A former manager, no longer with our company, got word that I was interviewing for a new job.
She took it upon herself to call my then current manager to inform him that I was looking for a job.
To this he responded that not only was he aware of the situation, but he had helped refer me and and was facilitating the process because my wife had just gotten pregnant, the new job was double the income, and I was gonna need that, and he was happy for me.
I still fantasize about bringing severe misfortune to that woman.
Nah. While I've got zero desire to associate with my ex-wife in any way, shape, or form, we are both substantially different people today than the petulant selfish people we both were when we split up. I wish no ill will toward her.
Given it's a person from a recruitment agency, I wonder if they intended to double dip, get the poor sap fired then try to both fill the new vacancy they created and help the poor sap they got fired land a new gig through them
It's incredible what lengths people will go to experience a short high of moral superiority.
Organized religion does this daily on a grand scale. The Golden Rule has been superceded by anger, fear, hate, and doubt.
I'm obviously generalizing but history shows again and again that religion no longer favors the meek and honest - it's all about how much money the church can grab.
Well, yeah... Jesus was super based. But then Constantine saw the writing on the wall, and rebranded the Roman belief system with a Jesus themed naming scheme before his armies started to understand the full scope of Jesus's teachings, which were a radical third path way of life that made followers useless to Rome and impossible to control
And remember how Rome collapsed, then the church turned into a soft empire for like a thousand years? Remember how they stood above the kings of Europe, dictating who could rule what, in what one might call an empire? Maybe something like the holy Roman empire?
Anyways, I could rant about this for ages, but tldr: Jesus was based, his name was stolen to create a new Roman religion that is in most ways the exact opposite of what he preached
I feel it's important to note that there are good churches out there if you use your common sense to discern if your pastor is legit, like the Bible says to.
Tommy should have fucked with him for longer. Been like “message my employer here"
-guy texts employer to try to get Tommy in trouble.
Boss-“thanks for letting me know, ill make sure to give him a promotion and vacation days. At our company we care about honesty and integrity and twitter is a shithole. Also fuck off I'm my own boss"
I genuinely don't understand how they get that Twitter reply and still try to snitch. Why would they give you their boss's phone number if they weren't 100% sure that their boss would be cool with their posts?
This guy clearly gets off on hurting other people and trying to hurt other people, so I say we don't need to hide this name. Clearly he would actually agrees with doxing behaviour.