What's something that feels illegal to know?
What's something that feels illegal to know?
What's something that feels illegal to know?
Historically it was used by white juries to let off fellow racists who committed crimes against minorities, which is why the courts discourage it.
This one can have legal ramifications. Generally speaking, you can explicitly state that you are not willing to follow the law regarding the duty of jury members to make judgements of fact based on the facts presented. You should be able to defend your position, and you may be asked to do so privately.
If you were to potentially taint the jury pool by going on about nullification, that might open you up to contempt charges. I’m not saying that it should, but people interested in the subject should know that it’s a risk they run if they take that approach. Talking about nullification outside the context of a court falls under free speech, but I do think people have been cited for handing out nullification flyers outside of a court building.
I have a similar problem in that I do not believe free will exists, which shifts the idea of “guilt” from a moral to a medical dimension. I could not find anyone guilty of the crime of murder, for example, because there are a whole range of cause and effect cascades that brought the particular action about that had nothing to do with free will or choice. I do think it’s ethical to remove someone who has committed murder from society for as long as that tendency persists, but that’s a very different thing than finding someone guilty of the crime of murder, which requires mens rea - a state of mind that renders an individual as culpable for their actions. I would not find that the defendant had willfully carried out the act, any more than I’d find someone who had an epileptic seizure while driving and killed a pedestrian as guilty of murder. In order to do so, I’d require the prosecution to demonstrate a conclusive neurological argument proving the existence of free will.
Guilt and mens rea can be quite compatible with your admittedly strange idea of there being no free will (and yet trying to parse laws under a framework of people having free will), unless you believe that all acts are coercive (which is quite reductive).
All you need to ask yourself is if the person wanted and intended to do that, whatever the nexus of causes led up to them wanting to do the act.
It seems very weird (and a bit lazy) to subscribe to a framework of there being no free will and yet not even trying to contextualise the safeguards of the legal system to fit that framework. Sure you may agree with putting people in jail to prevent net societal harm, but mens rea is one of the checks to ensure that they will cause societal harm to others, and without being able to settle such a question of fact you will instead never be able to put anybody, even if they need to be put behind bars, there.
I think that prison, especially in its current state, is cruel and unusual punishment.
I also believe that a person having a criminal record that follows them for the rest of their life is cruel and unusual.
I also think removing a persons voting rights is cruel and unusual.
So, I’d have a hard time finding anyone guilty.
I don't think people have free will either. It doesn't follow though that someone couldn't be found guilty of murder. A rock doesn't have free will, but you could say it "wants" to roll down a hill. We all "want" to do things even though those desires are the result of countless variables like genetics, upbringing, nutrition, weather.
In an ideal world the criminal justice system would be designed solely to mitigate future harm caused by criminals, and to reform them to the degree that's possible. I don't think punishment or vengeance should be part of the legal system. Still, we have murder charges because someone murdered someone. And we've got to do something about it, because otherwise the conditions that led to the first murder could lead to more.
Come on now. On a very practical level, you can choose to reply to this message, or not, and that has nothing to do with "a whole range of cause and effect cascades that brought the particular action." Saying you can't make that choice is pure sophism that is tantamount to an excuse. So what's your choice going to be?
Why have a jury if there are expected to vote one way and not the other? Sounds flawed
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Hahaha, many many years ago that was in a meta tag on my website and the welcome banner for my mail server!
anyone remember when this flooded Digg.com the day it came out? Happy days.
Peperidgefarm members
Is that the illegal hash?
You can find the PS3 key floating around too.
How to pass/invalidate a lie-detector test.
They are not considered admissible evidence in court (but the criminal justice system still use them to a degree..), and they can be interpreted with intentional bias, so I think it's fine to share.
One of my psychology professors told me that if you hide something like a sewing needle in your shoe's insole, you can ever so slightly apply pressure so that the poke causes a physiological spike. They monitor for movement, so it has to be very minute. The goal is to do this on every control question so that they cannot establish a baseline and have to give up.
The best way to invalidate a lie detector test is to not take one, because you can not be forced to take one unless you are applying for a job to the CIA.
Phrenology is more legitimate than polygraphs, and Prenology is nothing but bunk hokum.
I had clients in federal probation whose freedom was dependent on the results of annual polygraphs. Refusal was considered a fail, and they'd be shipped back to FedMed or prison. Inconclusive results were also blamed on the clients, and would count as a failed test.
Was total bullshit, especially given the level of function and serious psychiatric symptoms and diagnoses of my clients.
Prenology is nothing but bunk hokum.
Modern IQ testing is often compared to phrenology. In the revised version of "the Mismeasure of Man" (a history of pseudosciences used to measure humans, and why IQ is among them) the author explained that the comparison was unfair... to phrenology.
While the methodology of phrenology is bunk, Gould explained, it's theory is sound. Phrenology supposed that their were different locuses in the brain, each responsible for differing functions and that intelligence, behavior, and consciousness was the sum and synergy of these differing regions. This is still more or less the modern understanding of neuroscience. IQ meanwhile fails in methodology and theory.
I remember seeing some cop show a long time ago where they couldn't figure out how this guy kept screwing up their lot detector tests they were forcing him to take. They found out he was putting a tack under his big toe and using this trick so they scheduled him for another test, but they kept moving him from one building to another looking for the room they were supposed to be in, forcing him to walk a lot.
I think I remember that one as well. Likely was CSI or something
I heard you can just pucker your butthole too and this will affect the readings on the detector
I'm not sure if this is true, likely not, since I saw it in a movie:
At the beginning, when they were establishing the baseline, they asked whether she had ever used marijuana. She said yes, which was a lie, but the interviewer thought it was the truth, because come on, who would've admitted that?
The bottom line is, when they're asking the baseline questions, lie (sometimes).
Again, I don't know how far this is from the truth, but that show was pretty cool.
I'm pretty sure the baseline questions are things they already know the answer to. Like what's your name, where were you born, etc. So lying about them would be obvious.
Anything you see on LockPickingLawyer.
You can infinitely go around and around a roundabout or a clover leaf interchange.
Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament
Last time this was brought up somebody pointed out that in certain countries (Germany, I believe) it is actually illegal to drive without purpose, so endlessly circling the roundabout would be illegal. I'm so confused how this could ever be enforced though, not the roundabout thing, but generally. Not anymore, but during lockdown I would put on an audio book and just drive around the countryside for hours. The purpose was keeping me sane, but I wasn't going anywhere.
Law of thermodynamics has entered the chat
I often take a complete lap around a roundabout if I have people driving too close behind me, they clearly are in a rush to their accident, they don't want to be behind me, I don't want them behind me, one lap of a roundabout solves the issue to our mutual satisfaction.
Juries can nullify any charge based on their own discretion.
Lol this one is actually illegal to tell others. In the UK you can be tried for contempt of court if you're caught telling people about nullification, and the juror's oath tries to explicitly discourage it.
That being said, what's to stop a jury in a case of nullification from... nullifying your case?
Just say "not guilty"
It's possible to bioengineer yeast to turn sugar into morphine.
Unfortunately, I am allergic to morphine, wake me up when they can turn sugar into Dilaudid.
Or better yet, morphine into fully baked sugar cookies.
The proof of concept was done with Hydrocodone synthesis. It seems like they have the ability to tweak the yeast to complete complex synthesis to end product. I would bet Hydromorphone would be possible.
The Anarchist's Cookbook is full of bad information, you should use the US Improvised Munitions guide instead
We train the best terrorists 👍
The Anarchist’s Cookbook is full of bad information
Yes it is... even the title is dreck because it wasn't written by anarchists or even for anarchists.
The US Improvised Munitions books you find online is far better but they are still pretty old, though.
There are free private, and generally better-working versions of almost every software program. Including, operating systems, social media, email, telephone, etc
Blender 3D, Krita, and Gimp have been the pillars of my creative life. And since last year November I've been running Linux.
this doesn't feel very illegal
In a software ecosystem where almost every program or site you interact with expects some form of steady cash flow in a combination of subscription paywalls, pervasive surveillance, and intrusive ubiquitous ads then I think it does.
What does "free private" means?
I'm puzzled.
It comes with complimentary dicks.
I think it's a missed comma. ' free, private'
generally better-working
Generally? I know there's a lot of FOSS fanboys here and I am a FOSS fan myself, but let's not be fanatic and kid ourselves - I wouldn't say FOSS software is "generally" better working. There are perhaps a few cases where the FOSS version is better, but that's more the exception than the rule.
You can resist an unlawful arrest. But good luck with that in the real world.
Yeah at this point I feel like thats only technically possible, as even if the arrest was found to be unlawful, they'll claim something else you did in defending yourself was illegal afterwards
Meh, if it's truly unlawful the DA will drop the charges. Until then you are subject to whatever bullshit the cop subjects you to with virtual impunity. Slap you with disorderly conduct, arrested. Or say they arrested you because you were resisting arrest.
The invisible tracking dots in almost every printer.
Person named Reality Leigh Winner…somehow that sounds exactly like the name of someone who would leak documents
I mean... She's the reason we know the Russians wanted Trump to win and took actions to compromise our physical election infrastructure. She leaked that while the Trump administration was actively trying to bury it.
yeah there's irony to the name and coinciding events... almost like someone named Trump hoarding national secrets after an attempted coup.
You can legally create, own, and use your own flamethrower in the majority of the US.
You can just buy them from hardware stores. They're great for clearing weeds and such.
Insanely easy too. Fill a nerf super soaker with gasoline and glue a match to the end.
Just in case people actually think this is a good idea: do not. Plastic, uncontrolled spray, and blowback is just really shooting uncontrolled fire in all directions. It works in your cartoon world head, but I know someone who tried and suddenly the failure (like escaping fumes around the holder, gasoline versus rubber gaskets meant for water) make you go, "Oh. Right." Thankfully, they only got first degree burns on their face, head, hands, and arms, a weird balding patterns, and missing eyebrows. Thankfully, someone had an ABC fire extinguisher nearby. Yes, alcohol was involved.
The ones I have seen that work involve metal tubing and a secondary mixing of forced air along with a special fuel. https://www.recoilweb.com/flamethrowers-once-tools-of-war-now-toys-67763.html
How to make controlled substances.
It's not illegal for anyone to know, it is also technically legal to make and possess if you have the correct licensing for some substances, but it is illegal to synthesize them.
What's the difference between making and synthesizing here?
In this instance it's likely the same.
Same thing, just used a different word
Walter White rambles about process for 2 hours
That you can leave the interrogation room any time you want if you're being questioned for a crime.
What is the best script to deal with this?
No need to go outside this script?
Police don't care about your rights though.
Making amateur rockets and pipe bombs are basically identical -- for a rocket, one end of the pipe is open. There's a vibrant amateur rockets community nevertheless.
Not really, the whole point of a pipe bomb is for the reaction to happen as fast as possible. This is sub optimal for rocketry.
However, anyone who has tried to make their own DIY solid fuel model rocket motor has inevitably wound up with their first attempt being something between a small bomb and a large firework.
My first attempt certainly was...
A rocket makes for a bad, inefficient pipe bomb. But it'll still take your hand off
You can request your trial to be done by mail, yes this is legal and if you truly want to get out of a speeding ticket or any other tickets or fine. Just do it the trial by mail and always postpone it for a greater chance of the officer just letting you win it. The source for all my information is from a lawyer, also check your local laws or state laws about this, thank you maggoty as it depends.
I think your results will probably vary by state and county.
Ethyl Mercaptan, used as the warning odor for natural gas/propane, is not regulated.
So I could get some and just release it literally anywhere there are people, at least one of whom would inevitably call the fire department and they'd come out and waste a bunch of resources looking for non-existent propane? Huh.
Could still be an act terrorism, since mercaptan has health and environmental hazards. The concentration used for odorizing natural gas is extremely low, since humans can pick up its scent pretty easily. But anything above 500 ppm and you have problems.
Tails OS. I went to search what it was and read the Wikipedia article. Guess I'm on a watch-list now, cause of my dumb curiosity lol
From Wikipedia
In 2014 Das Erste reported that the NSA's XKeyscore surveillance system sets threat definitions for people who search for Tails using a search engine or visit the Tails website
My dumb ass wants to know really bad what Tails OS is and why knowing that'd put you on a watchlist
It's almost too easy to get flagged online sometimes.
On one hand, there's probably something related to that word that should be flagged.
On the flip side, I think of the fox from Sonic when I see that word. There are probably a lot of people with random flags haha
What word? Tails? Like, "Tails" from Sonic? Or "Tails" as in the word I searched and fucked myself on, for being insatiably curious?
Sonic is the first thing I think of, when I think of Tails. Like "Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic and Tails". And Tails was kinda my favorite character... besides Knuckles, because of the gliding plus climbing thing
But yeah, now I'm apparently not allowed to say "Tails" without scrutiny. C'est la vie. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
That being said, I doubt the tracking is all that helpful as there are many people who use Tails as a legitimate system for preserving one's privacy and safety, such as in cases of DV, trafficking, etc.
Your threat definition is allowed to be zero though too. They have just as much interest in marking off curious people as they do in finding people looking to use it nefariously.
Nah, an OS won't make you a haxxx0rman.
Nobody is putting you on a list for downloading tails or kali, both of which are absolutely legitimate and have plenty of uses that aren’t sus
And now I'm on the list because I searched it, lol.
Probably either research chemicals or jailbreaking tech.
As for the former I fell down a rabbit hole reading about research chemicals on some subreddit and hearing people's reports.
Jailbreaking doesn't feel as illegal, I'm not in Japan, but it makes me feel like a badass early 2000s hacker helping my friends with their 3DSs and PS3s and seeing their reactions.
Is "research chemicals" a euphemism or are you literally referring to chemical substances/precursors purchased and used by laboratories that are also available to the public?
"Research chemicals" is a term used for new psychoactive substances that haven't been covered under any laws yet. They were called "designer drugs" decade ago, but that was bad PR.
Chemicals substances and precursors are just called chemical substances or chemicals. You can order almost anything off of a laboratory store online and they'll ship most of it to you through the mail.
Nice try, FBI
Joke doesnt work if it's actually legal.
Sorry mate
Just knowing the history of policing feels illegal. How they normalized this vile paramilitary - essentially institutionalized fascism - right from the start in the UK and the US sure as hell isn't something they will ever show you on Law & Order.
How to make drugs.
How to make explosives.
"1001 ways to kill a man."
"Furthermore, the FBI ruled that The Anarchist Cookbook does not incite "forcible resistance to any law of the United States" and is therefore protected under the First Amendment. While much of the text was deemed to be inaccurate, the FBI concluded that the chapter on explosives "appears to be accurate in most respects"."
As someone mentioned earlier though, the US army published its own book on improvised munitions that is supposedly much more accurate
How to construct systems which are used for civil applications but can easily be turned into weapons.
Or the good old question of science and responsibility: do you use nuclear fission to create energy or to kill an enormous amount of people?
In engineering school there was a joke a professor told us:
What's the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?
Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets.
Any kind of energy can be used for good or diverted for evil. Transport vehicles have a lot of kinetic energy, etc.
Fritz Haber has entered the chat
Knowing how to make explosive whether chemical or otherwise
You can go to the store and just buy tannerite
Anyone remember the Anarchist Cookbook?
A terrible resource full of things that could easily get you hurt if what you did worked
TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook is better
Edit: I should clarify that you shouldn't do anything in this book as it is very dangerous.
The contents of The Jolly Roger Cookbook.
I'm prob on a list now for mentioning it
Is that different from the anarchist's cookbook?
Knowledge is power!
Classified documents feels pretty illegal to know. Especially when there are cia agents tracking you down. That really hammers in the this is illegal feel.
Birdpoop has the core ingredient of saltpeter
This phrasing doesn't make sense.
K(potassium), P(phosphorus), and N(nitrogen) are found in guano, but that's any animal(including human). Bird poop and bat poop are just the ones that quickly build up. But the core ingredient of the poop isn't saltpeter(KNO3), at least not until it starts to crystalize and develop, since coming from the body it isn't KNO3. And, bird poop isn't really, the core ingredient of KNO3 because a chemical like it can be made in many ways, but one of the most common historical processes only needed guano, and water(but water wasn't an ingredient)
What poppy is
That’s the whole system is a scam.
This one is the same as if you could prove you were in a simulation. So what, you’re still in a simulation. Same as the nsa. It doesn’t matter if you heard the Snowden leaks or not you’re still being recorded and stored.
That scientific papers are free, you just have to circumvent the publisher.