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Ask a stupid question, get a far stupider answer.
  • For those who don't know early Christian theology, the book of Genesis talks about creatures called "Nephilem' which were the offspring of angels doing the nasty with humans. They were supposedly giants, and lead to many interesting theories that - in my opinion - reveal more truth to the original historical contexts. Like the "giants" the Israelites saw in the promised land, theorized to be the same thing.

    I don't subscribe to the prophecy/law sections of the Bible but the historical recountings still have more to be revealed. Especially if you start pulling in early apocrypha like Enoch and Ezra.

  • Self-inflicted wound
  • My aunt and uncle are buying a house there this year now that the kids are out of the house. We're already only an hour away from the gulf, not sure what else they're trying to find.

  • Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • Was literally going to ask this same question last week. Past three employers are expecting 8-5 m-f but only pay 40 hours.

    I've just been coming in at 6 before the boss to look like a hardworking then leave at 2 so I only work what I'm paid.

  • iFixit is breaking up with Samsung. ‘Samsung’s approach to repairability does not align with our mission,’ says iFixit’s CEO.
  • So if I were to order a battery replacement part from Samsung would it already be paired with a screen? Or could it be future proofed with a bit of DIY engineering? Cause I love my S22 Ultra, and am tired of upgrading every 2-4 years because the battery starts holding less and less charge.

  • McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills
  • I'm sadly in the demographic of obscene soda consumption.

    By no means am I overweight, more underweight actually, but since probably 12 ive averaged about 6 cans of Coke (Sam's cola ftw) a day. The biggest issue is the teeth wear. I'm 25 now and I only have ~3 or 4 natural teeth, everything else is caps crowns and bridges.

    Soda is realistically as damaging as meth just without the psychosis.

  • Why cant I just shoot my shot?

    Hey lemmos, and lemmettes. Just got off jury duty for a 3 day civil trial. First time juror, had a BLAST despite my expectations, really enjoyable to see a functioning justice system in person, and I also met cute gal also early 20s who was on the jury.

    Now some context, I have not had a date since my ex cheated back around the begining of COVID so ive basically lost any sembelece of self-confidence when it comes to flirting. I'm confident in myself as a person, I'm pretty rad if I'm not being modest, but when it comes to chatting up the ladies, I mentally only can visualize rejection.

    Now I was planning on asking her out for dinner or drinks this weekend following the case, but on the way out she was caught behind walking and talking with some other peeps. I got caught up in my anxious brain and just ended up bailing. Sent a FB messenger pm on the metra ride home but the profile is inactive so I think I missed my chance at a genuine connection.

    Why is my monke brain like this. Why cant I let myself be happy. **All I want is to give somebody the love I can no longer seem to give myself. **

    UPDATE: Connected over linkedin and gave it a shot. In a relationship :( . Still, glad that I tried, and thank you to all the commenters who helped settle my anxiety.

    Why cant the Middle East just chill out?

    I didn't used to understand foreign involvement in wars, like the whole America-Vietnam shenanigans. But I can see why after watching this Israeli Palestine Conflict since birth.

    But now it's like watching two children fighting over who's sandcastles can be built in the sandbox. And what do we do if children can't learn to share? You take away everything and no one is happy.

    So is that what this is going to come to? Do adults need to intervene to quell the infants?

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