88 Posts, 42 Following, 102K Followers · Strolling about sniffing the air and getting used to things...
As we are on Feddit.uk and the Twitter equivalents can be tricky until you build your free, let's have some Brits to follow (or those living here in Britland). Quite a few seem to have gone to mastodonapp.uk.
Stephen Fry - started with enthusiasm but has tailed off
OK, that started with enthusiasm and petered out quickly. So here are some other less famous people doing British stuff (heavily skewed to my interests):
You're not alone. I'm not sure why anyone would want to endlessly scroll through so many posts that say nothing of value.
With Mastodon, it is either a torrent of uninteresting posts or a trickle of uninteresting posts with no effective way to seek out interesting discussions or people.
Even if you only follow people who you expect to post quality content, they still will posts things you don't care about most of the time. This ends up at the top of your feed, which is annoying.
Twitter at least recommends topics that are trending, so you could jump in on things you may find interesting. But what do I know? I deleted my Twitter account years ago. If there's anything worth seeing on it, I'm sure someone will post it to Reddit/here.
Yes, people boosting (?) stuff that I'm not interested in definitely clogged my feed, and most boost more then they post.
And using the all feed was just chock full of non-english posts, which is just so very rarely something I can engage in, I.e. someone who posts cool pics that I dont need context to.
I do winder if I'm just jot using it for the right thing. Ive hears microblogging is good for news.
Yeah, I can't decide if I am just old school, stuck in my Web 1.0 ways of forums and blogs or if I just haven't given it a proper go. I really enjoyed Instagram though so perhaps it's just the latter.
I think the problem with the Fediverse micro-blogging services is that they don't have the numbers and it's a bit more clunky - you have to bills your own feed, there's no "handy" algorithm.
I signed up to Mastodon but just didn't get it and I found Lemmy much easier to get into. It may be just me preferring a more forum-based approach bit others have highlighted how following communities is much easier than following individuals, as it gets you a steady stream of posts pretty quickly.
I have signed up with Calckey and am enjoying the features a lot more, as it integrates perfectly well with Mastodon I may settle there. Just need to populate my feeds....