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Should I buy my kid Borderlands?

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My foster kiddo's birthday is coming up soon, and we got a REALLY good deal on a PS4 for his birthday. I'm buying him used games to go with the console. I asked him to describe what kind of games he wanted and things he liked in games. He wants a split screen co-op FPS where he's able to hunt for rare loot. He wants a looter shooter that he can play with me. Also odd criteria, but he wants games that I'm good at because it's like "watching a ninja". He explained this, and Borderlands is the only game I can think of that has all of it. He didn't mention Borderlands by name, so it's not like I'd be saying no to anything on his list specifically. I'd settle for a co-op split screen FPS we could play, but there aren't very many of those on PS4.

Here is the issue I'm running into though. On one hand, this child is turning 9. He is just too young for Borderlands. However, this child has also witnessed multiple people die of drug overdoses, watched a million rated R movies with his mom, so censoring things feels weird. Like who am I to censor some middle school grade jokes when he's into morbid things as a result of seeing death his entire life? I'm thinking maybe we just make it a game where I have to play it with him if he wants to play? Any split screen game recommendations for us that may be more age appropriate?

  • Age appropriate? I mean it barely gets raunchy I have no concept of a child appropriate filter regarding when it is okay for them to hear "asswipe" aloud, I should stay out of that. I think introducing a child to Diablo style loot mechanics over repetitive gameplay isn't much better than introducing them to League of Legends.

    • He's been playing Roblox since before I was his foster parent, that's already a thing he's been introduced to on those games. Even worse, CSGO style loot cases are standard in games on Roblox. Borderlands loot system would be a marked improvement over his current favorite games. There are a lot of weird moral issues that have popped up for me because this is not my child, I wasn't there for the first 8 years and had no input on how he was raised before he came into my household. I wouldn't let my kid play Roblox if they were my kid, but he's been playing Roblox for the past 8 years while his mom was busy getting high, I can't take away what was his only social link with other kids for his entire life. It would feel like a punishment, so instead I just play Roblox with him to make sure that he's not getting into too much trouble or playing anything that's totally brain rot.

      Also, I'm more worried about sexual content in the games. I remember BL2 having a lot of sexually oriented jokes, and while I haven't played in years, my 8 year old just doesn't like hearing about sex. He wants me to censor things that are overly sexual. He's thanked me for shutting the TV off before, great kid. I don't remember it being a super sexy game or anything, but if they're constantly making sexualized jokes it's something I'd want to look out for.

      • oh, yeah, would not get an 8yo who dislikes anything sexual into Borderlands, one of the running themes throughout the series is sex jokes - the sex jokes did ramp up in BL2, but there were still plenty in BL1, as I recall.

        unfortunately there just aren’t many splitscreen coop games anymore, and especially not looter-shooters, most of ‘em are one player per TV with online multiplayer. this is a very sad state of affairs but it’s so rare for a game to buck the trend that I can’t think of anything other than Borderlands.

        if you drop the loot requirement, I think the SW Battlefront classic collection would fit the splitscreen shooter requirement? but yeah I’m drawing a blank otherwise.

  • Destiny 2 is pretty similar and more kid friendly. Though it’s also a full fledged MMO where he’ll be playing with strangers, which you should take into consideration. Also there’s no split screen, but it’s free and on basically all the major platforms except Switch

    • I'd also vote for Destiny 2, it's very much Saturday morning cartoon style action violence. Lots of laser beams and monsters rather than dudes. Also the sci-fi is more fantasy-y and make spark a little more imagination. Borderlands, while i enjoy it, I think the sci-fi spaceman laser guns flying across the solar system will be more fun than running amuck on Pandora for a 9 year old.

      • I think you're right. I just wish there were more split screen co-op games in the modern age :/ It feels like they've completely disappeared. I'll download D2 for him because I know he'd love it exactly because of what y'all are describing.

        Is D2 cross platform by chance?

    • Destiny is a decent answer, I know he'd like the gameplay of that. He's been online for way too long, so he has surprisingly good internet etiquette, and calls us in anytime someone says something even somewhat offputting on Roblox. Either to laugh at them, or because they made him uncomfortable. Also won't add random people. Online friends are momentary for him. I could probably get it running on one of our laptops with some low spec adjustments and play with him. Is it cross platform by chance?

  • haven't played that in like a year....

    Its pretty gory, a moderate amount of swearing. Not much in the way of nudity and I'm pretty sure the only female character (player or NPC) while definitely made up as eye candy, you pretty much never see outside of cut scenes and the character color changer screen.

    9 may be a bit young... but I was also watching Robocop shoot people in the crotch and Predator rip people's skulls and spines out in movies when I was 9 so... shrug-outta-hecks

  • Here is the issue I'm running into though. On one hand, this child is turning 9. He is just too young for Borderlands. However, this child has also witnessed multiple people die of drug overdoses, watched a million rated R movies with his mom, so censoring things feels weird

    How in the hell does the mom still have any custody over this child?

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