Trans HRT and Endocrinology Resources
Trans HRT and Endocrinology Resources
cross-posted from:
TransDIY Wiki
Getting Started
These are good resources to get started learning about HRT and endocrinology.
Hudson's FtM Guide Testosterone Therapy Basics
Trans Care Project - Hormones: A Guide for FTMs
Rainbow Health Transmasculine HRT guidelines
Transmasculine HRT Wikipedia Page
Transfeminine Science (
Intro to Hormone Therapy for Transfeminine People by Transfeminine Science
Approximate equivalent doses of different estradiol routes/forms by Transfeminine Science
Trans Care Project - Hormones: A Guide for MTFs
Rainbow Health Transfeminine HRT guidelines
Transfeminine HRT Wikipedia Page
Kuhl (2005)—an amazing review about the pharmacology of estrogens and progestogens
General Resources
Resources to get a doctor
Getting HRT in Auckland New Zealand
Finding a doctor in the UK
List of trans friendly general practitioners
Mascara and Hope: A guide for trans women navigating the NHS and transition in the UK
Finding a doctor in the US
List of informed consent clinics in the US (direct link)
Trans in the South: guide and interactive map for finding quality trans providers in the southern US
GALAP: a group of therapists who write letters for surgery/HRT based on informed consent
Blood Tests
Reference ranges to help interpret blood test results (if these ranges are different than the ones printed on your test results, then trust the ones you got from your lab; every lab has different equipment and different reference ranges)
Dr. Powers: Why drawing your blood for hormone labs any time other than right before your next dose is pointless (but a rebuttal by Transfeminine Science)
US blood tests
UK blood tests
List of trans friendly GPs (can provide blood tests even if they don't prescribe your HRT)
Finland Blood Tests
Private blood work guide/experience (Finland)
Bone Density Tests provides tests for osteoporosis that don't require a prescription. They also do muscle/fat composition scans if you want to track muscle growth/atrophy.
Medical Guidelines
Standards, guidelines, or explainers made by healthcare professionals.
A full list of guidelines is maintained by Transfeminine Science
Major Guidelines
WPATH Standards of Care
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care (SOC) (2022, currently version 8 and known as SOC8) are considered by many to be the go-to international guidelines and best practices for trans healthcare.
There is a free download in many languages here:
Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline
The Endocrine Society guidelines (2017) are the major consulted international guidelines on transgender hormone therapy:
UCSF Guidelines
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) trans health guidelines (2016) are quality and thorough:
Overview of masculinizing hormone therapy
Overview of feminizing hormone therapy
Minor Guidelines
Rainbow Health Ontario Trans Health Guide
These are a beautiful overview of trans HRT.
Link to the full site homepage:
Trans Care Project
This is an easy to understand explanation of HRT for trans people:
Royal College of Psychiatry Good Practice Guidelines