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just hanging out in Kḧzk, exporting my precious ores


tag thyself

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DnD Memes

tag thyself

121 24
  • You see I am a half-human half-elf with demon blood who lives in the outskirts of the elfwood, i studied ancient magic from the lost city of erm and recently returned from retro tokyo where i was trained in the sacred art of kendo and...

    if i show up to your D&D session, please run away

  • out here living in the Relatively Unpleasant Forest, which actually isn't as bad as it sounds. Quiet place, rent's cheap

  • I'm ashamed to admit that my conworld looks way too close to this for my own comfort, albeit with fewer stereotypes and fantasy tropes. Which is to say that all the actually interesting worldbuilding is in the eastern two-thirds of the world, whereas I just sort of phoned in the countries of the western third to consist of not-Intermarium, not-Britain, not-Ireland, and not-America.

  • man i wish more fantasy had & dealt with steppe folks. the game of thrones version sucked, Elder Scrolls has none, Lord of the Rings only has them obliquely mentioned

    • Ashlanders in Morrowind are closest you can get in games, having similar aesthetics, though with differences because Vvardenfell. In lore, Bjoulsae Breton tribes are horse nomads. And of course Alik'r though those are Bedouins rather than Mongols. Also there are some on Yokuda i think.
      All playable in Elder Kings and EK2 mods for Crusader Kings 2 and 3, though idk how many custom mechanics they have, probably way more in CK2 version since that one had nomad DLC while in CK3 nomads are barebons tribals while the game currently is due for huge DLC byzaboos appeasment.

      • i think the Ashlanders are nearer Bedouin too, desert nomadism is similar economically but don't scratch the same itch for big horse-archer society

    • And when they do, it would be nice if they had more going on than being the "Nongols" and actually showcased the depth and breadth of steppe cultures instead of treating them all like Ghengis Khan.

  • I'm the Necrolord, because I've been trying to change my name and official gender to Necrolady, but the fucking wizards of the bureu of gender affairs are fucking me over because I'm "Evil". Fucking unbelievable, I'll invade and freeze the whole country over for this!

  • I'm in the sub-sub-sub-sub-urbs* of ZhZhZh**, trying to perfect my pronounciation and never hear about the rest of Generica. I'm also a dwarf and i'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole***.

    *It's pretty much deeper than the main urbs, and no, it don't include lawns, unless we count mushrooms
    **It's actually pronounced zH!zH!zH!, sorta between loud snoring and sounds of exertion during digging one hole too many
    ***This is as far as i am willing to go, if i hear one more hey ho hey ho, it's axe time.