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Intent to approve PEP 703: making the GIL optional A Steering Council notice about PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)

Posting for the whole Steering Council, on the subject of @colesbury’s PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython). Thank you, everyone, for responding to the poll on the no-GIL proposal. It’s clear that the overall sentiment is positive, both for the general idea and for PEP 7...

A Steering Council notice about PEP 703 (Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython)

It’s clear that the overall sentiment is positive, both for the general idea and for PEP 703 specifically. The Steering Council is also largely positive on both. We intend to accept PEP 703, although we’re still working on the acceptance details.

Long-term (probably 5+ years), the no-GIL build should be the only build. We do not want to create a permanent split between with-GIL and no-GIL builds (and extension modules).

Short term, we add the no-GIL build as an experimental build mode, presumably in 3.13 (if it slips to 3.14, that is not a problem

Python Rev
PEP 703 is going to be accepted, are you ready for noGIL?
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[HN] The Python Steering Council intent to approve PEP 703: making the GIL optional