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LGBTQ+ Pride Month events could be targets of foreign terrorists, security officials warn
  • I would be much more concerned about domestic terrorists than foreign terrorists at this point.

  • 🏳️‍⚧️ trans girl in southeast Louisiana looking to make friends
  • Hey Emma, hope ya find someone. You're a very cool person and it's been nice knowing you online. Being isolated sucks.

  • Who has been your biggest support during your transition?
  • My siblings have been pretty supportive from day one. I appreciate them. A good friend of mine is a trans man and it's been nice to have someone who understands what I'm going through.

  • I Loved the New (Remastered) Beatles Film "Let it Be"
  • Is this just a remastered version of the original?

  • If you replace the "T" in Beatles with a "G" you get Beagles
  • Real missed opportunity for all those Beatles knockoff bands from back in the day. Looking at you, rutles...

  • Some Paul news
  • I wonder what the story behind it is

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    cross-posted from:

    > Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room > > If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room. > > Sharing and updoots appreciated.

    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    cross-posted from:

    > Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room > > If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room. > > Sharing and updoots appreciated.

    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room
  • I'm having problems joining. When I click on the link it says you're not invited

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room
  • Please crosspost this to trans and ftm

  • Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room
  • Unfortunately that is true, but there's really not an alternative for a lot of the people who need help. Sometimes it's a matter of trusting strangers vs being out on the streets. This is a good thing to have for those people.

  • How do I convince my friend to not join the Navy?

    Not sure if this is the right community to post this, but I'll give it a shot.

    One of my very good friends is planning on going into the Navy in about a year. He's generally a moderate left leaning kinda guy, but is trans. He comes from a navy family which is part of the reason he decided to go in the first place. He's going into mechanics and stuff and not combat which is slightly better I guess, but it's very concerning to me that he's planning on joining especially because he's trans. I also feel that ethically, actively participating in that system is bad.

    How can I dissuade him from joining? I don't wanna go full force argument mode because it's ultimately his choice but I would like advice on how to softly nudge him away from it without affecting our friendship negatively. Thanks.

    Subscribe to his Course?
  • As long as I get a good life idc

  • Subscribe to his Course?
  • It's catmaxxing time fellas

  • trans girl searching for friends in southeast Louisiana
  • Can confirm, Emma is legit. Best of luck to ya

  • How's your week been?
  • Ughhh same with the weather here

  • How's your week been?
  • These are the same people who would probably scoff at countries who do have almost complete separation of men and women (especially before marriage). Such a bullshit ideology they espouse.

    I must ask how that sounds good even on paper.

  • I'm the Duluth Critter
  • Thank you so much for your willingness to step up and help someone from our community in need.

  • T 🙏
  • T stands for testosterone because Jesus is a trans man

  • Important Healthcare Information

    Hey y'all,

    This is specifically for people in the US healthcare system.

    If you are getting a test or procedure done, ask them what the cost is without insurance. It may end up being significantly cheaper.

    I had to go get a basic metabolic panel blood test today and they were going to charge me $350. When I asked what the cost was without insurance, it was $100. Mind you, I have good insurance. It's around $1500 a month.

    This has happened multiple other times with different people that I know. Just asking could save you a significant amount of money.

    The Lord's prayer 🙏🦈

    Our Blahaj who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name

    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

    Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

    For thine is the kingdom, the Glory, and the .zone forever

    Amen. 🙏

    Looking For More Mods (c/Trans)

    Questions for potential candidates:

    1. What is your vision for this community

    2. What time zone/country are you in

    3. Do you have mod experience with reddit or Lemmy

    4. What do you like about c/trans? What would you improve?

    5. Do you have experience with using bots on Lemmy and with the python language?

    Note: there are no right and wrong answers to these questions. The only hard requirement that we have to be a mod is that you have to be an active member of the community and have a history of that.

    Edit: The new mods have been selected. Thank you to everyone who applied.

    Lemmy's Transmasculine Problem

    Y'all, we have a problem.

    These are some of the results of a survey done on our community concerning gender identity:

    1.08% Binary Trans men (4).

    1.08% Transmasculine people (4).

    1.35% Cis women (5).

    That's right, there are more CIS WOMEN on a TRANS community than binary trans men or transmasculine people alone.

    We have a problem.

    This isn't just a Blahaj problem. Another queer instance did a similar survey and found only 3% of their users were trans and use he/him pronouns.

    Not having enough transmasc voices is going to be detrimental to our community. There are plenty of transmasc people on the internet. The problem is with Lemmy.

    So what are we gonna do about it?

    Behold, The Results Are IN

    For context, these are the results of a survey that I gave to the users of c/Trans.

    What are your thoughts?

    Goobert Breaks Into My House

    I tell this story to you as it really happened. I still cannot process the events that conspired.

    It was a chilly spring morning when Goobert first knocked on my door. Upon hearing a knock at my door, I quickly scrambled to hide my 100,000 terabytes of pirated Disney movies and Nintendo games.

    A second knock on the door. A second passed. The door swung open.

    "HELLO I AM GOOBERT" the mysterious visitor said.

    Before me stood a creature that I had never seen the likes of before. It was half-rat, half-peanut, and completely decked out in pirate attire.

    "Hi Goobert, can I get you a glass of sweet tea?" I asked.


    "Wow, I also hate Ronald Reagan, we must have much in common." I said, putting the kettle on the stove to boil.

    Goobert sat down at the kitchen table.

    "I must inquire, why are you in my house?" I asked.


    The kettle began to whistle.


    Are you an FTM or transmasculine individual?

    There's a space for people just like you. It's a good place to ask questions and get support from your fellow dudes and transmascs. We are few and far between on Lemmy, so having a place where we can congregate and have our own place is a rarity. I hope you'll consider joining.

    It's !

    How does fat redistribution actually work on T?

    I have heard a lot of contradictory things on this subject. "It'll happen in six months" or "You have to lose weight and gain it back for it to happen in a reasonable amount of time"

    What's the truth about this? What's your experience with it?

    Ode To My Luscious Leg Hair

    Oh beautiful hair on mine legs,

    Your presence gives me joy,

    Darker and thicker you spread each day,

    In order to help me grow into a boy

    LinkOpensChest.wav Finds Jesus

    LinkOpensChest.wav is at JesusCon, a convention dedicated to His word and presence.

    Somebody bumps into him from behind. He turns around. It's Jesus, the Messiah!

    “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Jesus said, pulling out a gun.

    "Woah dude, I hardly have any money!" LinkOpensChest.wav exclaimed, putting his hands up in the air.

    Jesus put his finger on the trigger and replied, "If you love me, keep my commands."

    LinkOpensChest.wav emptied out his wallet into Jesus's hands.

    "You have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" Jesus said smugly. He swiftly hopped on his skateboard and bolted for the exit.

    "Help, I've been mugged!" LinkOpensChest.wav yelled, but everyone was too busy buying limited edition Jesus figurines and the newest book of the bible had just been announced.

    He came home from the convention empty-handed, having been unable to buy anything with his newly-emptied wallet.

    Source: the bible

    0 new sidekick

    His name is Sir Gilbert Humphrey Hubert II. He said he'd help me pirate Nintendo games and Disney movies. He also wanted me to give him a tour of my moonshine distillery in the mountains.

    Can I trust him?

    cowboycrustation cowboycrustation [he/him]

    King of all crustations. Lord of all cowboys. Brother to all the transes.

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    Comments 367