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Satnam Singh Moved To Broadcast Team Section On AEW Roster Page
  • Interesting. Satnam obviously has a hell of a look, but he really hasn't had the reps to develop as a wrestler. I'm not sure what role he could fill on the broadcast team, though. Does AEW have a TV deal in India?

  • Ultimo Guerrero explains mask issues that took place on AEW Collision
  • I know, right? It's just such a weird situation all around. Why was AEW promoting him masked, and building the match around the mask? And couldn't anyone in CMLL tip them off to it, instead of just sending them a bunch of footage of him masked?

  • Featured
    SquaredCircle’s Weekly Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! (June 23rd 2024) (Spoilers)
  • I just watched it and... Oh wow.

    Yeah, I definitely need him to win it all

  • β€˜Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • Yeah, it is an interesting statistic, isn't it? It definitely doesn't seem like the kids moving away for better economic prospects is the only factor here.

  • Featured
    SquaredCircle’s Weekly Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! (June 23rd 2024) (Spoilers)
  • Catching up on Collision right now, and god damn it, I want Jeff Jarrett to win the Owen.

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away
  • Huh. There's a lot there I didn't know. Thanks!

  • [PWInsider] Jamie Kellner, Exec Who Canceled WCW Television, Passes Away
  • I mean, was he really influential for good reasons? The two things I know about him are that he killed WCW and he's responsible for Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain. Neither speaks well of him.

  • A new law is shutting down Pride centers in state universities
  • As awful as Kansas can be, at least we have a Democratic governor who protects us from most of the worst of this shit (though the legislature occasionally overrides her veto).

    I'm really afraid of what happens when she gets term limited out. I really hope we don't end up with a Republican governor again, because Kansas Republicans are the worst of the worst of the worst. We gave the world Sam Brownback.

  • [AEW Collision Spoilers] Another match added to the card during Collision taping
  • I don't mind having CMLL involved (though I agree, a separate cross promotion show with then would be better), but I at least would want the show to be all interpromotional matches. Let's face it, for those 3 AEW matches, the door ain't that forbidden.

  • [AEW Collision Spoilers] Another match added to the card during Collision taping
  • Seems like there's a lot of purely AEW matches for Forbidden Door this year.

  • Will Not See - But A Jape
  • Is it that people are throwing around the word Nazi way too loosely, or is it that far too many people are way closer to Nazis than people like you would care to admit?

    (Hint: it's the latter)

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • If the guy went armed into a KKK meeting, it's pretty obvious what he's doing. I wouldn't have a lot of sympathy for the KKK guys, because fuck them, but it's pretty obvious at that point that the guy is playing vigilante.

    It's also worth noting that the first two people he shot were unarmed, and everyone who was in the vicinity thought he was an active shooter.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse's family plead for money as they face eviction
  • P.S. Self-defense isn't murder.

    What Kyle did wasn't self defense. I don't give a damn what the court said, he went looking for trouble with a gun in his hand.

  • Utah's bathroom snitch line hasn't found one legitimate complaint out of 12,000
  • As someone who used to clean bathrooms for a job, please don't hover. You make an insane mess.

  • PAC behind 'dictator' billboard comparing Trump to Fidel Castro says more is coming
  • One woman told Telemundo 51 in Spanish that it was disrespectful to Cuba, Cubans, Trump and the U.S.

    Trump should be treated with no respect whatsoever, and his existence as a Presidential candidate is more disrespectful to the US than any billboard can ever be.

  • Kevin Kelly suing AEW over his termination
  • Honestly, his work with New Japan was really good, from what I saw, but I only really saw him before COVID.

    His stuff with AEW was kinda bad from the beginning. He had no interest in the product, and it showed.

  • Kevin Kelly suing AEW over his termination
  • I guess he has, in a way. He does lead all the press conferences, and he comes out to hype up the crowd before every show. He hasn't made himself the face of the onscreen product, but he is kind of the face of the company in more shoot venues, which is a bit of a change from the early years when The Elite were the ones out there representing the company and he was more of a silent partner.

  • [] Dax Harwood sidelined with an injury.

    Looks like Dax has a hematoma in his back he's been working through since April, but it's bad enough that he's taking time off now.

    Get well soon, Dax.

    [] Adam Copeland To Undergo Surgery For Fractured Tibia

    Cope apparently fractured his tibia during the cage match with Malakai Black, and will need surgery to repair it. Hope to see him back and healthy soon.

    [WrestleView] Tony Khan comments on Oklahoma State Athletic Commission’s warning about Nyla Rose, more Tony Khan comments on Oklahoma State Athletic Commission's warning about Nyla Rose, more - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results

    AEW CEO, President and General Manager Tony Khan spoke on a number of subjects during the Dynasty PPV…

    Tony Khan comments on Oklahoma State Athletic Commission's warning about Nyla Rose, more - WWE News, WWE Results, AEW News, AEW Results

    Notes from the Dynasty media call.

    Good to see him come out so strong in support of Nyla here. Interesting when he says they'll have to "evaluate" how they handle future events in Oklahoma too.

    [AEW REVOLUTION SPOILERS] Tony Khan Gives Update On Match For This Week's AEW Dynamite | 411MANIA UPDATED: Tony Khan Gives Update On Match For This Week's AEW Dynamite | 411MANIA

    Will Ospreay will battle another fellow member of the Don Callis Family on this week's AEW Dynamite.

    UPDATED: Tony Khan Gives Update On Match For This Week's AEW Dynamite | 411MANIA

    TL;DR: There's some concern about Ospreay's condition after the match with Takeshita (rightfully so, some of those head bumps looked nasty), so the Ospreay/Fletcher match that was announced at Revolution may not happen on Dynamite.

    [Cageside Seats] AEW adds some juicy steaks to the Meat Madness match AEW adds some juicy steaks to the Meat Madness match

    A couple more big men join Wardlow for whatever the hell this match is on AEW pay-per-view.

    AEW adds some juicy steaks to the Meat Madness match

    I'm mostly posting this because I love the headline.


    New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA

    AEW has announced a new match for this weekend's episode of AEW Collision.

    New Match Set For This Week's AEW Collision | 411MANIA

    Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Esfinge & Star Jr has been announced for this Saturday's Collision

    [Haus of Wrestling] Mercedes Mone Reportedly Not WWE-Bound; Expected Elsewhere β€˜Imminently’ Mercedes Mone Reportedly Not WWE-Bound; Expected Elsewhere 'Imminently'

    Mercedes Mone has held pro wrestling fans in the palms of her well-manicured hands this week, as she has dropped several teases that she is heading back to WWE. When WWE held its Holiday Tour live event in Boston, Mone was quick to drop a photo on Instagram Stories outside the Boston Garden. Earlier

    Mercedes Mone Reportedly Not WWE-Bound; Expected Elsewhere 'Imminently'

    If "elsewhere" is where I think it is, tomorrow night is going to be interesting.

    [Haus of Wrestling] Backstage News On Dana Massie And Rafael Morffi Leaving AEW Backstage News On Dana Massie And Rafael Morffi Leaving AEW

    It is an interesting time for AEW as we head into 2024, as only one member of The E in AEW, The Elite, is an active member of the roster: Kota Ibushi. "Hangman" Adam Page was attacked by the mysterious devils that have been roaming around AEW as of late and is off television selling his injury....

    TL;DR: Dana has been harboring some resentment over the way the Bucks were treated after Brawl Out. While The Elite themselves have decided to let bygones be bygones, she was never that happy with the situation.

    Morffi, OTOH, simply had a better offer elsewhere.

    [Fightful] Molly Belle: The Punk Paradox (Opinion) Molly Belle: The Punk Paradox | Fightful News

    Editor's note: This is what is called an 'OPINION ARTICLE.' Oxford defines a paradox as 'a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or

    Molly Belle: The Punk Paradox | Fightful News

    No Punk news in this, just what I thought was an insightful piece about Punk and the situation surrounding him

    ImADifferentBird ImADifferentBird

    He/him. Trying out some different instances. If you see this handle on another instance, it's probably me, unless someone else also stole it from Campaign: Skyjacks.

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