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Oprah's long term partner Stedman Graham wanted by the FBI on racketeering charges for forging counterfeit Nintendo consoles and games.
  • Oprah's long term partner Stedman Graham wanted by the FBI on racketeering charges for forging counterfeit

    Nintendo consoles and games.

    supreme linebreak

  • Was Marx possessed by demons?
  • unfortunately. but he was too good at theory so we will have to put up with it. let me know if i can do anything to help you with this

  • The Struggle Is Real
  • me "i just think that we need to eradicate old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits"

    junior property management supervisor "wowwww you're so right"

  • There won't actually be a Sims 5 because EA is going to 'disrupt the sequel model' by shoving The Sims 4, Project Rene, and two other games into one 'massive Sims platform'
  • china is the real disruptor. after the collapse the sims will exist in an open-source eden because we won't have to deal with this copyWRONG mess anymore

  • PSA: Don't search cute animals on youtube. Your recommendations on the sidebar will have thumbnails of animals in distress for clicks.
  • the precursor to me seeking out and nadeko and all that was fully divesting from the yt algorithm. its such crap. i used that Unhook addon to remove all the recommendations, autoplays, and "inapt search results" (yeah, they actually just put recommended videos in the middle of every search result because fuck you)

    goddamn i have barely been watching youtube lately but im still mad

  • Hey old people on Hexbear, remember those "Don't Worry, Be Happy" stickers, buttons, and so on?
  • song forever ruined improved when my brain gave me "what a wonderful gay". i never could recall the actually lyric after that

  • Not enough long range missiles to make a difference for Ukraine
  • i will now engage in my version of the lib ukraineposting and say--- can we please get a donbas-passing, US arms-ending, russian infrastructure-building end to this fucking stupid imperial war. i would love to see this garbage stop. yogthugs can then dedicate all of his time to exposing western hypocrisy on the taiwan ""conflict"" xi

  • US sends 'unserviceable' arms to Taiwan. US Inspector General admits to 'wet and moldy' body armor and other issues.
  • xi considering the fact that China doesn't need to "invade" or whatever, I see no issue with any of this, except we could have filled that space on the boat to Taiwan with disgusting sexpats who will now need to charter a plane

  • I 'need' a new e-reader for less than $100 what are your recommendations?
  • oh yeah I get that. when I was looking at the refurb page most of the models listed that had the comfort light feature had that feature listed along with them. for the most expensive option, I had to go Ctrl F the store page to confirm it also had it

    us ver

    even if they're sold out there, i was using this as a buying guide / reference. seems like a lot of the models have that feature

    im sure some of the oooolder models might not stack up but I have a soft spot for these things for some reason. I think any ereader that lets me read PDFs and has an eink display will p much win for me xi

    e: I have a libra 2 but thats still a fairly new model so even tho I highly recommended (and it does have the warm backlight) I dont think anyone is gonna part with it for a good price

  • I 'need' a new e-reader for less than $100 what are your recommendations?
  • yeah m8 its gonna have to be a kobo as far as I know

    none of the in-stock "certified refurb" options kobo has are a good price, at least not from my end. tho if you aren't looking anytime soon, or for others reading, it looks like their refurb page could have some good deals. that Clara op mentioned has a "reduce blue light" feature and its less than a hundo if it were in-stock

    secondhand market? eBay???????

  • The entire staff of beloved game publisher Annapurna Interactive has resigned
  • i hope all games studios shutter forever + the entire profession goes back to monke with nothing more than tiny doujin teams working together. at least until capitalism finally crumbles

  • Anybody else finding invidious is really struggling these days?
  • my forebears fought hard wars + endless days of field labor but i too have my own struggles; i have to copy paste every URL between and multiple invidious instances when nadeko doesn't work.. sadness

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • midichlorians is just qui gon trying to normalize the fact he got parasites like bro just poop out your tapeworm stop trying to gaslight anakin

  • Imagine being part of the 20-person security team of someone calling himself "Voyager" that wages culture wars on Twitter while sitting on the toilet.
  • elon is getting sick eating neelix's cooking for the 160th episode in a row and now he's dead

  • Locked
    Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • you cant go see them at the stadium venue you gotta see them in concert before they compose their first song

  • It's Bad Opsec But We Say Goodnight Anyway: The Goodnight Thread

    goodnight website

    addendum: alternatively good op-sec for those of us faking going to sleepytimes !big-cool

    real edit: to really mess up the feds try saying good night when u wake up and read this post. they will not know whats real anymore + probably give up after just a little bit of work on your profile

    how bad is it if someone just never upvotes ever again

    this is an experiment i have done for the last week or something. no upbear counters, no upbear buttons, just sorted by new or new comments. it has been very nice, but i know that inevitably somebody is gonna feel like i'm being snooty to them for not upbearing them. its very nice that people are taking time out of their day to engage with me on the net, and i always feel that when i get the notifications, but i think some of them are gonna take it personally if i keep this crap up

    the question: how important is this little courtesy to you???? does it bother you if you dont get upvotes when you are talking to people?

    thank you for your replies but know that for responding to this survey i cannot offer any remuneration. you are encouraged to not upbear this post or even report it if you see any flagrant rulebreaks

    just for context i have done this experiment to see if it feels better and if i feel less obsessive about innernet points/see if i make better comments without the motivation (turns out this one is a no)

    12022081631 12022081631 [he/him]

    12022081631 has ended his posting day

    To leave feedback (constructive), CLICK HERE, knowing this is both the only option I give also specifically considered insecure by the creators of Lemmy (rude of them to opine on my emotional disposition)

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