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Randar: A Minecraft exploit that uses LLL lattice reduction to crack server RNG and reveal player coordinates Piped

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More information can be found on this GitHub page.

I linked the FitMC video because he does a decent job explaining it at a basic level and the SpawnMasons, a 2B2T group, are behind the GitHub post.

The original title of the video was "RANDAR: Minecraft's Most DANGEROUS Exploit" but that was a bit too clickbait for me.

  • The exploits that comes out of 2b2t are always super impressive. Nocom was also a wild one.

  • My favorite part of the story is when he entrusted the exploit to one faction who used it for the good of the server.

    • It is neat. I have been binging FitMC's content and with the amount of betrayals in 2B2T I am surprised it lasted so long