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  • I used to be really good at video games, but now I just don't have the time. I remember being able to jump in any CS lobby and jump to the top of the server. I got kicked for supposedly cheating all the time. That was always a good feeling. Knowing that I'm kicking so much ass that people assume I must be cheating.

    My crowning achievement is beating Super Ghouls and Ghosts - both times through (second time with the farie bracelet). This was using an original SNES, no save states or anything. Dedicated an entire summer of my teenage life to it. Game is hard, man.

    Computers used to be a hobby but I turned that into a career. I'm a principal systems engineer and I like to think I'm good at what I do.

    I got really into cooking, and it was maybe a hobby at some point, but now with a family it's more of a necessity. A lot of the things I learned while cooking as a hobby turned into skills though. I'm not sure how to explain it, but like having cooking intuition. Knowing when to add more or less of something just by knowing. Also just being able to freestyle meals out of what is laying around or knowing what can be substituted with what or how to make ingredients out of other ingredients.

  • I really just play video games, and the game I was best at was Rocket League. When I played, I was in the top rank and would regularly end up in matches with actual pros. I wanted to try going to RLCS, but I could never find teammates to sign up with.

    But I also have 100% achievements in all 3 dark souls and elden ring, while currently going for Bloodborne's. Sekiro I haven't even beaten yet... Gonna have to cheese Owl.

  • Hobbies are about enjoyment, not skill. You should never measure your accomplishments with hobbies based on how good you are at them.

    That said... when I was younger, I only indulged in hobbies that I had any skill in. If I sucked at something, I typically gave it up quickly and looked for something else to do.

    Video games were an exception. I enjoyed the gameplay so much, it didn't matter that I was awful at them. I'd grind the same levels over and over, hoping to finally beat it this time.

    Interestingly enough, I'm actually really good at video games now. Not professionally so, but I have a lot more skill than most of my friends. I'm usually appointed team leader in any co-op games I play with my friends because I'm really good at tracking the mission objective and keeping everyone together. And now that I'm retired young, I spend a lot of time gaming throughout the days, which only makes me better.

    I don't play games for the challenge or skill, though. I mostly play to enjoy an interactive story. So I usually turn the difficulty down to the easiest option so I don't get stuck from progression at any point. I can handle really difficult games, but I just don't want to. Unless my friends want a challenge, then I'll crank it up and then be constantly bailing them out from the nightmare they chose to play.

  • I'm a good enough cook that several friends have seriously suggested I apply for Masterchef, but I have no interest in the restaurant side of the competition.

    • Holy shit!! How did you get to that level?

      • I'm not entirely sure, a lot of it is instinctive. My weakness is baking because I'm mostly a 'measure by eye' kind of cook and baking requires more precision than that. I guess I also have quite a good ability to imagine flavor; if I can imagine how a combination of ingredients will taste then it'll usually be a pretty good meal even if I've never tried it before.

        Also, I enjoy cooking which helps a lot. I like playing with good ingredients, learning how they react to different cooking techniques and so on. And I love to entertain and watch people eat food I've prepared. Food is love!

        [Come on over to ! and ! - both could do with more regulars!]

  • Video games? Bad at them. I play lowest difficulty and still die but I have fun. Baking? Pretty good! People like my baked goods and they are almost always eaten before they go bad (unless I make far too much)

    • I'm awful at video games to the point I can't progress. Instead I watch twitch which I really like. What kind of gaming do you do?

      • A lot of roguelikes/lites where I just don't win runs. Also a lot of rpgs, but those usually on the lower levels give ways of reviving! Which is nice.

  • I played Clash Royale and was top 5 in Chile for some seasons, I play Risk Global Domination and ranked Grandmaster, I play chess in Lichess with ratings just under 2000(I once luckily defeated a National Master at a simul), I do Windsurf and I'm terrible at it, I have played Football all my life and I'm average, I like painting and I'm worst than terrible at it. That's about it.

  • Fighting games: I'm a solid upper-intermediate player in most of the games I play. I've got a few tournament wins under my belt for smaller local brackets. At majors, I usually go 2-2 or 3-2, consistently finishing in the top half. Best I've ever done in a large bracket was 9th in Them's Fightin' Herds at Combo Breaker 2022.

    Riichi Mahjong: Master 1 on MajSoul, 7th Dan on Riichi City. Our local club runs a seasonal league where I took 2nd last season and am currently ranked 4th this season, though with IRL games the sample size is a bit small. I know I have a lot to improve on still, my deal-in rate is akin to repeatedly putting my hand on a hot stove.

    Versus puzzle games: Retired out of spite for the sad state of the competitive scene today, but I used to be the top Puyo Puyo player in my state, peaked at a 2700 rating back then. That is a big fish in a small pond though, top Japanese players are so far ahead of us because barely anyone in the west ever took this game seriously. Which leads into the long rant about why I called it quits... I've dabbled in a lot of other games as well, but when it comes to competitive scenes everything else is even more nonexistent than Puyo. There are a lot of games I can call myself good at just by default.

  • I'm pretty good at super smash bros.

    Everything else is complicated. I want to improve but I also don't. I also don't want to stagnate or get worse. And I don't want to abandon them either but I hate doing them.

  • I'm fine in poetry, and terrible in skeleton reconstruction or things like taxidermy because I'm terrible with my hands, but I'll keep trying

  • On a scale of total novice to master, 1 to 10, I'd say I average about a 3. Handily capable compared to the layperson, but unremarkable compared to other hobbyists. I do have a lot of hobbies though