It doesn't make a ton of sense to argue that Biden is incompetent and somehow magically running a crime family. Those opinions do not jive with one another.
Also, yes, Boebert probably isn't someone who should comment on criminal activity, especially after deciding to fuck someone in a crowded theater.
It's so frustrating that she's 100% in the wrong, but this is still going to legitimize her complaints about Hunter Biden. I can already see the responses complaining that her son got arrested, therefore so should Hunter.
Five felony counts? Jesus christ, that boy's going to prison. I mean, the parents kind of explain it, but christ can't you learn to cash in on your mom's political idiocy instead of stealing cars? (Not that she's going to get re-elected. She's sunk. She's going to lose this primary and it wouldn't surprise me if her son's charges are part of small town cops suddenly deciding to not turn a blind eye at JUST the right time.)
The thing I like about Bogurt is that she just cant help but be hillariously unhinged and corrupt. If life was a comedy movie and not a tragedy reality she would be my favorite character for being too stupid to get anything right and just failing upwards anyways. Her and Marjorine Turning Greene would be good as co-antagonists (theres no good guys in this hypothetical movie) in an american pie style movie focused on gross cougars trying to reclaim their lost feelings of youth and relevancy
Sadly in reality she represents the rot of our society
Edit: forgot to add, they are so tone deaf they keep making Biden sound cooler and cooler. Why not just call him the Godfather at this point?
Just don't forget that ACAB, the police like to plant evidence especially on minorities, and guilt and convictions are not the same thing. Good? Good! Now we can laugh at the hypocrisy
Attacking Biden for the possible crimes of his son is bullshit. Likewise, attacking Boebert for the possible crimes of her son is bullshit. Two hypocrites don't make a right.