It could be that the results you see first are cached on their servers, and expiring from that cache between your searches. however usually when something requested is pulled from a cache, the items lifespan in the cache is usually refreshed so it lives a bit longer.
It could be that certain they are NOT cached at all, and certain sites are rate limiting the DDG crawler hitting them and returning info to you, so DDG takes them out of the results as they cannot confirm the site is alive. I noticed reddit disappeared from the results and we all know about Reddit and their APIs here.
It could also be their ranking algorithm for results is not as deterministic as they want it to be, it could also be that way by design. Page ranking is a closely guarded trade secret, especially at big places like Google. DDG results will never match 1:1 with Google. Personally, I prefer DDGs results to Google.
Can anyone explain what happened DDG? They used to have very objective searching and now it is really targeted, which they claim they don't do.
For example if I search a random term or product I will get a niche buy and sell website that only serves my country and with results from my immediate region. I do disable the location functionality and it just stays the same or switches them up but they're there close to the top.
Is this to mean you believe DDG was presenting identical results with each refresh/new search, while my browser failed to properly display what was returned?
Or perhaps something else?
(I’m not an engineer, just doing my best heh - thanks)