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GreedFall 2 is setting its sights high, hitting all the CRPG tropes at once

  • I've been slowly playing through the first one. Its a pretty decent game. There's some unique stuff they're doing lore/world wise. The combat could be tighter and the waypointing could use some work but there's a great core and lore. This could be Spiders breakout game.

    • Greedfall was a lot of fun if you specialized in firearms. That mechanic is so OP and it's thematically consistent considering your character belongs to a colonizing power. You can end up one-shotting common enemies and obliterate bosses before they even get a chance to get within melee range.

    • I have a deep love for Greedfall. I think it's sadly pretty underrated. It's very janky, and time and again it's non-AAA nature rears its head, but it has such heart behind it. The good parts are worth powering through its flaws in my opinion, and it's not like they were asking for €60 anyway.

      Like you say, the lore and world building is really quite interesting and I loved what they did with the language. Managing to create and enforce consistent accents for all the natives goes such a long way towards maintaining immersion.

      I'm very curious how the sequel will turn out. Teer Fradee was the best part of the game for me, so knowing that it's a prequel taking place on the mainland makes me a little hesitant.

  • Technomancer next please.

    Spider is, despite the janky play, really really good at making original narratives.

    Say what you want about the movement and combat smoothness, but I've never seen a Mars set game quite like Technomancer. And I've never seen a high fantasy RPG that leans quite as bluntly into saying something important about the role of colinizers in our own 18th century.

    Big ideas and good games with juuuuust barely too little budget to be amazing.