Right for the wrong reasons
Right for the wrong reasons
Right for the wrong reasons
Oh, so climate change is god's doing? What a dick.
Ngl, had me for the first two lines
Either we should have DST 24/7, or not at all
(points to places that do not experience significant deficits in daylight hours due to Earth's tilt)
"See! These places even do it, so no one else should either! (Also because I personally don't like it)"
Still wrong, regardless of the "reasons"
I'm pro-DST all year long.
It may be the only good thing that's publicly obvious and stupid enough that Trump might actually do it.
It won't redeem him, but I'll appreciate the gesture.
Trump also ended penny minting last month. It's like the only thing I agree with him on but hey, broken clocks and all.
I was with them until the god stuff. now I really don't want to meet this person.
I could work with this person. They even take a dig at flat earthers. Plus, they're on the right side of the DST/Standard Time argument: DST only exists because golf courses want more daylight in the evening hours.
If they want to believe it's because it's not godly, then fine. I don't care why they believe it, but they don't believe in a flat Earth, and they want to repeal DST, and I can collaborate on those basis.
Wait wait wait...are you serious about the golf comment? That would be crazy if it's true!
I'm dead serious.
It's full of caveats, though. DST wasn't started by golf courses, of course. And they're not the only businesses that benefit from having more daylight hours after work, when people can go and pay for whatever activity they want to do that needs daylight. But whenever this comes up, golf course lobbies are prominent - they are either sponsoring bills to eliminate standard time, or opposing bills that eliminate DST. They want to preserve DST no matter what; knowing that many Americans would support eliminating the switch, they want it to be DST we end up with.
But, no, they aren't the moustache-twirling masterminds behind DST. They're just a prominent leader of industries that benefit from dark mornings at light evenings (vs the alternative).
Yeah, well Spain does change its hour still. I also hope we stop thin nonsense, but no need to involve religion into this.
That's why we should return to natural time! At any given location and in any given day, the Sun rises at 6 AM and sets at 6 PM. Days and nights have precisely 12 hours each, regardless of time of year. The length of hours simply shifts with the course of the year.
This was how people traditionally kept time, back in the days of sundials or simply telling time by the position of the Sun in the sky. It went away with the invention of mechanical clocks. But, with modern GPS and computers, there's no reason we couldn't return to it. You could have a smart watch that worked on this traditional/natural time system. In the background it tracks time based on UNIX time. But then, based on time of year and you GPS coordinates, it adjusts to match the appropriate hour length for your time of day and location. Coordinating people between geographic location becomes difficult, but I'm sure we can build an app for that. You work the same number of hours throughout the year. Your 8 hour shift is just longer in the Summer and shorter in the Winter.
For those above the Arctic Circle? Well that sounds like a you problem!
Let us return to Natural Time! Let us live as the gods intended!
There are a lot of very good reasons to never do that.
Wait. Are you saying that an hour is no longer 60 minutes, but one 12th of the time between sunrise and sunset?
We lose a lot of light in the winter, and I'm not sure that I want to spend an extra 3 hours at work every day in the summer.
I actually don’t mind the shortened non-dst winter season now.