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New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA

AEW has announced a new match for this weekend's episode of AEW Collision.

New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA

Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Esfinge & Star Jr has been announced for this Saturday's Collision

  • Don't get me wrong, the CMLL luchadors have been great, but I can't help but notice that AEW's usual luchadors haven't been on the show since the CMLL guys showed up.

    As a die hard Penta mark, I cannot abide this.

    • Komander, Gravity, Penta, and Vikingo look to be working ROH this week, so they probably are doing the whole 'eh let's keep em on separate shows so we don't have to listen to Konnan rage-tweet" thing.