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Crossposting to community [Lemmy Feature Request] Reposting/crossposting to a community 路 Issue #4187 路 LemmyNet/lemmy

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Reposting/crossposting to a community 路 Issue #4187 路 LemmyNet/lemmy

Submitted this a while back to the Lemmy GitHub issues, thought I would post it back here to possibly grab traction/start a discussion on it

  • One of the big problems with crossposting as it currently exists is that only link posts will actually take advantage of the crossposting mechanics. That is, they will show crossposts under the main title and be combined in your feed. There is no way to do this with text posts, however.

  • I don't really know how to navigate GitHub to see more detail, but how would this improve the cross-posting function that already exists?

    I've used it a handful of times and it seems pretty straightforward.

    • It would be nice if I could share one post across multiple communities and then have all the comments in just one place. As it is now everyone has to decide for themselves where to comment.

      • If this solves seeing the same person posting the same article multiple times and each showing on the feed, then that's a great idea.

      • how will this deal with communities and instances having different rules and "culture" of their own?

        oh, and which community's moderators are going to have permission to moderate the comments section?

        I have not seen a clear answer to either of these questions on any variation of this proposal. do y'all see every community as the same thing with a different domain at the end?

      • Oh I see! That would be awesome.

      • I love this idea but how do you decide to which community a new comment gets posted?

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