! Now I can identify Memmy users by their repeat comments 😅

    Is this a known issue?

    I’m on and so it might happen more frequently for me as their servers have been going through some stuff lately…

    The "legend" of Zelda: Tears of the "kingdom"

    Are you able to correct the name of the community aftewards? It looks pretty unprofessional to have random capitalization in your title.

    "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" would be correct.

    Be careful when you create communities!

    4am deejay4am

    Reddit refuge

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    Comments 323