We have next door neighbors that are Muslim and are so very kind. They bring us plates of food when they cook and they even scared away some kids trying to steal our car at 2 in the morning.
I wanted to return the favor with a nice card from us and a gift. I don’t know how strict they are with Halal, and I read that Halal-friendly might not be good enough so I’m weary of a gift card to a restaurant even if it says Halal.
So what kind of gift(s) would be appropriate for a thank you? I appreciate any help you all can provide!
I think your over thinking this. Just don't buy anything obviously insulting like Alcohol or pork. As others pointed out, trying to match their tastes is going to be tricky.
It's the thought that counts, if there is something in a basket they can't consume they will likely just regift that item.
I'd go with something safe for the gift like a non food gift or, because nearly all religious food restrictions are related to animal products, a vegan safe gift. Then I would ask them to a dinner/game night. When you invite them you can say that you were a little nervous about asking because you don't know much about halal and set up a day where you can cook together. Gives you a chance to learn a little more about them and build the friendship.
Can you cook with alcohol? An example of what I'm asking about is a mushroom gravy I like, it has wine in it but you simmer the sauce to thicken it after adding the wine so the alcohol has evaporated out of the final dish.
No one's afraid to say anything so much as you seem really annoying. But I'm also annoying, so I'll say something.
That's lame as hell, regardless of their religion. You don't know that they're homophobic and they also did something nice for OP. Why would you give them something intended to annoy them, that they probably can't use, as a gift? Just stupid.
Well, I downvoted because how is this helpful or a thoughtful gift for anyone, unless this is something they specifically have an identity around or are heavily invested in?
Even an LGBTQ+ person I wouldn’t buy a rainbow flag or rainbow gear for unless they specifically wanted one and didn’t have one. I’d try and get them something useful like food, something to entertain themselves, etc.