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Does the MXID in Lemmy's 'Matrix User' field actually show up or get used?

I've always found the Matrix User option that Lemmy has quite interesting, but I have noticed does not even show up anywhere?

The fact this option exists is cool, but what is the use if it doesn't show up anywhere?

  • It should display a "Send Secure Message" button when viewing a user's profile.

  • I think it's typically hidden by UIs for privacy reasons, but you could see it via something like:
    curl --header 'accept: application/activity+json' --location | jq -r .matrixUserId
    curl --header 'accept: application/json' '' | jq -r .person_view.person.matrix_user_id

    As the other comment says, backends hook into Matrix if someone uses the 'Send Secure Message' option to contact you (I don't think that option shows if you don't both have a Matrix ID).