So this is for a more popular team which I've been told isn't doing so well this year. And when I said "what's new", I was told " you know where you can go".
For those who asked last time this is all printed in parts and assembled together in one print like so
Files are again available on Printables and Thingiverse though this model is bigger. I shrank it down in the x and y in my slicer by 50% for these prints
You can test this with a simple set of pins and a hollown tube to fit. In anything that lets you define parameters, just set the pins to something like [diameter] - .01x[1, 2,3,4, etc]
The other tip here is to make the parts slightly trapezoidal in cross section, so they start easy and only really pressfit tightly the last bit,
Edit: it’s different for every printer, even printers of the same brand. It depends a lot on how well tuned it is, and just what the total dimensional consistency is between prints.
On my ender3 it was somewhere between +-0.05mm per wall. But with my Prusa MK4 I didn't add any.
I would say to do a test print first and see how well it fits. For me smaller parts are quite snug but fit well enough while larger prints require some glue to prevent them from coming undone.