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How many times have you pooped your pants as an adult? What were the situations you were in when that happened?

I always thought that didn't happened, but based on what I've seen on the Internet, it seems like it is possibly more common that I thought.

  • A couple times over the course of adulthood. All were when I was sick and trusted a fart.

  • Twice, both related to my Crohn's Disease.

    The first was in preparation for my first colonoscopy, where I was told that I was only allowed clear broth, clear soda, coffee, and water for 24hr before taking the colon prep solution. I didn't think the diet would give a mile-long headstart before the prep solution, so I enjoyed copius amounts of clear broth and coffee, which ran through me like a river, resulting in the mishap. The bathroom was only 10ft away from me, but it was still too far given the rapid pressure buildup.

    The second was during an insurance conflict about my Crohn's Medication, resulting in a flareup and multiple weeks of gut agony and loose stool. It got to the point where no flatulence was trustworthy, and I took a gamble because I was so tired of getting up to run to the restroom every time I felt something bubbling (10+ restroom visits a day, each at the slightest sign of stomach rumbling will do that to a motherfucker).

    It is always humiliating, even when I am home alone, and I am hyper concious about the possibility, even when in remission. It fucking bites.

  • Twice that I recall, both while at least mildly ill. Once, in law school, I was late to class and had an assigned seat in the middle of a row, so I was not keen to draw further attention to myself, but I had a rumbly tummy and the bowel wants what it wants. Eventually, despite what felt to me like truly heroic efforts, I did in fact excuse myself, only to find that floor's bathroom was closed. going down a flight of stairs does things to your regular clenching pressure, and by the time I made it to the toilet, "slug of poo" had made its way into my boxers. Damage to the undies was surprisingly mild, but I went ahead and called it a day for the rest of my classes, as I had skipped many times for far less legitimate reasons.

    The other time I was just home with the shits and didn't quite make it once. Afterwards I moved my "I'm sick" nest a lot closer to the bathroom for the rest of the day.

  • First week of new job, late 20s. Just started keto and trusted a fart. Managed to cut it off fairly quickly so it was just a small moist spot that I could somewhat mop up, but I had to sit in an orientation for an hour before I could drive off to buy a change of knickers.

    Keto farts are risky business.