It takes a village
It takes a village
It takes a village
I don’t know if anyone has suggested it to him, but perhaps feeding her a magic stew which would temporarily blind her for say, a day, might be punishment enough.
I thought the blinding stew thing was just a joke to scare the kid, but now that I know it's real, I'm equally terrified and intrigued at the same time.
It's not. It's a brand new internet lie.
Do you know it's real?
Doing God's work over here
How did the moms write on that with the surface being the way it is? If I were to try to write anything it would puncture the paper or have difficulty inking the paper with how rugged that pole is.
I feel like you may already know the answer to this question
Not to mention all of the holes that should be in the paper from trying to write due to the giant gaps in the wood visible at the bottom of the image
This is the first thing I thought. Guess I've spent too much time working on the pole. Don't shame me.
Thank you for your service.
Mom magic
Is there a story tale that I'm unfamiliar with?
It's from TrueWagner, he makes these fucking bizarre flyers and ostensibly puts them up. This one is actually fairly sane as far as his stuff goes.
A++ Instagram follow.
I still don't know who is responsible, but someone I know has not only signed me up for his monthly physical joke mail (I'm up to three, expecting four now), but they're paying nearly twice the monthly Patreon subscription to have them mailed to me internationally in Canada.
The first one was a awkward family photo that read something along the lines of, "New family has moved to [my street here]. Please don't talk to us. It's nothing personal, we're just in a religion that makes us not want you to talk to us."
My wife and I had a hell of a time pinpointing where it even originated until finally finding a somewhat obscure Twitter post, using reverse image search on the postcard.
I don't think so, just standard internet absurdity
Feels vaguely like a reference to The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
So vague as to almost be non-existent.
It was funny but I hate how the handwriting in these kinds of things are always obviously the same
They could have at least used different coloured pens
I thought that, but then i noticed there's a pen hanging on a chain next to the paper.
There’s a pen next to the sign. Not one that writes like that, but it does make sense they’d all use the same pen.
I spent 2 minutes studying the handwriting and my conclusion was that it's the same person. You couldn't write against a rough surface like that anyway
Congratulations, you foiled the internet trickster.
I thought it was the same person but that part of her deal was to try to make it look like multiple people had her same idea. Probably for the best it was all fake.
TrueWagner is a gem. At his Patreon you can pay him to send people bizarre letters in the mail for 5 bucks a month.
Babushka Justice can be harsh
the world needs a samurai jack style series of the way of the babushka
Reading the top half, I knew this was either be really wholesome or really troll. I'm glad it was really troll.
I like how they all reign it by adding “for one day” like the first mom was misrepresenting their parenting style.
Edit: first draft worst draft
Is this bait?
it's all just photons, man
You're bait.
I regret to inform you that this joke was publicly retired on September 15th, 2013. Your comment is unfortunately invalid
Going blind from eating that stew? That's a paddlin
ah, family guy and stewie.
My problem with this "joke" is that it's akin to the drinking bleach memes in the way that it can cause actual real harm to people.
Yeah my local store stocks the blinding soup right next to the bone hurting juice.
Oh no, my bones!