What alternative to uTorrent do you recommend and why?
What alternative to uTorrent do you recommend and why?
What alternative to uTorrent do you recommend and why?
qBittorrent. End thread.
Qbittorrent has a killswitch for safety so it can stall all the downloads if you lose connection to your vpn. That's the killer feature for me.
Yep, you can alternatively just bind it to wg0 or whatever your VPN network adapter is.
Yep this is the answer your looking for op
qbittorrent has it's own internal search with plugins, and also can connect with jackett. this way you can search torrents from inside qbittorrent directly.
qBittorrent definitely. Free and open source, no adult/betting ads that you have to pay for an ad free version if you don't want to see them, not installing adware either.
Everyone's said qBittorrent, and I agree. I found myself using an old build of uTorrent for a very long time (2.2.1, I believe). I finally realized it was probably a risk being so far behind. qBittorrent feels like old uTorrent, before it got extra bloated and scummier. It also adds a lot of features. Truly, qBittorrent is the answer you're looking for coming from uTorrent.