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  • I just closed 47. All of them Amazon...

    My best friend is having a babby...


    Starting a small business and tools are needed...

    I just moved to south Florida, and the bugs are the size of house cats, so I require a salt shotgun...


    Like I've never been a shopping addict, but I had a budget of about $1000 for all of that, and I blew through it QUICK.

    I could see how it could be addictive, but I do know when to walk away.

  • After closing a dozen left over from looking up various topics over the last few days, 164 tabs, some of which are probably 5 years old. I swear I'll look at them someday!

  • Zero. Not using a browser right now but I usually only have 1-2. Anything more than 6 tabs open and I start getting turned around.

  • At current count, 911. I used to sit around 3000 but managed to shave it down, now it's creeping back up.

    Too many things I want to download or read later and not as much time as I used to have. I have been making an effort to use alternative methods though such as bookmarks, YouTube playlists, or just, you know, doing the thing in the moment.

  • Zero across my phone and desktop at the moment. Having more than around 5 tabs open at once does not sit well with me.

  • I organize my tabs by topic window (small project, chunk of work for a larger project, related idea) then kick them into onetab as a bundle with a short description when I'm done with whatever it is I needed them for.

    I typically have 5-30 tabs open in topic windows at any time but I can open onetab and ctrl-f to find anything I've saved over the last 7 or 8 years. There must be 5000 tabs in there at this point.

  • Typically 1~10. Four right now (all four are Lemmy: inbox, another thread, front page, this thread)

    I close them as the tabs bar feels cluttered and/or I see no reason to keep them open.

  • As someone who is anal about closing tabs, the answers in this thread hurt my soul.

    Genuine question, why so many tabs? What are you using them all for??

    • I'm not too happy about them either. To some extent I think I avoid organizing them because leaving them as tabs makes them more "pressing" for me to some day get to reading. I'm like a failed data hoarder/archivist.